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The Zionist Thought Police have mastered the art of "linguistic warfare" and have buried many with their Orwellian weaponry. |
The Accusation Of “Anti-Semitism” II: Linguistic Iconoclasm, “Chosen-ness” And The Affirmation of Zionist Arrogance
by Jonathan Azaziah
Anti Semitism I
Prelude: In the first part of this series, the “Israeli” identity was completely demolished for the artificial construct that it is, Zionism was picked apart at its historical roots and permanently linked to the mass murdering Jewish Young Turks, the Jewish roots of genocidal Bolshevism were revealed and many myths of the Holocaust® were exposed. In this volume, the conclusion, we will “flip the script” on all Zionist detractors by deconstructing their linguistic legerdemain and embracing these “buzz words” as our own, fearlessly confront the chauvinistic Jewish concept of “chosen-ness” and bury my original defamer once and for all...
Embracing The Accusation: The Fearless and The Solidarity of The Fake
There is no doubt whatsoever, not even in the slightest, that to properly and effectively debunk the Holocaust® for the ideologically supremacist construct and perversion of the historical record that it is, one must “deny” certain dogmatic elements of it. Truth and lies cannot coexist; period. If you stand with truth, you will not bow down to falsehood. This is as simple as it gets. I want to be as clear as the sun is bright so no confusion emerges from any reader upon the completion of this essay.
I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the National Socialist regime during World War II because it is scientifically impossible that such a thing is so. I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that gas chambers were used by the National Socialist regime to kill Jews during World II because the gas chambers didn’t exist just like WMDs in Iraq didn’t exist. I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that a Nazi “final solution for the Jews” existed because there isn’t one iota of documentary evidence to suggest that it did, as admitted by multiple Jewish historians.
And lastly, I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny the supremacy of Jewish suffering; I categorically reject the ludicrous idea that Jews were the only people who experienced hardship, or whose hardship was more severe than any other group during World War II when 60 million people died during this horrific, gargantuan, Zionist-engineered war. Therefore, I am a Holocaust® denier, and I fearlessly and proudly embrace the label. But it is not because I “hate Jews,” which is what any Zionist-bullied/Jewish-dominated mainstream academic institution would fantastically and screechingly say.
I am a Holocaust® denier and by extension, as well as definition, a Holocaust® revisionist, because it is my sincerest wish that the Jewish people across this globe who did in fact lose family members in the Nazi labor camps know the real reason why those persons died, and it won’t be found in the pathetic excuses for “history” books that have been penned by the Zionist likes of professional liars Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt, Martin Gilbert, Simon Wiesenthal, etc. Adolf Hitler didn’t start a war against international Jewry, international Jewry started a war against Adolf Hitler. Germany did not fire the first shot at World Jewry, World Jewry fired the first shot at Germany.
by Jonathan Azaziah
Anti Semitism I
Prelude: In the first part of this series, the “Israeli” identity was completely demolished for the artificial construct that it is, Zionism was picked apart at its historical roots and permanently linked to the mass murdering Jewish Young Turks, the Jewish roots of genocidal Bolshevism were revealed and many myths of the Holocaust® were exposed. In this volume, the conclusion, we will “flip the script” on all Zionist detractors by deconstructing their linguistic legerdemain and embracing these “buzz words” as our own, fearlessly confront the chauvinistic Jewish concept of “chosen-ness” and bury my original defamer once and for all...
Embracing The Accusation: The Fearless and The Solidarity of The Fake
There is no doubt whatsoever, not even in the slightest, that to properly and effectively debunk the Holocaust® for the ideologically supremacist construct and perversion of the historical record that it is, one must “deny” certain dogmatic elements of it. Truth and lies cannot coexist; period. If you stand with truth, you will not bow down to falsehood. This is as simple as it gets. I want to be as clear as the sun is bright so no confusion emerges from any reader upon the completion of this essay.
