Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Dark World of Finance: Part 1 ~ Part 2 “US DoJ vs 1MDB Civil Suit”

Written by DR WAN MUHAMAD HASNI   July 26, 2016 The recent filing of the US Dept of Justice, in collaborations with the FBI as well as th... thumbnail 1 summary

The recent filing of the US Dept of Justice, in collaborations with the FBI as well as the IRS of the United States on the seizure of assets of certain individuals and parties, which relates to the funds that are allegedly being misappropriated from the Malaysian owned 1MDB Berhad, deserves some very close attention.

My approach here is to focus on financial transaction matters and not the political matters.

It is a very important lesson to learn about financial transactions, wire transfers, usage of bank accounts, usage of law firms accounts, investment bankers, offshore companies and entities, usage of arts and collectibles as covers for transferring ‘monies’, usage of money changer for remitting monies, and also of particular matter is usage of US Dollars as based of transactions or remitting monies, and so on. Lessons of this nature are very rare to come to full blown exposure and public domain, as it were used to be the channels and methods available to and used only by the wealthiest of the wealthy, and far too complicated and opaque to the common people, even those from established countries like the United States.







I hope that this article and probably a few series of this writing help those who wishes to understand more of the what I called “the Dark World of Finance”. I plan write on the subject in a series of articles, and I took this occasion to start writing on the subject since the current case is a high profile case and many people are interested to understand and make some sense about the subject. As I have indicated, I would avoid any political issues, which is not of my main interest, but lessons of politics could also be learned and deduced. But I leave that to the reader to derive and arrive at their own conclusions.

The current US Department of Justice Civil Suit for the “forfeiture of assets” related to allegedly ill gotten monies from 1MDB specifically under the “United States kleptocracy asset recovery initiative”, which is based on the law that was passed in the United States in 2010, as part of the global initiatives by the United Nations and other developed nations worldwide to combat corruptions at international level. In the case of the United States, the enforcement of this is done under the “Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section (AFMLS)” of the US Department of Justice, with the FBI and other coordinating agencies (such as the IRS, State Authorities, etc).

What’s interesting about the case, which are noteworthy are as follows:

That the US DOJ undertook the case even though there are no known application or request from 1MDB or Malaysian Government; which means it was done based on unilateral decision by the US DOJ. Which also means that the US, as a matter of practice could and would do actions not necessarily based on the requisition of the main party concerns. And the basis they could do this is clear: once the alleged ill gotten monies moved to the United States jurisdiction. Once they occurred, they do not need the foreign government’s concern for them to initiate any actions.

This is the important underlying issue of “jurisdictions of actions”. Hence, it is important to understand that the local laws of any country, are crucial part of any movements of any monies. Understanding that, and abiding by these laws is really a critical matter for any financial transactions (legal or otherwise).

The US DOJ undertook the action under a “civil action” filed at a US District Court in California, specifically invoking Title 18 of the United States Code (which is the criminal and penal code of the federal government of the United States; It deals with federal crimes and criminal procedure.)

They have choices of filing under civil or criminal; and by the fact that they did it under civil and yet at the same time maintaining that the issues are still part of ongoing investigations – implied that they had chosen an easier (and less demanding proof in the courts) to first freeze the assets concerned (which are listed by the DOJ in its filings), with immediate effect; and they could use many provisions provided under the US laws to freeze those assets (which among the easiest one is the tax laws).

Furthermore, Title 18 of the US Code is about criminal code, which underlie the severity of the subject matter, despite its civil filing. Furthermore, as the case could be, as it progressed and as investigation continues, it could be further affirmed by criminal proceedings. We cannot rule this out.

The next issue is to understand the role of banks; after the Patriot Act and further revision of Dodd-Frank Act in the US, banks have to fully complied with disclosure and providing information to the authorities. If you read the filing by the DOJ, it is very clear that most of the “damning” information (if I may use such word), came from the bankers, mainly from US based banks (such as Goldman Sachs, which were used for the raising of the bonds for 1MDB), and various other “clearing banks” such Mellon Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and others. We must understand that any transactions involving US Dollars must “pass through” the United States; generally through one of the US Dollars clearing bank based in New York. Hence, for example you send money from say Singapore to Switzerland in US Dollar, has to pass through a US Bank (i.e. clearing bank).

Therefore, no US Dollar transaction (except through money changer) will not be “known to the US Government”. Furthermore, banks are required to record their conversations, keep all copies of emails and faxes as well as any correspondence made for any of such transactions. In short, once you deal with US Dollar, or US banks, you are already under the jurisdiction of the United States, regardless of where you are, and where you transact. The fact is, you already falls under the US jurisdictions and you submit to that law (again regardless of your citizenship and residency). Therefore, the US Government could or may take action against you, if you violate any laws of the US (or sometimes, other international laws).

The other issue, which is less highlighted in the current filing is violations of other laws in the US, namely, the Money Laundering laws (which are relevant, but not fully explained in the current filings), the tax laws (which, again not clarified but I believe would further come at later stage, as part of their on going investigations), interstate transactions (within the US), and possibly few other statues of the law, such as the Securities laws (related to the bond issues by Goldman Sachs). These would depend upon co-operation by many parties, and of particular concern would be by the parties named in the current suit. In the case of legal suits, I could see clearly that the US authorities are “seeking some, if not all of these parties” to “cooperate” with the US authorities to seek leaner sentences.

For example, I am sure that officers of some of the banks like Goldman Sachs would have done their “cooperation part”. This is typical of the US methods of criminal actions in the past. the question would be, who is the “big fish” that they are trying to get at? Is it Jho Low or someone else? That is something that could be seen or observe as the case runs its course. If some others named cooperated and volunteered more information, or some of the owner of the assets named are to contest the action, then there will be more revelations. But if all the parties named do not contest in the court, then the DOJ’s filing and actions for the case is then confirmed – which then allows them to move to the next stage – criminal proceedings (if any).

