Thursday, October 30, 2014

‘Declaration of war’: Abbas warns over 1st Al-Aqsa Mosque closure since 1967

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem has been closed to all worshipers for the first time since 1967. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas call... thumbnail 1 summary

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem has been closed to all worshipers for the first time since 1967. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas called the closure a ‘declaration of war.’

Both Jewish and Muslim worshipers will be prohibited from visiting the site “until further notice,” Israel’s public security minister said. Following the announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered "a significant hike" in the number of police forces patrolling Jerusalem, Naharnet daily reports.

Palestinian authorities quickly responded to the move, saying it was a "dangerous and blatant challenge" that would lead to more tension and instability in an already volatile situation.

"This dangerous Israeli escalation is a declaration of war on the Palestinian people and its sacred places and on the Arab and Islamic nation," Abbas' spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina quoted him as saying.

"We hold the Israeli government responsible for this dangerous escalation in Jerusalem that has reached its peak through the closure of the Al-Aqsa mosque this morning," he told AFP.

He added that the state of Palestinian would employ all legal means to "hold Israel accountable" and put an end to "these ongoing attacks."

Omar Al-Kiswani, director of Al-Aqsa Mosque, told RT the decision to close the site was very dangerous and irrational, saying it would lead to destabilization and a strengthening of tensions not only in Jerusalem, but in the entire region. He said the situation in Jerusalem has been turbulent as a result of the closure.

“We lay responsibility for this decision on the Israeli government and police,” Al-Kiswani said.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

MH17 prosecutor open to theory another plane shot down airliner: Der Spiegel

AMSTERDAM Mon Oct 27, 2014 (Reuters) - Dutch prosecutors investigating the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 believe the air... thumbnail 1 summary

AMSTERDAM Mon Oct 27, 2014

(Reuters) - Dutch prosecutors investigating the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 believe the aircraft might have been shot down from the air but that a ground-to-air missile attack is more likely, a senior prosecutor said in a German media interview.

The Russian government has always said it has radar imagery proving the fully laden Boeing 777 was shot down by a Ukrainian military aircraft flying in its vicinity, but Western officials have never publicly accepted this scenario.

In an interview published by German newsmagazine Der Spiegel on Monday, prosecutor Fred Westerbeke said the Dutch would ask Moscow to provide the information that had led them to believe a Ukrainian aircraft was nearby.

"Based on the information available, a shooting-down by a ground-to-air missile is the most likely scenario, but we aren't closing our eyes to the possibility that it could have happened differently," Der Spiegel quoted him as saying.

"We are preparing a request to Moscow for information ... including the radar data with which the Russians wanted to prove that a Ukrainian military jet was nearby," he added.
In the days after the crash, the United States said it had evidence proving that the aircraft was brought down by a ground-to-air missile fired by Russian-backed forces occupying the area in eastern Ukraine where its wreckage now lies.

An interim report issued by the Dutch Safety Board, which investigates air crashes, listed several passenger jets in flight MH17's vicinity, but no military aircraft that would have been capable of shooting it down.

The fully loaded Boeing 777 airliner crashed over eastern Ukraine on July 17, killing all 298 people on board, more than two-thirds of whom were Dutch citizens.

Dutch authorities leading the international investigation of the crash have come under fierce criticism in the Netherlands in recent weeks from relatives of victims and lawmakers who say not enough progress has been made in identifying the perpetrators.

(Reporting By Thomas Escritt; Editing by Larry King)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

MH-17: The Untold Story

Three months after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was violently brought down from the skies over Ukraine, there are still no definit... thumbnail 1 summary

Three months after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was violently brought down from the skies over Ukraine, there are still no definitive answers to what caused the tragedy. Civil conflict in the area prevented international experts from conducting a full and thorough investigation.

The wreckage should have been collected and scrupulously re-assembled to identify all the damage, but this standard investigative procedure was never carried out. Until that’s done, evidence can only be gleaned from pictures of the debris, the flight recorders or black boxes and eye-witnesses' testimonies.

This may be enough to help build a picture of what really happened to the aircraft, whether a rocket fired from the ground or gunfire from a military jet. - 22 OCTOBER 2014

MH-17 The Untold Story from Al Faedah on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ra-isul Muhadditsin Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi   Mungkin ramai di antara kita tertanya-tanya siapakah penulis buku taklim... thumbnail 1 summary
Ra-isul Muhadditsin Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi 
Mungkin ramai di antara kita tertanya-tanya siapakah penulis buku taklim @  buku hadis yang sering dibaca di masjid-masjid iaitu Kitab Fadhail Amal nukilan Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya rahmatullahu 'alaihi

Mari berkenalan dengan latar belakang dan peribadi muhadithin ini.