I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the National Socialist regime during World War II because it is scientifically impossible that such a thing is so. I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that gas chambers were used by the National Socialist regime to kill Jews during World II because the gas chambers didn’t exist just like WMDs in Iraq didn’t exist. I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny that a Nazi “final solution for the Jews” existed because there isn’t one iota of documentary evidence to suggest that it did, as admitted by multiple Jewish historians.
And lastly, I, Jonathan Azaziah, categorically deny the supremacy of Jewish suffering; I categorically reject the ludicrous idea that Jews were the only people who experienced hardship, or whose hardship was more severe than any other group during World War II when 60 million people died during this horrific, gargantuan, Zionist-engineered war. Therefore, I am a Holocaust® denier, and I fearlessly and proudly embrace the label. But it is not because I “hate Jews,” which is what any Zionist-bullied/Jewish-dominated mainstream academic institution would fantastically and screechingly say.
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International Jewry declared war on Germany; Germany didn't declare war on International Jewry. |
I am a Holocaust® denier and by extension, as well as definition, a Holocaust® revisionist, because it is my sincerest wish that the Jewish people across this globe who did in fact lose family members in the Nazi labor camps know the real reason why those persons died, and it won’t be found in the pathetic excuses for “history” books that have been penned by the Zionist likes of professional liars Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt, Martin Gilbert, Simon Wiesenthal, etc. Adolf Hitler didn’t start a war against international Jewry, international Jewry started a war against Adolf Hitler. Germany did not fire the first shot at World Jewry, World Jewry fired the first shot at Germany.
On March 24th, 1933, long before Hitler implemented any institutional anti-Jewish policies, World Jewry and international Zionism declared “holy war” on Germany, with the powerful American Jewish Congress leading the way. Jewish rallies were held across the United States, the largest of which was in New York City, as Jewish businessmen “united to go on an economic crusade” and boycott Germany’s trade, finances and industry on an international level. Hitler’s boycott of Jewish businesses and restrictions of Jews that followed came in direct response to this act of Zionist economic aggression (65).
Why have Jews from the world over been denied this essential piece of history that is obligatory to what took place during World War II? Because with it, the entire Holocaust® narrative begins to crumble and the Zionist smokescreen that has shielded Jews from the truth for nearly 70 years will fade away into nothingness. Because with it, “Jewish identity” will not only need to be revamped but reexamined and redefined entirely since the Holocaust® and support for the Zionist entity (which is largely the result of Holocaust® propaganda) have been the two bulwarks that have defined Jews as Jews in the West for decades.
A reconstruction of “Jewish identity” or even the total abolition of it, reintegrating Jews into humanity without their superiority and ending the age-long divide between Jews, who views themselves as “chosen” and Gentiles, who Jews view as “goyim,” or cattle, would be catastrophic for international Zionism and the Jewish supremacist agenda. It is also unlikely, no matter how unfortunate that may be, because the fact is that the overwhelmingly majority of Jews are quite comfortable in their Zionist tribalism (2). Wishful thinking and unlikeliness aside, the truth still must always be presented, sensitivities and tribalism be damned.
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Rejecting Jewish supremacism will immediately lead your ears to be besieged with shouts of "anti-Semitism." |
This certainly serves as a blatant confirmation of the ADL’s Jewish supremacist agenda and it also elucidates a far more important social observation, an epic social observation at that, which was pointed out many years ago by the irreplaceable writer, journalist and Zionism/Bolshevism critic Joseph Sobran, “An ‘anti-Semite’ used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews (67).” And in this age, when the “good vs. evil” mantra is very much alive in the struggle between Zionism and all those who oppose it, an “anti-Semite” is one who fearlessly tells the truth about Jewish power, especially when it relates to “Israel.”
Even the mildest of criticisms will immediately damn a person as “anti-Semitic,” no matter how hard your efforts are to avoid it. Due to the pernicious and overpowering Jewish-Zionist control over the mainstream media, in which holocaust propaganda sheerly dominates all major forums, especially that of movies, above and beyond all other historical topics by far (68), to just discuss Jews, Judaism, Jewishness, Zionism, Zionists or “Israel” in any other form except that of gleaming, worshipful admiration and adoration makes one feel deeply, deeply dirty on an intellectual and emotional level. This exceeds the mere realm of the nonsensical; this is psychological manipulation and abuse on a massive scale never seen before in civilization’s history.