Another issue of interest is, should the parties named contest the suit (by filing the counter motions), or simply just accede (without any contests)? In either case, what would the implications be? Let us assume that the parties file their defense (through their lawyers presumably): then the case will likely go for full trials – which is something that most would like to avoid – since many people would be subpoenaed to give their testimonies (in open or closed court, depending on ruling by the presiding judge). In such case, the possibility of Malaysian Government Official 1, could be subpoenaed as well; anyway, as far as the document goes, he is of importance in the transactions.

Furthermore, what will other witnesses say during those examinations is something that is beyond control of anyone. The penalty of perjury in the United States is quite severe, and to take Fifth Amendment is not possible for non-US citizen. Therefore, logically, no defense will be made by anyone – and hence the case will be won the US DOJ hands down. But this will lead yet to other issues: what will the US DOJ do with the seized assets? Will it automatically be returned to 1MDB or Malaysian government?

The answer is no. 1MDB or Malaysian government must filed in the US for claiming such assets back; otherwise, it will remain forever in the hand of the US Government. If such filing will be made, then whoever submits it, must further adduce evidence that such was the case in conformity with what the original civil filing by the US DOJ. As such, that would further condemn some parties and people related to the case. That is an issue that Malaysian Government will have to deal with, and it is not an easy matter since at least eight people named (directly or indirectly) are purportedly carrying Malaysian passports or Malaysian citizen.

Lastly, in another twist, what if some Malaysian citizen individually or jointly, file a class action suit in the United States related to the case and matter. That would off course makes the case more complicated and a full blown media and negative publicity would ensure, in the US, internationally, as well as locally. So far, I have not heard of such move; but nobody could rule out this possibility. More importantly, is the role of IPIC (and Aabaar of Abu Dhabi) and the Government of Abu Dhabi in the current case is unclear.

We also do not know whether this suit may also be triggered by them, since they are one the “losing party” in those purported transactions. What is known thus far is that IPIC had file an arbitration case in London for their claims against 1MDB for some of the payments via some contractual document to made good to them, which 1MDB had denied and refused to make such payment. if the current case is won by the DOJ, then it would strengthen their claims in the arbitration case against 1MDB; which if awarded to IPIC, must then be made good by 1MDB (at least based on those arbitration decision, if it is won). In short, the drama is still unfolding, and the final verdict is far from clear.

So far, the above comments are made on the Civil suit by the DOJ; and I have yet explained about the transactions that were undertaken as reported in the filing. I will address this in Part 2 of this series of article.

In future series, I will also share my knowledge in this so called “Dark World of Finance” which I intend to educate about financial transactions that could go wrong.

If you want to download the DOJ filing, please do so here: DOJ USA Complaint 20July2016


In this part, I would like to point out and highlight the alleged transactions, as explained in the US DOJ Civil Suit filings. Again, I would like to do it in summarized point forms, for ease of reading and understanding.

Usage of offshore companies and entities: why offshore companies, such as ones based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) or other similar jurisdictions.

Mainly because of allowance of creation of companies with some sounding names such as “finance”, “investments”, and usage of some famous names such as “Blackstone” (similar to the famous US Blackstone Group), “Aabar” (similar to Aabar of Abu Dhabi) – which in effect provide some sense of legitimacy due to those names, despite that it could just be a shell company (i.e. company without any real assets and operations).

The company could operate with bearer shares (i.e. the beneficial shareholders do not need to appear on records) and it could operate by a single person from almost anywhere.
These jurisdictions are tax havens – which means there are no corporate taxes involved, saved for some fees to be paid to the local authority (which could be somewhere in the range of USD3,000 to USD10,000 per year).

The offshore companies are needed to provide avenues for opening of bank account under such names, and yet it could be operated singly by a person (in control of those entities).

In the case of US DOJ suit – clearly shows the massive usage of offshore companies to benefit from those items clarified above. This relates to Goodstar, Aabar BVI, Tanore Finance, Abu Dhabi Malaysia Kuwait venture, and so on. These companies and the bank accounts, as the documents explained, are all operated in such manner.

Banking accounts and transfers of monies: why Anti-Money Laundry laws (or generally known as AMLA in Malaysia) are circumvented.

First rule of AMLA is the source of money – it has to be legitimate. The transactions as explained in US DOJ filing clearly attacks on the subject matter. This has to rely on the officials of the money originator (like officers of 1MDB, the various offshore companies officers) – what they submitted to the originating country’s regulators (e.g. Bank Negara, MAS, etc.) as to the source of the money; and to the bank officers (compliance as well as account officers), as to what they disclose in the transmitting documents (in this case SWIFT messages as well as official emails).

The main approach undertaken is either to “falsify documents” or “to legitimize documents”. The first one is possible if the banks take it on the face value (without further verification’s, which is possible), and on the second one, is to find ways to satisfy the compliance division (which is also possible).

Second rule of AMLA is the usage of the money – it has to be legitimate as well. Most people thought if the money is to be invested in legal avenues, then they are legitimate. What they forget is the original mandate of the “owner” of that money. If they violates the “original mandate”, then it does not matter whether what it has been spent on, it is still illegal.

In the current case – both subjects are examined, and both had failed the test (based on the claims made by the DOJ).

Why US Dollar transactions are under US jurisdictions?

We must understand that all banking remittance of US Dollars must pass through one of the US Correspondence bank? Why – because US Dollars are the PROPERTY of US Government. Hence sending money from Ambank Malaysia or Deutsche Bank Malaysia to Swiss Bank in US Dollar, pass through US JP Morgan Bank (in the current case).

Once US Bank is involved, those US Bank (and all parties that dealt with it) are under US jurisdictions (under US laws). Hence, they must co-operate with US authorities, and all those that deal with them must also cooperate. Due to this reason, we see all communications, such as by Deutsche Bank in Malaysia were made available to the US authorities (even though Deutsche Bank Malaysia is not under US jurisdiction directly, and for that matter the Deutsche Bank Group may have larger stake in the US than here in Malaysia). Nobody should claim that the information obtained by the US are illegitimate. They do have such jurisdictions under US laws.