Di bahagian barat wilayah utara Uttar Pradesh di sebuah bandar yang diberi nama Muzaffar Naqar di negara India terdapat dua buah desa yang masyhur dengan panggilan Jihinjanah dan Kandalah. Di dalam dua buah desa ini telah menjalani kehidupan sebuah keluarga ilmuan yang memiliki kemulian nama dengan kefaqihan dan keilmuan dalam sumber hukum dan perundangan Islam serta ketekunan dan ketabahan servival (perjuangan) dalam mengimplimentasi agama yang sempurna dalam kehidupan mereka secara keseluruhannya.

Friday, October 24, 2014


DOA AKHIR-AWAL TAHUN Kelebihan Puasa Hari Asyura (10 Mu... thumbnail 1 summary
Oleh Cahaya Purnama

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Puting Beliung Sudah Cerobohi Tanah Melayu?

Tanah Melayu ini bumi yang bertuah. Lebih bertuah berbanding banyak negara lain yang by default mempunyai pelbagai bencana alam seperti g... thumbnail 1 summary

Tanah Melayu ini bumi yang bertuah. Lebih bertuah berbanding banyak negara lain yang by default mempunyai pelbagai bencana alam seperti gunung berapi (Indonesia), banjir besar (Bangladesh, China), kebakaran hutan, puting beliung (AS), tsunami (Jepun) dan wabak penyakit (benua Afrika).

Namun itu dahulu, kini sudah berturut turut kes puting beliung dan angin kuat berlaku sejak beberapa minggu ini. Bermula dengan hujan ribut yang kuat di Kuala Lumpur dalam dua minggu lepas hingga meruntuhkan dinding rumah. Kemudian berlaku lagi di Pendang, Penang,  kedengaran pula selepas itu di Bintulu. Semalam di Pandamaran dan Tambun Tulang Perlis.

Penganjur 'sentuh anjing' tidak tepati persetujuan MAIS

FENOMENA OTAK UDANG LIBERAL ALBUM SHAH ALAM: Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MA... thumbnail 1 summary


SHAH ALAM: Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) pada Selasa menjelaskan penganjur 'I want to touch a Dog' telah tidak menepati objektif program seperti dipersetujui dalam surat permohonannya.

Pengerusi MAIS, Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa dalam satu kenyataan berkata pihaknya difahamkan program berkenaan pada mulanya dianjurkan bagi memberi pencerahan atau kefahaman mengenai hukum berkaitan anjing dalam perspektif Islam.

Beliau berkata menerusi surat penganjur pada 3 Okt lalu, program berkenaan dibuat untuk memberi persepsi sebenar kepada umat Islam tentang keperluan menyelamatkan anjing dalam situasi kecemasan seperti kesakitan atau terbiar.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


KISAH DI SEBALIK GEMPA BUMI UTARA KASHMIR 2005 Samada secara tersembunyi maupun umum, sebenarnya sudah sedemikian banyak amalan-amal... thumbnail 1 summary

Samada secara tersembunyi maupun umum, sebenarnya sudah sedemikian banyak amalan-amalan umat akhir zaman ini yang mengundang bala bencana dari ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala kerana sering mempersendakan hukum-hukum ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Hendaklah kita bersegera mengambil iktibar dari semua ini agar tidak menjadi sasaran kemurkaan ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Setelah dua insiden malapetaka pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia yang melanda negara secara berturut-turut, sewajarnya kita semua mengambil masa yang banyak untuk bermuhasabah serta mengusahakan jalan penyelesaian untuk keluar dari kemelut yang dihadapi umat.

Mengambil kisah di sebalik Peristiwa Gempa Bumi Utara Kashmir (Pakistan) tahun 2005. Tragedi Gempa Bumi ini yang mencatit skala 7.6 richter merupakan antara yang memakan korban terbesar dalam sejarah negara Pakistan. Anggaran kematian untuk kawasan Kashmir dibawah tadbir Pakistan saja 79,000 orang manakala bagi kawasan di bawah pentadbiran India anggaran kematian diletakkan pada kira-kira 14,000 orang, menjadi jumlah kematian pada 93,000 mangsa (hampir 100,000 orang).