Never before has a single topic been monolithically shielded from the tiniest discussion. The Zionist media, and International Jewry as a whole, really, want nothing less than all of the “goyim” on earth getting on their knees and bowing before “chosenite” power. Anything else just won’t be deemed “kosher.”
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The "no criticism of 'Israel' allowed" standard must be abolished for true freedom of speech to permeate the globe. |
And even when Jews commit war crimes and crimes against humanity like Operation Cast Lead, in which rabbis described Palestinian women and children as “the cruel” and told Zionist occupation forces to “show no mercy (74),” in which Zionist occupation forces urinated and defecated on the walls of a home of elderly Palestinians (75) and in which Zionist occupation forces slaughtered 22 members of the Palestinian al-Dayah family, including 12 children and a pregnant woman, in a single day (76), we are not meant to separate Jews from their (self-arrogated) status as “God’s Chosen People.” I am sorry, but I cannot, and will not ever give credence to such illegitimacy, such supremacist thinking and such sheer lunacy; the mere thought of acknowledgment fills me with disgust and lividity.
It must also be noted, for the record, that I entirely reject the term “holocaust” as a means of describing what befell the Jewish communities of Europe during World War II; yes, to reiterate, many Jews died as a result of starvation and typus in the prison-labor camps due to the Nazi regime’s inability to provide them proper food and medicine because of the Allies’ blockade and bombings, and yes, many Jews were shot dead in Eastern Germany, there isn’t a revisionist on earth that denies these truths (37), but a “holocaust,” in the classic and accurate definition of the word, it was not. Not at all. Not even close. Holocaust is derived from the Greek word “holocaustos” which means “burnt as a whole,” and it is referred to in English as “mass destruction by burning” or as a religious animal sacrifice, also by burning.
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Real holocausts, like the one experienced by Palestinians during Operation Cast Lead, which have been engineered by Zionists and their proxies, have been forgotten by mainstream history books. |
However, by referring to other genocides, like the Armenian Genocide or the Ukranian Holodomor as the “Armenian Holocaust” or the “Ukranian Holocaust,” you are not only using an incorrect phrase, but you are belittling these egregious crimes against humanity of Jewish-Zionist and Jewish-Bolshevik intrigue by comparing them to an event that did not happen in any way, shape or form as it was depicted to have happened.
And while Jewish supremacists of the Holocaust® Industry may get a tad infuriated that their “registered trademark” is being used for a group of people other than “God’s Chosen,” ultimately, they don’t mind the phraseology at all because the “homicidal gas chambers” myth is kept alive, well and perpetuated. One would not call an apple an orange, nor would one call a piece of lamb a piece of chicken and one certainly would not a call a murderer the victim of murder. Remember this when discussing the history now known as “The Holocaust®” and refrain from using this Zionist-birthed phrase of deception and supremacism.
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Denouncing the Zionist murder of Palestinian children is classified by the Jewish Power Matrix as "extremism" or "anti-Semitism." |
Much of what has been written in this essay, if not every word of it, will be described as “extremism” by Zionist detractors and “activists” who fear Jewish supremacist power; this, I am unabashedly sure of. One of the standard words used as a synonym for “extremist” is “uncompromising” and this summarizes me in totality; I am indeed uncompromising in my categorical rejection of falsehood, deception, and hasbara and I am equally categorical in my dedication to the truth, the whole truth and nothing other than the truth.
The revolutionary giant Malcolm X once said, “I don't believe in any form of unjustified extremism! But when a man is exercising extremism in defense of liberty for human beings it’s no vice, and when one is moderate in the pursuit of justice for human beings, I say he is a sinner.” Ameen. If this is what Zionists and their rabbinical masters define as “anti-Semitism,” then so be it. We are fighting a war, an information war, and it is time that we turn the weapons of our enemies against them, thus disarming them and their ridiculous, pernicious propaganda efforts permanently.