Once a transaction is covered under some US laws, then the rest of the US laws would apply to those transaction. There is no way to avoid it.

In the current case, almost ALL TRANSACTIONS were made in US Dollars – which then made them to be automatically (by the choice of using US Dollar currency – purposely or inadvertently) to be under US jurisdiction.

Monies that moved into or originate from the United States – will be clearly to be under US jurisdictions.

Once the monies moved to the US, whether using offshore entities or US incorporated entities – they are fully subjected to the US laws.

Among the laws are Money laundry laws, RICO related laws (of the old), tax laws, interstate commerce laws (such as from companies incorporated in Delaware to invest in California), securities laws, immigration laws, etc.

Another issue is regarding non-US citizen (in case of the few Malaysians), if they operated from the US but not having a residence visa –is in violation of US immigration laws; and if they are resident of the US (and a non-citizen), it does not matter whether your transactions are in the US or outside US, they all will be subjected to US tax laws and other related laws.

In another word, US residency gives the US power over your transactions worldwide. This the most damning issue of US Green Card holder (or some other forms of residency) which is generally not understood by many. And for the case of a US Citizen, it is much more obvious (in the case of Al Husseiny, who is an American Kenyan).

Lastly, once any monies moved into the US and moved out again – those monies are already under the US jurisdictions.

In the current case, all of the issues mentioned above, present so many issues and problems. Details of the issues could unravel as we go along.

Buying of “prestigious assets” – this had always been the “foolish way” of investing.

The case of using “easy money” to buy “prestige assets” in particular real estate assets has been the main modus operandi for many people. The thought is that these assets would be of value, and provide further legitimacy. That is the same modus operandi of the Brunei Amedeo (Prince Jeffri and Brunei Investment Agency debacle of 2000’s, whereby they bought the interests in New York Palace Hotel from the Helmsley’s, as well as properties in Los Angeles Beverly Hills Hotel, and Las Vegas and numerous others [I will leave this for future writings]), before that by Adnan Khasoggi (of Saudi Arabia and its debacle, he now lives in one of the New York apartment, obscured from the public, under US protection after the indictment of arms trafficking), and few other examples.

Why these assets – because the lawyers would advise their clients that it can bought under “trusts”. That were the case of Pengiran Jeffri and also Adnan Khasoggi. Hence the real identities of the owners could be hidden, and with well-structured transaction, it could possibly avoid or reduce the taxes involved. US laws accepts purchase of assets under trusts (i.e. trust laws), especially with some states such as the Delaware Trust laws. The lawyers could also act as trustees and gained enormous amounts of fees from it. Furthermore, with trusts, it further shield the asset from the originating country’s concern (as in the case of Brunei).

In the current case, the assets were bought under various entities, which in general tantamount to some forms of trusts structure (i.e. the real owners are hidden from the public). It should be understood that the trust laws worked well before 2001, but it wouldn’t work anymore since then – and it wouldn’t work for the future (even though it is legal).

Buying of shares in a public company

Another modus operandi is to buy shares in a publicly traded company. The idea here is that you could sell these shares anywhere else in the world, through international network of brokerage. It also provide some forms of “cashable assets”, and you could receive the payment from the proceeds of those sale of shares anywhere else (outside the US).

You could do this by buying the shares using some forms entities, such as Offshore Partnerships in conjunction with some other local funds. This is the classical way of investing in Silicon Valley ventures, which could also be applied for other forms of acquiring major stakes in listed companies.

In the current case, EMI is a company that could have its shares to be classified under such category.

Buying of Arts and Collectibles

Another familiar modus operandi is buying of arts and collectibles. For example, in the Amedeo case (Pengiran Jeffri), a total of 300 Amedeo Modigliani paintings and 7 Picasso’s were among the items purchased. The total value of the arts were anywhere in the range of USD500 to 700 million (in the 90s).

Arts are transferable, could be used as collateral for further investments, and they could also be hidden from any concerned authorities. Arts supposed to provide a perfect cover for many years of the past. But since 9/11, all auction houses are forced to cooperate with the authorities. And as a clear example, in the current case, Christie’s officers were cooperating with the US authorities.

Very rare people would move arts physically, and most were kept in safe custody of the banks. The reason being, the insurance involved in physical movement are too high and costly. Furthermore, insurance terms demanded that they are being kept in “safe forms”, otherwise you would lose the insurance coverage (if they are insured).

In the current case, it involves at least seven paintings of high value. All of them, it seems are seized by the Swiss authorities, which means that the “safe keepers” are now holding it on behalf of the US authorities.

Last but not least – paying of gambling debts at casinos.

This is again a very old and classical method of paying off monies or transferring monies either for your own account or to someone else account. The modus is quite simple: a person goes into a casino (pre-arranged) to gamble, and purposely lose lots of money in the casino. And mind me, only very STUPID people would go and lose millions of millions in a casino within a short span of time. And they would openly declare and make known that they have lost monies in the gambling. This gambling is not as you would imagine to be done at open gambling tables, but rather in private rooms similar to “casino royale” type. But even then, it might not even have taken place at all. Anyway who knows what happened, and who could be a witness to such?

The proceeds from those “losses” are in fact, will be passed by the casino owner to the designated party through some other series of transactions. The casino owner off course would take some cut from it; the normal rate is at least 30% of the amount. How the casino delivers the money to the intended party is off course another mystery.

In the current case, it is stated that 3 people had gambled at two casinos in Las Vegas, and had lost somewhere around 20 over million US Dollars within a span of a short time (i.e. they had gambled intensely over few days, if they took small bets, or they had taken large bets stupidly). In any case, no stupid person want to lose so much money – at least for the pride (if not for the money). Which brings the other possibility of monies going to pay off someone else. Nobody knows for now; but for the US authorities, this information is not out of their reach.