Yang berikut merupakan laporan sebuah jama'ah yang telah berada di lokasi tersebut untuk menjalankan usaha-usaha dakwah dan tabligh sebelum terperangkap dalam situasi menghadapi bencana tersebut.

Semoga dengan menghayati kisah jama'ah tersebut menjadi asbab bagi kita insaf dan sedar tentang segala ketelanjuran kita yang lepas lalu meningkatkan usaha untuk kembali pada hakikat Iman dan Amal.


Cubaan halus ke arah liberalisasi dan pluralisasi agama (  |  21 Oktober 2014 3:33 AM PROGRAM SAYA-NAK-PELUK-... thumbnail 1 summary
Cubaan halus ke arah liberalisasi dan pluralisasi agama
(  |  21 Oktober 2014 3:33 AM


"Tetamu-tetamu jemputan saya untuk event "SAYA NAK PELUK BABI" ialah Ustaz Rasul Dahri, Dr Asri, dan Zaid Ibrahim. Kearah Umat Yang Pengasih dan Bertoleransi..." Saya beri jaminan media tidak akan ambil kesempatan.." - AL FAEDAH

IPOH 20 Okt. - Tindakan penganjuran kempen 'Saya Mahu Sentuh Anjing' yang berlangsung di Central Park, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya semalam ibarat jarum halus yang dicucuk kepada umat Islam supaya mendokong liberalisasi dan pluralisasi agama.

Pendakwah terkenal, Mohd. Kazim Elias mendakwa, kempen yang kononnya ingin menghapuskan stigma dalam kalangan umat Islam terhadap haiwan tersebut merupakan suatu gerakan cukup halus, dimulakan dengan satu kempen secara kecil-kecilan sebelum akhirnya bakal merubah serta menidakkan hukum agama.

"Berhati-hatilah dengan kempen sebegini, lepas kempen arak, 'mai' anjing pula, lepas ni apa pula? Jangan lepas ni buat kempen babi pula dengan alasan babi sekarang dah bersih dan diternak dalam pendingin hawa serta mengamalkan tahap kebersihan mematuhi piawaian antarabangsa.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Masanya sudah semakin hampir..   'ALAMATUS SA'AH - SHEIKH HAMZA YUSUF from Al Faedah on Vimeo . عن عمر (رضي الله عنه... thumbnail 1 summary

Masanya sudah semakin hampir..

عن عمر (رضي الله عنه) أيضاً قال: بينما نحن جلوس عند رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ذات يوم إذ طلع علينا رجل شديد بياض الثياب، شديد سواد الشعر، لا يرى عليه أثر السفر، ولا يعرفه منا أحد، حتى جلس إلى النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ، فأسند ركبتيه إلى ركبتيه، ووضع كفيه على فخذيه، وقال: يا محمّد أخبرني عن الإسلام؟! فقال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) : “الإسلام أن تشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأن محمداً رسول الله، وتقيم الصلاة، وتؤتي الزكاة، وتصوم رمضان، وتحج البيت إن استطعت إليه سبيلاً”، قال: صدقت. فعجبنا له يسأله ويصدّقه، قال: فأخبرني عن الإيمان؟ قال: “أن تؤمن بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر وتؤمن بالقدر خيره وشره”، قال: صدقت. قال: فأخبرني عن الإحسان؟ قال: “أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك”. قال: فأخبرني عن الساعة؟ قال: “ما المسؤول عنها بأعلم من السائل”، قال: فأخبرني عن أماراتها؟ قال: “أن تلد الأمة ربتها، وأن ترى الحفاة العراة العالة رعاء الشاء يتطاولون في البنيان”، ثم انطلق. فلبثت ملياً، ثم قال: “ياعمر أ تدري من السائل؟” قلت: الله ورسوله أعلم، قال: “فإنه جبريل أتاكم يعلّمكم دينكم”. رواه مسلم)


Daripada Umar bin al-Khattab radhiallahu 'anhu (mafhumnya); "..Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: Terangkan kepadaku tentang Qiamat. Baginda bersabda: Orang yang ditanya tentang Qiamat tidaklah lebih mengetahui daripada orang yang bertanya. Lelaki itu berkata: Maka terangkanlah kepadaku tentang tanda-tandanya. Baginda bersabda: (Antara tanda-tandanya ialah) apabila seorang hamba perempuan melahirkan tuannya dan apabila engkau melihat orang-orang miskin yang berkaki ayam, tidak berpakaian dan papa kedana yang hanya menjadi pengembala kambing (berbangga-bangga) menegakkan dan meninggi-ninggikan binaan. Kemudian lelaki itu berlalu, lalu aku terdiam sebentar.

