Wednesday, June 18, 2014

ISIS: The Creation Of A US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate

The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq - Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate - The Islam... thumbnail 1 summary
The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq
- Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate -

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: An instrument of the Western Military Alliance
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The Western media in chorus have described the unfolding conflict in Iraq as a “civil war” opposing the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham against the Armed forces of the Al-Maliki government.

(Also referred to as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS))

The conflict is casually described as “sectarian warfare” between Radical Sunni and Shia without addressing “who is behind the various factions”.  What is at stake is a carefully staged US military-intelligence agenda.

Friday, June 6, 2014


1.Sejarah penurunan surah An-Nasr Seluruh Ulama Tafsir bersepakat bahawa Surah An Nasr ini merupakan Surah Madaniyyah walaupun turun di Ma... thumbnail 1 summary
1.Sejarah penurunan surah An-Nasr

Seluruh Ulama Tafsir bersepakat bahawa Surah An Nasr ini merupakan Surah Madaniyyah walaupun turun di Makkah iaitu  pada saat Haji Wada. Dan ini menjadi dalil bahawa Surah Madaniyah tidak selalu turun di kota Madinah.

Imam Ibnu Abi Hatim di dalam tafsir Al Qur’anul Azhim menurunkan suatu riwayat, tidaklah seorang Nabi diberikan umur  dakwah separuh dari umur dakwah Nabi sebelumnya. Dakwah Nabi Isa  berumur 40 tahun. Dan Rasullullah mempunyai umur  dakwah sekitar 20 tahunan.