In conclusion: whatever that had been alleged in the US DOJ court filing against the people concerned, had demonstrated to me the pure amateur and hubris of them. The acts that were done and orchestrated mainly out of the US and in US Dollars – which means they entered voluntarily into US jurisdictions – and the full brunt of its laws. To get be able to get out of these laws (if they are innocent), is an uphill task as in the case Sheikh Yassin Kadi vs. the US Treasury, it took him 13 years to clear his name, and the freeze on his assets (which he got the final clearance in December 2014), after fighting those years in the US courts and Swiss courts.

Furthermore, if the methods used by them are true (as alleged), then it further confirms the lack of experience (or acts of desperation), poor legal advice (by their legal counsels if any), lack of understanding of international financial transactions, or for that matter, they might had even walked into a trap laid for them. We don’t know which one is true, until we could learn more from the case.

For now, we have to wait and see what will happen next.

This is the end of Part 2. The series will continue…

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Nampaknya tiada petanda bahawa pertarungan merebut kuasa pemerintahan antara dua pemain utama "kuasa" putih dan "kuasa... thumbnail 1 summary

Nampaknya tiada petanda bahawa pertarungan merebut kuasa pemerintahan antara dua pemain utama "kuasa" putih dan "kuasa" hitam bagi membuktikan siapa "the baddest of them all" akan surut, malah semakin sengit. Soalnya apakah Najib akan dapat mengawal keadaan tanpa bertindak ala Erdogan atau apakah senario ini akan berlarutan sehingga mengakibatkan campurtangan Amerika Syarikat ke dalam urusan dalam negara hingga tercetusnya huru-hara?

Mungkin memang inilah yang begitu ramai di kalangan kita “minta-minta” selama ini. Hanya dengan peredaran masa, akan terungkailah keputusan dan impak sebenarnya dari perebutan kuasa yang membingungkan ini.

Menurut sumber² "perisikan", Mahathir mahu Najib ditumbangkan sebelum bulan April tahun depan dalam apa yang dilihat sebagai tarikh sasaran yang terkini. Dalam mesyuarat "rahsia", beberapa orang dari kroni Mahathir dikatakan telah berjanji untuk menaja sebanyak RM3 billion kepada parti baru Mahathir menjelang bulan September ini.


Kemudian selepas kerajaan membekukan dan keatas Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana, Mahathir telah berunding untuk mendapatkan tambahan dana sebanyak RM1 billion lagi dalam sebuah pertemuan meja bulat untuk membincangkan pemecatan Mukhriz dari UMNO.

Angka tersebut kemudiannya dilaporkan telah ditambah lagi sebanyak RM1 billion. Ini bermakna dana berjumlah RM5 billion telah dikhaskan dalam projek untuk menumbangkan kerajaan BN, yang mana dianggarkan sejumlah RM1 billion telah digunakan awal tahun ini dalam kempen media besar-besaran untuk mencemarkan nama PM dengan berpaksikan serangan dari Amerika Syarikat yang sedang kita saksikan sekarang ini.

Ini bermakna dana berjumlah RM5 billion telah dikhaskan dalam projek untuk menumbangkan kerajaan BN, yang mana dianggarkan sejumlah RM1 billion telah digunakan awal tahun ini dalam kempen media besar-besaran untuk mencemarkan nama PM dengan berpaksikan serangan dari Amerika Syarikat yang sedang kita saksikan sekarang ini. 

Pautan entri asal di Facebook:

#Politik #Malaysia yang terus bergolak #COUNTERCOUP 1.0

“Hari ini, satu laporan polis telah dibuat ke atas Abu Kassim, bekas Gabenor Bank Negara Zeti Akhtar Aziz dan bekas Peguam Negara Abdul Gani Patail. Mereka ini dikatakan telah secara rahsia bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa AS untuk menjatuhkan Najib.”

“Ia akan menjadi lebih menarik untuk mengetahui apakah yang bakal berlaku bermula dari saat ini? Adakah AS akan menghantar tenteranya ke Malaysia untuk menahan Najib atau ketiga-tiga individu itu pula yang akan berakhir di penjara?”

“Jika Najib mahu memastikan pentadbirannya ke atas UMNO terus kukuh dan kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau mesti mula bertindak tegas.”

“Untuk Dr Mahathir pula, beliau akan terus merungut bahawa dirinya, keluarganya, rakannya dan penyokongnya terus ditekan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.”

Abu Kassim caught in his own web of deceit


Minggu lepas, Jabatan Kehakiman AS mengumumkan mengambil tindakan sivil untuk merampas semula aset bernilai kira-kira AS$1 bilion yang dikatakan disonglap dari 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Perkara yang mencurigakan ialah, syarikat 1MDB sendiri tidak pun melaporkan bahawa mereka sudah kehilangan AS$ 1 bilion.

Jadi, apakah asas tindakan yang diambil oleh Peguam Negara AS, Loretta Lynch?

Perkara pertama yang kita mungkin terfikir ialah AS bertindak atas aduan yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang berpengaruh dan ada kaitan dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Khairuddin Abu Hassan dan Matthias Chang.

Lebih-lebih lagi, mereka ada pergi ke AS untuk membuat aduan berkaitan 1MDB kehilangan RM42 bilion. Itu bukan lagi rahsia.

Apapun kemudian, bukankah sepatutnya pihak AS perlu menghubungi pihak berkuasa Malaysia untuk menyiasat adakah aduan itu satu aduan yang berasas?

Mungkin wujud aduan yang dibuat oleh Khairuddin dan Matthias tetapi mereka tetap perlu mendapatkan kepastian untuk pengesahan.

Apa yang kita tidak tahu ialah, pihak berkuasa Malaysia sebenarnya ada secara rahsia menghubungi pihak berkuasa AS tetapi tidak ada sesiapa pun diberitahu berkenaan hal ini sama ada Jemaah Menteri ataupun Perdana Menteri.