Kemudian Baginda bertanya: Wahai ‘Umar! Adakah engkau tahu siapa lelaki yang bertanya itu? Aku berkata: Allah dan RasulNya lebih mengetahui. Baginda bersabda: Sesungguhnya dia adalah Malaikat Jibril yang datang kepada kamu untuk mengajar kamu tentang agama kamu.
[Hadis riwayat al-Imam Muslim, al-Tirmizi, al-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud Ibn Majah dan Ahmad, Musnad] 


 أثر عبدالله بن عمرو في كظائم مكة رواه ابن أبي شيبة في المصنف حدثنا غندر عن شعبة عن يعلى بن عطاء عن أبيه قال كنت آخذا بلجام دابة عبد الله بن عمرو فقال كيف أنتم إذا هدمتم البيت فلم تدعوا حجرا على حجر قالوا ونحن على الإسلام قال وأنتم على الإسلام قال ثم ماذا قال ثم يبنى أحسن ما كان فإذا رأيت مكة قد بعجت كظائم ورأيت البناء يعلو رؤوس الجبال فاعلم أن الأمر قد أظلك وإسناده لابأس به وهو موقوف على عبدالله بن عمرو من قوله

Ibnu Syaibah meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya kepada Ya’la ibn Atha’ dari ayahnya, dia berkata: pada suatu hari, aku menuntun tali kekang unta Abdullah ibn Amr, lalu beliau berkata: "Bagaimana pendapat kalian, jika kalian hancurkan Ka’bah dan tidak menyisakan ada batu yang masih bertimbun? Mereka menjawab: oleh kita yang beragama Islam?

Beliau menjawab: benar, kalian yang beragama Islam. Seseorang bertanya: Lalu apa lagi? Beliau menjawab: kemudian ia akan dibangun dengan yang lebih bagus darinya. Apabila kalian telah melihat terowong-terowong besar di Makkah, dan bangunan-bangunannya menjulang tinggi melebihi pergunungannya, maka ketahuilah bahwa Kiamat telah mendekatimu."
[Riwayat Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan Al-Arzaqi: Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, hadith: 14306: Hadits hasan menurut Al Muhaddith Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah ]

Hamas leader's daughter received medical treatment in Israel

"Tidak memeranjatkan samasekali, bagi yang mengetahui tentang realiti dan hakikat HAMAS. Malangnya, kebenaran itu ibarat minyak wangi ... thumbnail 1 summary
"Tidak memeranjatkan samasekali, bagi yang mengetahui tentang realiti dan hakikat HAMAS. Malangnya, kebenaran itu ibarat minyak wangi atau bangkai. Walau ditutup sekalipun pasti berbau.." - Al Faedah

A daughter of the leader of Hamas in Gaza was admitted to an Israeli hospital for emergency medical treatment this month after she suffered complications from a routine procedure, two sources familiar with the case said.
Ismail Haniyeh's daughter's week-long admission to a hospital in Tel Aviv - which Israeli and Palestinian officials declined to confirm or deny - shows humanitarian coordination between the sides continues just weeks after the Gaza war ended.

Haniyeh, who has 13 children, is the leader of the Islamist group in Gaza and one of its most senior figures overall, serving as a deputy to Khaled Meshaal, who lives in exile.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Bila "Melayu" makin kemaruk dengan "perjuangan hak asasi memegang anjing." Isu sebenarnya bukan pada fiqhnya, kita... thumbnail 1 summary

Bila "Melayu" makin kemaruk dengan "perjuangan hak asasi memegang anjing." Isu sebenarnya bukan pada fiqhnya, kita bukan bodoh, tetapi pada agenda jarum-jarum liberal yang disuntik peringkat demi peringkat pada "Melayu". Itulah khutuwwat syaithan sejak azali. Dia tak bagi serentak. Dia masuk sedikit demi sedikit.

Khutuwwat asy syayathin ini melaksanakan agenda mereka melalui istidraj (beransur-ansur) menarik sasaran ke dalam kesesatan dan tipudaya bukan dengan serentak atau sekaligus.

1. Tadlil: Kaedah menyesatkan sehingga orang merasa benar padahal salah.
2. Shaddun: Memalingkan manusia sehingga lebih suka bermaksiat daripada beribadah.
3. Takhwif : Menanamkan perasaan takut menegakkan kebenaran.
4. Talbis: Mencampur aduk antara kebenaran dengan yang salah.