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The Talmud is a book of Jewish supremacist racism and Gentile-hatred, anyone describing it as anything else is a hasbaranik or a fool. |
If it is “anti-Semitic” to expose the Talmud as a book of the vilest racism, supremacism and depravity known to man which condemns Messiah Jesus (A.S.) as bastard rotting in his own bodily fluids in hell, his holy mother Mary (A.S.) as a whore, incessantly rips Gentiles as subhuman in a plethora of linguistic abominations, promotes pedophilia, and repeatedly advocates the murder of the “best of Gentiles (77),” then yes, I am an anti-Semite.
If it is “anti-Semitic” to refuse to recognize the usurping Zionist entity that has been illegally, brutally occupying Palestine for 64 years and demand that it be dismantled immediately, then yes, I am an anti-Semite.
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The September 11th terror attacks were the work of the Zionist entity's Mossad and its fifth columnist network in the United States. |
If it is “anti-Semitic” to investigate, document and expose the international, interconnected financial, political, religious supremacist and media networks used by Jewish-Zionist lobbies to protect the Zionist entity and international Zionism as a whole (78),then yes, I am an anti-Semite.
If it is “anti-Semitic” to reject the idolatrous religion of “The Holocaust®” and all of the hasbara that is attached to it and irrevocably reject the idea that to show solidarity with Palestine, one must convert to this Jewish-created, Zionist-fueled religion of false gods, false prophets, false “holiness” and false uniqueness, then yes, I am an anti-Semite.
And if it is “anti-Semitic” to ask questions about the terrorist attacks on September 11th (the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith certainly thinks so [79]) that left nearly 3,000 Americans dead and opened the door to endless imperial aggression against the Islamic world through the “war on terror” that has claimed millions of lives already, questions with answers that lead directly to the Zionist entity and a tightly-knit network of Jewish supremacist sayanim that planned, executed and covered up the attacks (80), then yes, I absolutely am an anti-Semite and defiantly, delightfully proud of it.
I will not be bullied into accepting the legitimacy of thought crime; I will not be broken by the meaninglessness of “chosen” linguistic propaganda games; I will not be browbeaten into believing what a group of habitual lying supremacists want me to believe when all facts dictate the polar opposite and to all readers of this essay, you shouldn’t be bullied either. And you should not be fooled by wolves who adorn the clothing of sheep, expressing “solidarity” to cover up their agenda of eternalization of Zionism and destructive infiltration.
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who puts “Jewish self-interest” before the well-being of the occupied, ethnically cleansed, colonized, besieged and oppressed Palestinian people, who puts “chosen-ness” over humanity, your solidarity is fake.
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who recognizes the existence of the criminal usurping Zionist entity, your solidarity is fake.
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who says that the morally detestable, unjust and illegal occupation of Palestine began in 1967 and not in 1948, and who refuses to discuss that Jewish colonization of Palestine began in 1881, your solidarity is fake.
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who does not support the indigenous Resistance movements of occupied Palestine and Lebanon, your solidarity is fake.
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Many "anti-Zionists" refuse to acknowledge that "Zionism" is an international Jewish supremacist empire hellbent on dominating the planet. |
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who is “concerned” for the lives of the “Israelis,” the oppressors, occupiers, terrorists and usurpers of Palestine and who attempt to present a “solution” of equal rights for oppressors (“Israeli” Jews) and oppressed (Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians et. al), your solidarity is fake.
Any Jewish “anti-Zionist” who will only offer “support” for the just struggle against Zionist occupation if Palestinians and Arabs in general recognize the historical perversion known as the “The Holocaust®” in conjunction with the farcical uniqueness of Jewish suffering, your solidarity is fake.
And any Jewish “anti-Zionist” individual or group that uses tactics like the Zionist Power Configuration to smear, silence, slander, insult, attack and defame members of the Palestine Solidarity Movement who have the courage to speak out for 9/11 truth and speak out against the ideology of Jewish supremacism, the racist rabbis that propagate it, Holocaust® hasbara, the barbarity of the Zionist entity and the power of Jewish-Zionist lobbies that shield this criminal “state” from criticism (81), your solidarity is as fake as fake can be.