Ia adalah mirip operasi rahsia seperti mana yang biasa dilakukan oleh Agensi Risikan Pusat (CIA) AS apabila mereka tidak mahu sesiapa pun tahu akan operasi mereka.

Bagaimanapun, kini selepas segala-galanya sudah terdedah kepada umum, Abu Kassim terpaksa segera membuat kenyataan bahawa pihak SPRM ada menghubungi pihak berkuasa AS.

Jika tidak, SPRM akan didesak untuk menjelaskan siapa di Malaysia yang telah berhubung dengan Malaysia serta mengapa ia dirahsiakan dari pengetahuan kerajaan Malaysia.

“Abu Kassim Dan Dua Individu Dikatakan Secara Rahsia Bekerjasama Dengan Amerika?”
Dalam keadaan sekarang, maklumat bahawa Khairuddin dan Matthias ke AS memfailkan aduan sebenarnya hanya satu perkara yang difikirkan terjadi. Ia sebenarnya menutup langkah SPRM yang secara rahsia menghubungi pihak berkuasa AS dalam usaha menjatuhkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Mereka tahu mereka tidak boleh mengaitkan Najib dengan isu aset AS$1 bilion dan mereka juga tidak boleh mengaitkan 1MDB dengan isu itu. Ia adalah kerana nanti tiada apa tindakan akan diambil sama ada ke atas 1MDB atau Najib.

Itu bagaimanapun tidak penting kerana ia bukan objektir mereka. Objektifnya ialah untuk mewujudkan persepsi bahawa kerajaan AS sedang memburu Najib. Kemudian, mereka boleh mendesak Najib meletak jawatan, sesuatu yang mereka sudah cuba lakukan sejak 20 bulan lepas tetapi masih gagal.

Hari ini, satu laporan polis telah dibuat ke atas Abu Kassim, bekas Gabenor Bank Negara Zeti Akhtar Aziz dan bekas Peguam Negara Abdul Gani Patail. Mereka ini dikatakan telah secara rahsia bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa AS untuk menjatuhkan Najib.

Ia akan menjadi lebih menarik untuk mengetahui apakah yang bakal berlaku bermula dari saat ini? Adakah AS akan menghantar tenteranya ke Malaysia untuk menahan Najib atau ketiga-tiga individu itu pula yang akan berakhir di penjara?

Jika Najib mahu memastikan pentadbirannya ke atas UMNO terus kukuh dan kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau mesti mula bertindak tegas.

Untuk Dr Mahathir pula, beliau akan terus merungut bahawa dirinya, keluarganya, rakannya dan penyokongnya terus ditekan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.



1MDB: Abu Kassim Sahkan SPRM Bekerjasama Dengan FBI

Abu Kassim Sahkan SPRM Bekerjasama Dengan FBI

KOTA BAHARU, 24 Julai (Bernama) -- Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed hari ini mengesahkan agensi berkenaan menjalin kerjasama dengan Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat berhubung siasatan terhadap 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Beliau berkata pihaknya sedang menyiasat seorang ahli perniagaan yang dikatakan menipu 1MDB, dan turut terlibat dengan pengubahan wang haram sebelum membawanya ke Amerika Syarikat.

"Oleh sebab itu, pihak Amerika Syarikat meminta pertolongan dan kita hanya menjalankan kerja sepertimana digalakkan dalam Konvensyen Pencegahan Rasuah Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu.

"(Di bawah konvensyen itu)... mana-mana agensi perlu memberi kerjasama dan sokongan apabila berhadapan dengan jenayah melibatkan beberapa negara," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita semasa lawatan kerja ke pejabat SPRM Kelantan di sini, hari ini.

Hadir sama, Pengarah SPRM Kelantan Datuk Moh Samsuddin Yusof.

Jumaat lepas, SPRM dalam satu kenyataan mengesahkan ia menjalin kerjasama dengan FBI berhubung siasatan terhadap 1MDB.

Bagaimanapun, kerjasama itu hanya ditumpukan kepada kemungkinan perbuatan penyelewengan dan pengubahan wang haram oleh seorang ahli perniagaan yang dikatakan menipu 1MDB.

Khamis lepas, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dilaporkan berkata kerajaan memandang serius saman sivil berkaitan dana 1MDB yang dikemukakan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ).

Beliau berkata perkara itu merupakan tindakan sivil dan bukannya tindakan jenayah, selain ia terhad kepada nama-nama yang telahpun disebutkan dalam dokumen DOJ itu.

Najib berkata kerajaan akan memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada semua badan siasatan antarabangsa.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Botched Turkey Coup Was No False Flag, And Erdogan Knew It Was Coming

Pepe Escobar July 25 "What (Erdogan) said did send shivers throughout NATO’s spine: «Today, we are determined more than ever befor... thumbnail 1 summary
Pepe Escobar
July 25

"What (Erdogan) said did send shivers throughout NATO’s spine: «Today, we are determined more than ever before to contribute to the solution of regional problems hand in hand with Iran and Russia and in cooperation with them»."

Amidst an astonishing, relentless, wide-ranging purge that shows no signs of abating, with 60,000 – and counting – civil servants, academics, judges, prosecutors, policemen, soldiers jailed, fired, suspended or stripped of professional accreditation, it’s relatively established by now the Turkish government was very much informed a military coup was imminent on July 15. The information may have come from Russian intelligence, although neither Moscow nor Ankara will reveal any details. So, once and for all, this was no false flag.