"Iblis menjawab, 'kerana Engkau telah menghukum saya tersesat, saya benar benar akan menghalangi mereka dari jalan Engkau yang lurus, kemudian saya akan mendatangi mereka dari depan dan dari belakang mereka, dai kiri dan dari kanan mereka, Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur (taat)" (Surah Al-A'raf 7: 16, 17)

Syaitan tidak akan pernah jemu cuba menghalangi manusia dari jalan yang sesat, Dia akan berusaha mencari segala titik kelemahan kita untuk dia sesatkan. Mungkin tentera-tentera Iblis dari kelompok syayathin ini tidak akan mendatangi kita dengan menghasut melakukan zina, meminum arak, berjudi dan sebagainya, kerana dia tahu kita pasti menolak.

Pastinya di sini, mereka memasukkan jarum-jarum kesesatannya dengan menyibukkan diri kita dengan perkara-perkara yang dianggap remeh-temeh atau yang banyak melibatkan khilaf, sedangkan sasaran utamanya ialah untuk menyuntik fikrah liberal kedalam jiwa-jiwa orang Islam.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The U.S. and its NATO allies ... thumbnail 1 summary

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The U.S. and its NATO allies have embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. This “war without borders” is intimately related to a worldwide process of economic restructuring, which has been conducive to the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The U.S. weapons producers are the recipients of  U.S. Department of Defense multibillion dollar procurement contracts for advanced weapons systems. In turn, “The Battle for Oil” in the Middle East and Central Asia directly serves the interests of the Anglo-American oil giants. The U.S. and its allies are “Beating the Drums of War” at the height of a worldwide economic depression.

The military deployment of US-NATO forces coupled with “non-conventional warfare” –including covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”– is occurring simultaneously in several regions of the world.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


It’s the stuff of Sci-Fi horror, and it’s no longer confined to Hollywood… - 21st Century Wire While elite US and European families like... thumbnail 1 summary
It’s the stuff of Sci-Fi horror, and it’s no longer confined to Hollywood… - 21st Century Wire
While elite US and European families like the Rockefellers, along with their dynastic underlings like Bill Gates (image, above) continue their obsession with over-population, while investing heavily in vaccines and dispensaries in the Third World, terms continue to become blurred by evermore deceptive labeling of seemingly artificial threats:

“Other lines of current immunological contraceptive research continue to seek what, during the 1930s, Max Mason of the Rockefeller Foundation called “anti-hormones”: vaccines to block hormones needed for very early pregnancy and a vaccine to block the hormone needed for the surface of the egg to function properly.”

Considering current events, this should be a subject of concern to the public at large…

The article below, by author Shepard Ambellas, looks at this influential US foundation/think tank’s idea, or future scenario where a ‘New World’ is be formed following a major biological pandemic. The prestigious Rockefeller Foundation appears to have already mapped out our future for us:

“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains.”

Sunday, October 5, 2014


President Recep Tayyeb Erdogan his wife German deputy speaker: NATO must stop Turkey support for ISIS thumbnail 1 summary
President Recep Tayyeb Erdogan his wife
ISIL, Turkey: The Dream of Restoring the Glories of Sublime Ottoman State

by Israa Al-Fass (22 September 2014)
We have witnessed the severity of the ISIL organization in demolishing all the shrines, temples and tombs, even those that are attributed to the prophets and the companions, as being a manifestation of shirk (polytheism), as said by them. However, when it comes to the shrine of the grandfather of the Turkish Ottomans “Suleiman Pasha” inside Syria and in the areas under the ISIL control, not only did ISIL refrain from destroying it, but facilitated the entry of Turkish troops to such shrines and protected them. The ISIL forces are to date protecting it and did not destroy it”.
The writer Nawaf Qadimi passed these words unnoticed, and in a two-part article published in the “Al-Arabi Al-Jadeeed” newspaper, funded by Qatar, the Saudi Muslim Brotherhood writer answered a question title: “A big question ... how was the ISIL created?”, then another annex followed under the title “Back to the question ... who stands behind the ISIL?”. The answer came sequentially: the government of Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, all the way to Syria ... they are all clearly naïve about what is meant by Qadimi’s above mentioned turn of phrase.