Enough with you, the lot of you fakers, schemers and deceivers, and peace and blessings to those righteous brothers and sisters of Jewish origin who truly stand up for Palestine and the oppressed everywhere in the name of humanity. To Gilad Atzmon, Paul Eisen, Benjamin Freedman (RIP), Jack Bernstein (RIP), Tali Fahima, Mordechai Vanunu, Professor Israel Shahak (RIP), Naeim Giladi (RIP), Jose Malcioln, Henry Herskovitz, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal (RIP), Robert Friedman (RIP), Juliano Mer-Khamis (RIP) and so many others, thank you, we salute you, in brotherhood, sisterhood, in truth, in justice, in peace.
Conclusion: The Islamic Community, The Jewish Community and The Irony Of It All
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The Zionist efforts to smear, stifle and silence dissent in the name of "anti-Semitism" are endless. |
What outrageous assertions. He doesn’t provide one drop of evidence that suggests “members of the Islamic community” engage in attacks on Jewish solidarity activists just because they are Jews. Nor does he provide any proof that attacks on Jewish solidarity activists by their Muslim colleagues occur “often.”
He provides no evidence because there is none. Jews who participate in the International Palestine Solidarity Movement and who may be harshly criticized are not “attacked simply because they are Jews,” they are exposed for harboring deep Zionist sympathies and elevating intra-Jewish squabbles over the full liberation of Palestine and restoration of full Palestinian sovereignty.
Crypto-Zionism is a dangerous phenomenon and it must be stamped out wherever it is and if Jews in the Solidarity Network are offended by a notion that monosemously condemns the concept of them maintaining tribal allegiance with the Zionist entity while “fighting for the human rights” of Palestinians, then their solidarity wasn’t genuine to begin with. Ironically, Crypto-Zionism is often intimately linked with overt Jewish supremacism, although it is never noticed (or pointed out) by Solidarity activists.
Perfect example of a purveyor of Crypto-Zionism and Jewish supremacism in the Solidarity Movement is Philip Weiss, founder of the influential website, Mondoweiss.net. Weiss readily admits that he is a Jewish supremacist, “Jews are superior; for whatever reason Jewish culture is superior in areas of modern civilized achievement. In discussing My Jewish Problem on this blog, that’s a core Jewish value I would point to: Jewish exceptionalism. Belief in that idea underlies so much of Jewish social attitudes and achievement (82).”
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Philip Weiss: "anti-Zionist," "progessive," Jewish supremacist. |
Because of his belief in the “core Jewish value” of Jewish exceptionalism, it should come as no surprise that Weiss also admits that the desire to see a fully-liberated Palestine in which Palestinians are restored as the Holy Land’s rightful administrators isn’t the driving force of his activism; what drives him is something far more elitist and tribal, “I believe all people act out of self-interest. And Jews who define themselves at some level as Jews -- like myself for instance -- are concerned with a Jewish self-interest. A theory of political life based on altruism or concern for victims purely is doomed to fail.” He also says that, “Jews is: a sense of difference, yes, inevitably of elite identity, that's part of Jewish history and one I struggle with (83).” Weiss certainly deserves credit for being so candid, when so many “Jewish Solidarity networkers” are quite deceptive, but candidness doesn’t equate with solidarity and this tribalism has manifested itself as Zionism; the fact that he proclaims himself to be “anti-Zionist” is irrelevant.
My dear friend and sister Nahida Izzat, a brilliant, luminary Palestinian activist, journalist and poet who has lived in exile since she and her family were thrown out of their al-Quds home by Zionist terrorists during the expansionist ethnic cleansing campaign of al-Naksa 45 years ago, has been banned from commenting on Weiss’ site, ostensibly for her tremendous writings which expose the global Jewish-Zionist lobbying network and how they are integral to keeping the Zionist entity in place as the strangler of the globe. This is despite the fact that Weiss himself has written pieces about Jewish tribal networks that helped him get employed and that these Judeo-centric networks are a blatant reality of today’s media hierarchy (84).This is the exact embodiment of what I discussed in the second part of my “Case of Uri Avnery” series; the Jewish voice is considered to be the more important voice on any matter (including Palestine) while the Gentile voice (including that of the Palestinian, in this case, sister Nahida) is considered to be secondary and lesser.