A top, secular Middle Eastern intel analyst with an Istanbul front seat view to the coup clarified the internal political context even before the – widely expected – proclamation of a state of emergency (if France can do it, why not Turkey?):

«They knew five to six hours beforehand that a coup was in the works and let it go ahead, knowing, as they must have, that it would fail… This affair has propelled Erdogan to semi-divine status among his supporters. The way is clear for him to get what he wants, which will be a powerful presidency and removal of the secularism principle in the constitution. This would set the stage for the introduction of aspects of Sharia law. He tried this in the early years of the AKP government with the introduction of Zina, a strictly Islamic provision, which would have criminalized adultery and could have opened the door to the criminalization of other islamically illicit sexual relations as Zina is about this in general and not just adultery. But when the EU objected he backed off».

The intel source adds, «in the weeks leading up to this Erdogan had been unusually subdued. In this same period the Prime Minister had been replaced and the new one had announced a complete foreign policy reversal, including repairing relations with Syria. Did Erdogan reach the conclusion himself that the Syria policy was unsustainable, or was it forced upon him by the party elders, against the background of the tremendous damage it has done to the country in various ways, let along to Syria? If it was pushed on him, then the failed coup gives him the opportunity to reassert his authority over the top echelon of the AKP. Certainly this came at a most convenient time».

Turkish historian Cam Erimtan adds to the context, explaining how «at the beginning of next month, the High Military Council of Turkey (or YAŞ, in acronymized Turkish) is set to convene and it is expected that a large number of officers will be made redundant then. The Turkish state is set to engage in a cleansing exercise, removing any and all opponents of the AKP-led government. This coup-that-was-no-coup then provides ample ammunition for a thorough culling of the ranks… even as the President has been pointing the finger across the Atlantic at the shadowy figure of Fethullah Gülen and his supposed terror organization FETÖ (Fettullahçı Terör Örgütü, or Fethullahist Terror Organization), insinuating that the coup plotters are part and parcel of this shadowy, clearly elusive, and possibly even non-existent, organization».

The end result won’t be pretty; «Erdoğan is now also being referred to as Turkey's Commander-in-Chief, which would indicate, among other things, that he regards the attempted coup as a personal attack on his figure. Whatever the coup plotters' motives might have been, the end result of their actions will be an even more wholehearted and enthusiastic acceptance of Erdoğan's policy of Sunnification and possibly a rather swift dismantling of the nation state that is Turkey, to be replaced by an «Anatolian federation of Muslim ethnicities», possibly linked to a revived caliphate, as well as a possible return of Sharia to Turkey».

It’s as if Erdogan has been blessed with a reverse Godfather effect. In Coppola’s masterpiece, Michael Corleone famously says, «Just when you think you’re out, they pull you back in». In Godfather Erdogan’s case, just when he thought he was hopelessly entrapped, «God» – as he admitted – pulled him out. Talk about a Sultan of Swing.

The Lions against the Falcons

As Erdogan solidifies his internal iron grip, a formerly iron clad connection – NATO/Turkey – slowly dissolves into thin air. It’s as if the fate of Incirlik air base was hangin’ – literally – by a few, selected radar threads.

There’s extreme suspicion across the spectrum in Turkey that the Pentagon knew what the «rebels» were up to. It’s a fact that not a pin drops in Incirlik without the Americans knowing it. AKP members stress the use of NATO’s communication network to coordinate the putschists and thus escape Turkish intel. At a minimum, the putschists may have believed NATO would have their backs. No «NATO ally» deigned itself to warn Erdogan about the coup.

Then there’s the saga of the refueling tanker for the «rebel» F-16s. The tankers in Incirlik are all the same model – KC-135R Stratotanker – for Americans and Turks alike. They work side by side and are all under the same command; the 10th Main Tanker Base, led by Gen. Bekir Ercan Van, who was duly arrested this past Sunday – as seven judges also confiscated all the control tower communications. Not by accident Gen. Bekir Ercan Van happened to be very close to Pentagon head Ash Carter.

What happened in Turkish airspace after Erdogan’s Gulfstream IV left the Mediterranean coast and landed in Istanbul’s Ataturk airport has been largely mapped – but there are still some crucial gaps in the narrative open to speculation. As Erdogan has been tight-lipped in all his interviews, one is left with a Mission Impossible-style scenario featuring «rebel» F-16s «Lion One» and «Lion Two» on a «special mission» with their transponder off; their face off with loyalist «Falcon One» and «Falcon Two»; one of the «Lions» piloted by the none other than the man who shot down the Russian Su-24 last November; the by now famous tanker that took off from Incirlik to refuel the «rebels»; and three extra pairs of F-16s that took off from Dalaman, Erzurum and Balikesir to intercept the «rebels», including the pair that protected Erdogan’s Gulfsteam (which was using callsign THY 8456 to disguise it as a Turkish Airlines flight).

But who was behind it all?

Erdogan on a mission from God

Notorious Saudi whistleblower «Mujtahid» caused a sensation as he revealed that the UAE not only «played a role» in the coup but also kept the House of Saud in the loop. As if this was not damning enough, the self-deposed emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad al-Thani, very close to Erdogan, has alleged that the US and another Western nation (France is a strong possibility) had staged the whole thing, with Saudi Arabian involvement. Ankara, predictably, denied all of it.

Iran, on the other hand, clearly saw the long game and was a staunch supporter of Erdogan from the start. And once again no one will talk about it, of course, but Russian intel was very much aware of all these moves – something added credence by President Putin’s prompt phone call to Erdogan post-coup.

Once again, the basic facts; every intel operative in Southwest Asia knows that without a Pentagon green light, Turkish military factions would have had an extremely hard, if not impossible, time to organize a coup. Moreover, during that fateful night, until it was clear the coup was a failure, the plotters – from Washington to Brussels – were not exactly being described as «evil».

A top American intel source, which does not subscribe to the usual Beltway consensus, is adamant that, «the Turkish military would not have moved without the green light from Washington. The same thing was planned for Saudi Arabia in April 2014, but was blocked at the highest levels in Washington by a friend of Saudi Arabia».