Recep Tayyeb Erdogan stood on July/2012 before his Party’s audience to justify the intervention of his government in the crisis in Syria, saying: It is that we are the descendants of the Seljuks, and the remnants of the Sublime Ottoman State... “The Justice and Development Party (AKP) is a party in which the spirit of the Seljuks [1] and the Ottomans is deeply rooted”. Putting emphasis on his position, he repeated it while addressing another speech on September in the same year, saying: “We are walking in our conqueror ancestors’ footsteps starting from Sultan Alp Arslan* reaching to Fatih Sultan Mehmet “the Conquer” [2]. Having assumed power in 1046 AD, Alp Arslan, the second ruler of the Seljuk state, has been able to expand the boundaries of his state inciting sectarianism in his wars against the Fatimids, particularly. During his reign, Nezamiyeh schools, which were toughening up a certain doctrine and which considered other Islamic doctrines as infidels, have been established.

He also lavished funds on advocates being brought by him to Baghdad to accuse the Fatimids as infidels and to call for fighting them. Perhaps Alp Arslan’s inheritance, which Erdogan is glorifying, help us understand Turkey’s policy not only in terms of its interference in the Syrian crisis, but even regarding its support for the Takfiri organizations, the foremost the ISIL.

Friday, October 3, 2014


MEKAH 30 Sept. - Seorang ulama terkemuka Arab Saudi menasihati jemaah supaya tidak melakukan selfie semasa menunaikan ibadah haji, sebaliknya memberi tumpuan bagi menunaikan setiap rukun haji dan umrah dengan sempurna.

Portal berita melaporkan ulama terkenal dari Jeddah, Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Al-Badr sebagai berkata, Allah memerintahkan jemaah haji supaya menunaikan ibadah itu tanpa riyak dan tidak menghebahkannya kepada orang lain.

"Ketika Rasulullah SAW tiba di miqat, baginda bersabda: "Allah memerintahkan ibadah haji dilakukan tanpa riyak dan tidak dihebahkan kepada orang ramai.''

Wahyu itu disampaikan ketika baginda tiba di miqat diikuti dengan tindakan dan amalan membersihkan rohani.

"Jemaah haji sekarang gemar mengambil gambar apabila tiba di miqat. Bukan setakat itu, mereka juga mengambil gambar semasa melakukan tawaf, semasa bermalam di Padang Arafah serta ketika melontar jamrah," katanya.


  Analysis of the reasons for the crash of flight MH17 by Ivan A. Andrievskii First Vice-President of the All-Russi... thumbnail 1 summary


Analysis of the reasons

for the crash of flight MH17

by Ivan A. Andrievskii
First Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Organization Russian Union of Engineers, Chairman of the Board of Engineering Company “2К”.27 September 2014

1. The event

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 (Amsterdam —Kuala-Lumpur) departed from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol at 10:14 UTC (14:14 Moscow Time) and was scheduled to arrive at its destination at 18:10 local time (22:10 UTC/2:10 Moscow time).

Echelon 330, including the 10 kilometers altitude that the crashed Boeing was flying at, was open for international transit flights over the territory of Ukraine. According to the data provided by the airline, contact with the airplane was lost at 14:15 GMT, approximately 50km away from the Russian-Ukrainian border. However, according to internet portal Flightradar24, the airplane stopped transmission of ADS-B over Snezhnoe (the last reported coordinates — 48.0403° northern latitude 38.7728° east longitude (G) (O)) after 13:21:28 UTC (17:21:28 Moscow time, 16:21:28 local time) at an echelon of 33 thousand feet (a bit over 10 kilometers).

Later on, the wreckage of the airplane was found burning on the ground on the territory of Ukraine. The plane crashed in the area of village Hrabove (not far from Torez). No one from the passengers and aircrew members survived.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hari Arofah adalah hari di mana Allah menyempurnakan Islam dan menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya ketika itu. Hari Arofah adalah hari haji Akbar m... thumbnail 1 summary
Hari Arofah adalah hari di mana Allah menyempurnakan Islam dan menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya ketika itu. Hari Arofah adalah hari haji Akbar menurut  majoriti salaf. Hari Arofah juga adalah hari istimewa bagi umat ini.

Anas bin Malik pernah mengatakan, “Hari Arofah lebih utama dari 10.000 hari-hari lainnya.”[Latho-if Al Ma’arif, Ibnu Rajab Al Hambali, hal. 489] Siapa saja yang berpuasa ketika itu akan mendapatkan ampunan dosa (yaitu dosa kecil) untuk 2 tahun.