Weiss also sees value in the insane idea of “getting Zionists on board with boycotting Israel” and stunningly believes that the supremacist, bloodthirsty warmongers of AIPAC are ignorant of what they’re doing, “They are working for people they don't know on the other side of the world... they are pouring out energy and money for people they don't know. And I believe that energy can be shifted (85).” He believes that this dastardly Jewish supremacist enclave of sanguinary war-worshipers are nothing but agents of naïveté who can be “shifted,” presumably into “progressives.” Weiss can speak for himself, or rather, for “the tribe;” AIPAC agents don’t belong anywhere other than a jail cell for the havoc that they have wreaked on the peoples of the Islamic world in the name of Zionism.
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"Israel" did 9/11 and the Jewish supremacists of Mondoweiss wish to conceal this to protect certain tribal interests. |
The main theme of Mondoweiss is the Middle East, with a special emphasis on Zionist-occupied Palestine. Therefore, their policies are based on a horrifically false premise; as this essay has largely demonstrated, Holocaust® revisionism is very much a part of the discourse on Zionist-occupied Palestine and 9/11 truth is equally integral to it, as the Zionist media attempted to frame the September 11th false flag attacks from an “Israelified” perspective from the onset (87).
The Jewish supremacist duo of Mondoweiss isn’t trying to simplify anything; they are trying to protect “the tribe” from any extracurricular criticism that exceeds the boxed limits of what is acceptable to the pseudo-mainstream. First, they cleansed sister Nahida from their comment boards and now they have cleansed revisionists and 9/11 truth enthusiasts, protecting international Jewish intrigue from scrutiny and exemplifying Crypto-Zionism in its purest, classical form.
And while there isn’t a scintilla of evidence that “the Islamic community” is routinely engaged in “anti-Semitic” activities, there is an abundance of evidence that “the Jewish community” is a heavy hand, nay, the dominant, almost-exclusive hand behind the dissemination of Islamophobia in the United States, which globally exports Islamophobia as part of the Zionist “war on terror.” Powerful Jewish-Zionist interests, led by Clarion Fund founder Rabbi Raphael Shore in partnership with the illegal Zionist settler organization Aish HaTorah, were behind the recent release of “The Third Jihad,” a vile anti-Islam film that is being used to brainwash policemen in New York City (88). David Yerushalmi, a 56-year old Hasidic Jew and Zionist fanatic who lived in the illegal West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim, is the original, rampageous driving force behind the “anti-Shari’a” movement and his racist, deranged and baseless views have been adopted and regurgitated by intelligence bigwigs and presidential candidates alike (89).
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The Zionist forces behind the perpetual flow of "Holocaust®" hasbara are the same ones engaged in the funding and promotion of Islamophobia. |
The primary financier of this ugly bigotry is Jewish-Zionist multi–mega-millionaire Aubrey Chernick, who not only foots the bill, the entire bill, for fanatical hate-mongers like the filthy Robert Spencer, the loathsome Pamela Geller, neoconservative heavyweight Daniel Pipes and rabid racist David Horowitz, but also for Zionist intelligence conduits CAMERA, the ADL and the American Jewish Committee. Additionally, Chernick has also given monies to the illegal and well-armed Zionist settlement of Yitzar, ruled by a psychotic “state”-funded rabbi named Yitzak Shapira who wrote the controversial hate-book, “Torat HaMelech (The King’s Torah),” which advocates the killing of non-Jews, including babies, to “curb their evil inclinations (92).”