The source, thinking outside the box, subscribes to what should be regarded as the key, current working hypothesis; the coup took place, or was fast-forwarded, essentially «because of Erdogan's sudden rapprochement with Russia». Turks across the spectrum would add fuel to the fire, insisting that more than likely the Istanbul airport bombing was an Operation Gladio. Rumor mills from East to West are already advancing that Erdogan should leave NATO sooner or later and join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

As much as Erdogan is an absolutely unreliable player and a loose geopolitical cannon, an invitation from Moscow-Beijing in a not too distant future may be forthcoming. Putin and Erdogan will have an absolutely crucial meeting in early August. Erdogan has been on the phone with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. What he said did send shivers throughout NATO’s spine: «Today, we are determined more than ever before to contribute to the solution of regional problems hand in hand with Iran and Russia and in cooperation with them».

So once again, the defining early 21st century choice is in play; NATO against Eurasia integration, with Turkey’s Sultan of Swing aptly swinging right in the middle. «God» certainly toyed with the tantalizing scenario when he spoke to Erdogan on Face Time.

Persahabatan Tanpa Syarat

Persahabatan Tanpa Syarat - Izman Pauzi memeriksa borang cuti pekerja, terpandang alasan pergi reunion untuk tujuan bercuti. saya tiad... thumbnail 1 summary
Persahabatan Tanpa Syarat
- Izman Pauzi

memeriksa borang cuti pekerja, terpandang alasan pergi reunion untuk tujuan bercuti. saya tiada masalah, lagipun masa cuti sekolahlah masa yang paling sesuai untuk perjumpaan sahabat lama kerana masing-masing ada komitmen keluarga dan anak-anak yang bersekolah.

zaman persahabatan semasa persekolahan adalah zaman yang paling saya suka dimana kita bersahabat tanpa syarat. kita tidak kisah sahabat itu markah berapa dalam peperiksaan, kita tak kisah ayah ibunya kerja apa, rumahnya besar mana, datang sekolah naik apa. semua itu tidak penting. pada masa itu, kita hanya pentingkan persahabatan.

"jika kau terlupa bawa bekal atau tiada duit belanja, marilah kongsi bekal aku".

"periksa semua markah merah dan kena rotan dengan ayah kau ke?. jom kita pergi mandi sungai".

itulah dialog kita kepada sahabat setiap kali sahabat kita mempunyai masalah atau kita sendiri mempunyai masalah. jadi bila ada permintaan untuk majlis reunion ramai yang ingin menyertainya kerana fikir sahabat kita tanpa syarat itu masih begitu. namun realitinya tidak begitu.

saya ada satu kisah. ia berlaku di depan mata saya pada akhir tahun lepas. begini kisahnya.

pada suatu petang pada hari cuti, seorang sahabat saya mengajak saya untuk menemaninya ke kedai spare parts, saya dengan rela menemaninya. kami ke bandar klang. usai membeli barangan dikehendaki, dia mengajak saya menemaninya ke majlis reunion rakan sekolah rendahnya.

sudah tentu saya keberatan kerana saya tidak mengenali sesiapa disitu dan saya juga berpakaian agak selekeh. dia mendesak dan saya tiada pilihan kerana saya menumpang keretanya. dia berjanji hanya sekejab sahaja.

di restoran berhawa dingin itu beberapa sahabat lamanya sudah mula datang dan berbual-bual didalam kelompok-kelompok kecil.

di luar terdapat deretan kereta-kereta mewah. dia masuk berjumpa mereka dan bertegur sapa. rata-rata mereka sudah tidak berjumpa atau bertegur sapa secara bersemuka sudah puluhan tahun.

saya pula turut bersalam dan diperkenalkan sebagai anak saudaranya. apabila ditanya mengenai isteri dan anak-anak, sahabat saya menyatakan bahawa isteri dan anaknya terpaksa menghadiri kenduri jiran sebelah rumah.

saya hanya menjadi pemerhati di majlis itu sambil menghabiskan makanan yang terhidang. memang ada anak-anak gadis disitu tetapi saya bukanlah seorang yang mata keranjang. lagipun mereka juga hanya memandang saya sebelah mata lantaran pakaian saya yang sangat selekeh iaitu berbaju t', cargo pants dan bersandal. gadis-gadis moden yang baru tumbuh susu ini lebih tertarik dengan gadjet dan lelaki yang agresif berbanding saya yang pemalu dan hanya bermain game ular didalam handphone 3310 saya.

saya dapat perhatikan sahabat-sahabat satu sekolah ini terbahagi kepada pelbagai kelompok. ada kelompok guru, businessman, kakitangan kerajaan, suri rumah dan penyendiri. sahabat saya disambut hambar oleh sahabatnya yang berstatus, mereka sekadar berjabat salam dan berbual bertanya khabar diri, keluarga, kerja dan kereta yang dipakai. ya, itulah soalan yang ditanya oleh rata-rata mereka di majlis tersebut.

" Woi, kau pakai kereta apa sekarang?".

saya yang mendengar turut terasa jengkel. ini perjumpaan sahabat sekolah atau perjumpaan show off kereta. lagi memualkan ada sahabatnya yang terang- terang bercerita perniagaannya yang besar, berkahwin dua, membeli pelbagai hartanah, ada pelbagai kereta mewah dan sering melancong ke luar negara.

sahabat saya hanya banyak tersenyum dan menganggukkan kepala. tidak mahu merintang angin sahabatnya yang mendabik dada sudah menjadi orang ada-ada.

dua jam berlalu, sahabat saya mengajak saya pulang. dia menemui sahabatnya yang lain dan memberitahu terpaksa pulang untuk menyertai isterinya di kenduri jiran rumah mereka.

rata-rata hanya bersalam dan kemudian terus berpaling berbual dengan sahabat yang lain, tidak mengendahkan sahabat saya lagi.

hanya ada dua orang sahabatnya sahaja yang mengekori hingga ke kereta. mereka masih berbual-bual kira-kira 20 minit dan bergelak ketawa.

