Sunday, October 18, 2015


The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-... thumbnail 1 summary
The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-made missile.  The Dutch report does not say who fired it.
Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area.  Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.  
- See more at:
"Oleh kerana saya mengenali adik beliau secara peribadi, saya hanya mengharap dan mendoakan agar pihak atasan negara memiliki tahap kewarasan & keberanian yang sama dengan Kolonel Mohd Sakri Hussin, Ketua Penolong Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN). Adalah diharapkan statemen beliau ini mendapat sokongan sewajarnya dan bukan sebaliknya meletakkan beliau dalam sebarang kesukaran." - Al Faedah 

Satu²nya rumusan yang dicapai oleh laporan tersebut adalah perkara yang kita sememangnya sudah tahu sebelum ini: Iaitu sekiranya pesawat itu dijatuhkan dengan peluru berpandu BUK, maka ia adalah peluru berpandu buatan Rusia.

Laporan Belanda itu tidak pun menyatakan siapa/pihak mana yang melancarkan nya..

Dan sememangnya, laporan tersebut tidak menyalahkan Rusia, tetapi sebaliknya menyalahkan UKRAINE kerana tidak menutup ruang udaranya yang terdedah kepada kawasan perang (dari pesawat awam). 

Ekoran itu, sebagai respon kepada laporan tersebut , para peguam pemerhati sudah pun menyatakan bahawa besar kemungkin keluarga² mangsa MH17, malah Penerbangan Malaysia sekalipun, akan memfailkan tuntutan saman keatas Ukraine kerana kecuaian - Paul Craig Roberts


The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-made missile.  The Dutch report does not say who fired it.
Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area.  Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.  
- See more at:
The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-made missile.  The Dutch report does not say who fired it.
Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area.  Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.  
- See more at:
The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-made missile.  The Dutch report does not say who fired it.
Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area.  Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.  
- See more at:
The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew:  if a Buk missile brought down the ariliner,  it was a Russian-made missile.  The Dutch report does not say who fired it.
Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area.  Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.  
- See more at:
'Borodai, Russia bukan dalang' - Kolonel Mohd Sakri Hussin

Friday, October 16, 2015


Polis Israel telah mengenakan had umur di perkarangan Masjid Al-Aqsa pada hari Jumaat sebagai langkah keselamatan pencegahan, di mana hany... thumbnail 1 summary

Polis Israel telah mengenakan had umur di perkarangan Masjid Al-Aqsa pada hari Jumaat sebagai langkah keselamatan pencegahan, di mana hanya lelaki Palestin lebih dari 40 tahun dibenarkan masuk untuk menunaikan solat.

Jurucakap polis Israel, Micky Rosenfeld berkata, langkah-langkah keselamatan berada di tempat di seluruh Israel dan Jerusalem. Tiada laporan sekatan ke atas wanita.

Sementara itu, sekitar 130 jemaah dari Gaza, kesemuanya berusia 60 tahun keatas, bersembahyang di tempat suci awal Jumaat dalam lawatan mingguan di bawah penyeliaan pihak berkuasa.

Perkarangan Masjid Al-Aqsa telah menjadi takat kilat bagi pertempuran selama beberapa minggu, dengan tentera Israel berulang kali menyerang tempat suci untuk memberi laluan bagi penganut agama Yahudi, dalam siri cuti agama mereka sepanjang bulan September.

Rakyat Palestin khuatir Israel sedang berusaha untuk mengubah peraturan kawalan tapak, di mana selama ini orang-orang Yahudi hanya dibenarkan untuk melawat, tetapi bukan bersembahyang sebagai langkah meredakan ketegangan.

Pada awal Oktober, polis Israel telah mengambil langkah yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelumnya, dengan pengharaman warga Palestin dari memasuki Kota Lama Timur Jerusalem selama 48 jam, selepas dua insiden serangan menikam di mana dua warga Israel terbunuh.
Sekurang-kurangnya 32 rakyat Palestin terbunuh oleh tentera Israel di Tebing Barat dan 12 di Semenanjung Gaza sejak 1 Oktober.

Tujuh Israel telah terbunuh dalam tempoh masa yang sama dalam serangan Palestin.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


( #countercoup1msia ) Malaysia Today, 10 Oktober 2015 - Sesuatu perkemb... thumbnail 1 summary

Malaysia Today, 10 Oktober 2015 - Sesuatu perkembangan yang baru telah muncul sejak saya mengeluarkan artikel terbaru saya hari ini (ADAKAH ZETI MEMBERI “PUKULAN MAUT” KEPADA NAJIB?) Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) kini diminta untuk menyaman 1MDB untuk jumlah USD$5.5 bilion atau kira-kira RM23-24 bilion (Lihat petikan berita di bawah).

Monday, October 12, 2015

Does Rothschild own all Central Banks?

Controversy continues to rage about Central Bank ownership. Most major Central Banks, except for the FED, are publicly owned. However: th... thumbnail 1 summary
Controversy continues to rage about Central Bank ownership. Most major Central Banks, except for the FED, are publicly owned. However: this is not really important. Control is what matters and Central Banks are the Money Power’s centralized controllers, private or publicly owned.
Apart from the Fed, it is incorrect to state that Rothschild owns all central banks. This is important, because getting straightforward facts like these wrong is clearly damaging the credibility of conspiracy theorists. Central banks are a mixture of both: they have public and private aspects.
But the bottom line is that central banks do the bidding of the Money Power. It originated in Babylon and spread through the world via Jewish Supremacism. 
It hides within Jewry and behind other proxies, most notably Freemasonry and the Vatican. And of course the Banking Cartel, which is a global, monolithic bloc.
Through banking it also controls all major industries. This power base allows them to control every Government and every Nation on the Globe and they are looking to externalize the Hierarchy in a New World Order.
by Anthony Migchels on July 15, 2013 (Real Currencies)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Putin Must Move Against the Central Bank

President Vladimir Putin vs The Central Bank of Russia The Russian President urgently needs to de-couple Russian economy from Western ec... thumbnail 1 summary
President Vladimir Putin vs The Central Bank of Russia
The Russian President urgently needs to de-couple Russian economy from Western economic orthodoxies 

Wed, Dec 10 2014 - Putin’s recent speech to the Federal Assembly contained two parts: a foreign policy part which was nothing short of historical, and an internal economics part which was very disappointing to say the least.

In fact, I would say that it was outright frightening.

I won’t post the full text here, but you can consult if for yourself by clicking here.

But here is my summary of Putin’s message:

Checkmate: The Central Bank of Russia

March 25th, 2015 - The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) belongs to a foreign state – the City of London . The City of London still hands out... thumbnail 1 summary

March 25th, 2015 - The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) belongs to a foreign state – the City of London. The City of London still hands out orders to the Russian financial institution, with Washington watching closely over her shoulder. Should the CBR wish to print currency, it can only do so with a corresponding change to its foreign currency cash flow, and can only buy US bonds for dollars paid for Russian oil. It’s a situation f that  much resembles a noose around the neck of the Russian economy. Once the knot is pulled tight, the economy will struggle and choke.[1]