The fact that Islamophobic bigots and the major Jewish organizations of the United States are funded by a Zionist who also funds illegal settlements in occupied Palestine that are hellbent on committing Gentile-murder shows just how deep the rabbit hole goes. And while the ADL has come out and condemned the likes of Geller and Spencer, its own history of Islamophobia is vast (93).
During the Second Intifada, a time of glorious Palestinian Resistance and monstrous Zionist brutality, American Jews, from the “left” and “right” sides of the political aisle, flocked to the cause of Zionism in record numbers. “Democrat” Jews and “Republican” Jews dropped their traditional political disputes and came together in the name of tribalism and Islamophobia, offering their support to the Zionist entity with hundreds of millions of dollars (94).
Meanwhile, half of “Israeli” society, which is supported wholeheartedly by American Jewry, wants to take Islamophobia to the next level by demolishing Masijd al-Aqsa to rebuild the mythical “Third Temple (95).” It is true that “Jewish peace groups” like Jewish Voice for Peace have stood up against Islamophobia but their efforts ring hollow when their true intentions are to direct (read: control) discourse on occupied Palestine and protect the current status of racial and colonial privileges held by “Israeli” Jews over the Palestinian people (96). Instead of audaciously and baselessly accusing “the Islamic community” of hating Jews, Amsel should take a hard, deep look at his own community and the terror that it is spreading throughout the globe.
And this indeed is the irony of it all. While accusing me of “anti-Semitism,” Amsel did nothing but affirm the thesis of my two-part essay on Avnery: criticizing anything pertaining to Zionism or Judaism in any form or any person associated with it, will not be looked upon rationally, it will not be debated, it will simply be smeared with “anti-Semitism”, buried and hidden like the bodies of Palestinians during the 2002 Jenin massacre (97). Amsel repeatedly, oddly and wrongly pointed out in his short drivel that I “fell into a Zionist trap” while failing to mention to his readers that he himself is an illegal Jewish settler who has been living in criminally occupied al-Quds for 27 years (98).
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Visionary Palestinian thinker, poet and journalist Nahida Izzat, cleansed from the comment boards of "anti-Zionists" Philip Weiss and Steve Amsel. |
Finally, one last remark should be made on the Jewish concept “chosen-ness,” which is truly the primordial supremacism; the primordial racism. In a noteworthy opinion piece entitled “Rejecting Chosenness in favor of Distinctiveness” for the Zeek journal of the Jewish Daily Forward, Rabbi Deborah Waxman states in no uncertain terms that, “Rejecting chosenness is about getting down to the hard work of being one of the many peoples of the world, jostling with one another on the path toward the divine, rather than holding ourselves separate and nurturing a belief in God-given superiority (100).”
Will Steve Amsel, Philip Weiss, Tony Greenstein, Uri Avnery and other Jewish supremacist, crypto-Zionist “activists” howl, screech, shriek and wail that this Rabbi is an “anti-Semite?” Will they slam her as a “self-hating Jew?” Will the ADL join the party and bash her too? The answer is most certainly “no.” In the Zionist-dominated discourse, Jews can openly discuss their supremacy and the self-delusions that come attached to it. It is only when Gentiles discuss this critical matter that the “anti-Semitism” police flash their sirens.
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When the world is without Zionism and its ideological sire, Jewish supremacism, the world will finally know peace. Only a revolution of truth can make this dream a reality. |
For the sake of Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Bahrain and the rest of the oppressed peoples of the globe and their supporters, we must work unrelentingly to end the apocalyptic influence that Jewish supremacism and its junior partner, Zionism, have over our planet. For the sake of humanity, we must end supremacism in all of its ugly forms, even if a certain “chosen” group isn’t ready to give up this self-arrogated privilege just yet; even if they are offended by such a suggestion.
The truth should always be spoken fearlessly, especially when it is an uncomfortable truth that must be brought to light to shatter a nefarious paradigm. The legendary George Orwell, who has also been typically accused of “anti-Semitism (101),” famously said, “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Indeed. And therefore, the question is, in this time of epic falsehood, are you with the revolt against the international system of Jewish supremacism or the counter-revolution attempting to uphold it?
~ End Of Part II, End Of Series ~
The Accusation Of “Anti-Semitism” I: Zionism, “Jewish Israelis” And Revisionism
(65) The Zionist War On Nazi Germany by True Torah Jews Against Zionism
(66) Poisoning The Web: Hatred Online: Internet Bigotry, Extremism and Violence; Chapter – African American Anti-Semitism by The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
(67) ‘For Fear Of The Jews’ by Joseph Sobran, The Institute For Historical Review
(68) V For Zionism by Keith Johnson, Revolt Of The Plebs
(69) Child Arrests Spike. Or Do They? by Paul Berger, The Jewish Daily Forward
(70) In Lakewood Abuse Cases, A ‘Parallel Justice System’ by Hella Winston, The Jewish Week
(71) 44 Charged By U.S. In New Jersey Corruption Sweep by David M. Halbfinger, The New York Times
(72) Israeli Doctors Indicted For Human Egg Trafficking by The Jewish Telegraph Agency
(73) Kosovo Organ Donor Ring: The Israeli Connection by Paul Lewis, The Guardian
(74) IDF Rabbinate Publication During Gaza War: We Will Show No Mercy On The Cruel by Amos Harel, Haaretz
(75) Pots Of Urine, Feces On The Walls - How IDF Troops Vandalized Gaza Homes by Amira Hass, MIFTAH/Haaretz
(76) 6 January 2009: Al-Dayah Family by The International Solidarity Movement
(77) The Truth About The Talmud:A Documented Exposé Of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature by Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(78) The Spider’s Web by Nahida Izzat The Exiled Palestinian, Uprooted Palestinians
(79) Conspiracy Theories About Jews And 9/11 Cause Dangerous Mutations In Global Anti-Semitism by The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
(80) The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(81) Did The Age Of Enlightenment Never Occur? by Nahida Izzat The Exiled Palestinian, Uprooted Palestinians
(82) My Jewish Problem: Jewish Superiority, Jewish Elite by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(83) Gilad Atzmon: Jews And Their Self Interest-An Interview With Philip Weiss by Gilad Atzmon, Uprooted Palestinians
(84) Concerning Mondoweiss, Racism And Freedom of Speech by Nahida Izzat The Exiled Palestinian, Aletho News
(85) Jewish Substitution And The White Gaze by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(86) New Additions To The Mondoweiss Comments Policy by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz, Mondoweiss
(87) September 11, 2001: Zionist Shock Therapy And The Birth Of The Lie by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(88) Islamophobic Film And Its Jewish Backers by J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward
(89) The Man Behind The Anti-Shariah Movement by Andrea Elliot, The New York Times
(90) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(91) Fear, Inc.: America’s Islamophobia Network by George Zornick, The Nation
(92) The Great Islamophobic Crusade: Inside The Bizarre Cabal Of Secretive Donors, Demagogic Bloggers, Pseudo-Scholars, European Neo-Fascists, Violent Israeli Settlers, And Republican Presidential Hopefuls Behind The Crusade by Max Blumenthal, Tom Dispatch
(93) Islamophobia, Zionism And The Norway Massacre by Ali Abunimah, Al-Jazeera English
(94) MIDEAST TURMOIL: AMERICAN JEWS; Unusually Unified In Solidarity With Israel, But Also Unusually Unnerved by Jodi Wilgoren, The New York Times
(95) Half The Public Wants To See Holy Temple Rebuilt by Hillel Fendel, Arutz Sheva
(96) Jewish Voice For Peace? Really by Nahida Izzat The Exiled Palestinian, Uprooted Palestinians
(97) Operation Phantasmagoria III: Juliano Mer-Khamis, Assassinated Hope by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(98) About Desert Peace by Steve Amsel, Desert Peace
(99) Setting The Records Straight by Nahida Izzat The Exiled Palestinian, deLiberation
(100) The Chosen People? : Two Perspectives by Deborah Waxman and Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, The Zeek of The Jewish Daily Forward
(101) Orwell And Anti-Semitism by Joseph Bailey, The Guardian