mereka bukan calang-calang orang, salah seorang adalah pengarah agensi kerajaan dan seorang lagi adalah ahli perniagaan. mereka berkekek ketawa bercerita tentang peristiwa melastik burung, memedap ikan puyu di paya dan dihambat jiran setelah mencuri durian.

apabila ingin bersurai, saya tengok mereka berpelukan mesra dan saling bermaafan. air mata mengalir di pipi masing-masing.

di dalam kereta, saya bertanya sahabat saya itu kenapa dia tidak berpakaian cantik dan membawa kereta mewahnya. dia mempunyai kereta BMW, merc, honda, toyota hilux dan beberapa kereta lagi, tetapi wira buruk ini juga dibawanya.

katanya, " memang saya sengaja, saya nak tengok rupa sebenar sahabat-sahabat saya yang dahulu makan sepinggan dan susah senang bersama. jadi, akhirnya saya tahu saya sebenarnya hanya ada dua orang sahaja sahabat yang masih anggap saya sahabat karib mereka. sahabat tanpa syarat".

saya diam dan termenung sendiri. saya sedar bahawa rumah cuma tempat berteduh, kereta cuma alat pengangkutan, pakaian cuma alas diri.

kita mampu memiliki dan menggantinya kesemuanya itu pada bila-bila masa bergantung kepada kemampuan dan pilihan yang ada ditangan kita. ternyata harta yang dikumpul dalam hidup telah memisahkan banyak persahabatan. namun jika hati masih ikhlas bersahabat tanpa syarat, persahabatan akan kekal hingga ke hujung nyawa.

adakah anda ikhlas bersahabat dengan saya?

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Kisah legendari Naruto Uzumaki berkisar pada impian dan pencarian epiknya seorang remaja ninja untuk menjadi "Hokage", seorang n... thumbnail 1 summary
Kisah legendari Naruto Uzumaki berkisar pada impian dan pencarian epiknya seorang remaja ninja untuk menjadi "Hokage", seorang ninja di perkampungannya yang diiktiraf sebagai pemimpin yang paling unggul dan terhandal. Kini Naruto Uzumaki telah dimamah usia setelah sekian lama memburu impiannya dan bukan lagi seorang remaja, malah jauh lebih tua dari Hokage yang didambakan. Namun Naruto masih tidak berputus asa untuk mencapai impiannya yang tidak kesampaian itu. Ikutilah perjalanan epik Naruto Uzumaki seterusnya. Episod ini dimulakan dengan keputusan Naruto untuk meraih bantuan dari Atok Sam yang menurut para pemerhati mungkin menjadi pemangkin untuk menggalakkan kemasukan dua entiti gergasi iaitu Godzilla dan Ultraman ke kampung halaman Naruto sendiri...

Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat mengambil tindakan berdasarkan kepada aduan dibuat oleh orang Kempen Anti Najib (Anti Najib Campaign). Saya masih ingat saya melakukan perkara yang sama 16 tahun lalu iaitu pada 2000 (ketika itu adalah Kempen Bebaskan Anwar atau Free Anwar Campaign – FAC). Saya pergi ke Washington dan membayar satu firma melobi untuk mengetengahkan penahanan politik Anwar Ibrahim adalah bersandarkan kepada pertuduhan direka dan bukti palsu liwat kepada kerajaan Amerika Syarikat. - RPK
Beberapa kenalan menghubungi saya untuk bertanyakan sama ada saya akan memberikan reaksi kepada sidang media Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat semalam.
Sebenarnya, saya dan isteri kini sedang berada di Poland dan sebentar lagi akan memandu ke Austria, satu perjalanan yang bakal mengambil masa seharian.
Apapun, bagi memuaskan hati anda dan daripada dituduh mengelak untuk membincangkan isu ini, saya akan nukilkan pendapat saya mengenai isu ini namun seringkas yang boleh kerana saya akan berlepas ke Austria sebentar lagi.
Pertama sekali, saya pernah melihat keterujaan yang sama sebelum ini, di mana akhirnya nanti akan pudar dan mati begitu sahaja. Lihat kepada kes yang dikatakan di mahkamah Perancis sebagai contoh.
Bukankah ia sepatutnya adalah satu perbicaraan terbuka melibatkan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibbu?
Saya sangat teruja ketika itu hingga saya sendiri pergi ke Paris untuk menghadiri perbicaraannya.
Namun apa yang di ketahui pada masa itu ialah maklumat yang salah oleh Suaram. Ia bukanlah satu perbicaraan di mahkamah terbuka sebaliknya adalah siasatan tertutup di dalam kamar hakim.
Maka, ia bukan untuk orang awam malah ia bukanlah satu perbicaraan pun.
Dan kemudiannya ia bukanlah mengenai pembunuhan Altantuya sebaliknya sama ada terdapat rakyat Perancis atau syarikat yang terlibat dengan rasuah melibatkan penjualan dua kapal selam kepada Malaysia.
Dan siasatan itu adalah daripada aduan Suaram yang mendakwa mereka memiliki locus standi untuk membuat aduan, di mana di kemudiannya dibuktikan sebagai aduan palsu.
Ia adalah satu anti klimaks dan selepas bertahun lamanya, masih tiada lagi berita mengenai kononnya perbicaraan terhadap satu pembunuhan.
Episod Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat ini serupa dengan apa yang kami didorong untuk mempercayai mengenai satu perbicaraan di Perancis.
Dan selepas saya menonton video sidang media semalam, nampaknya Jabatan Keadilan lebih kepada mengesyaki daripada fakta yang sudah dibuktikan.
Dalam satu jawapan kepada soalan, mereka berkata siasatan masih lagi berjalan malah beberapa fakta masih tidak dapat disahkan lagi.
Adakah keterujaan di Amerika Syarikat ini akan berakhir seperti apa yang berlaku di Perancis beberapa tahun lalu?
Malah pengadu kepada kes di Perancis itu sudah ditutup dan tidak lagi wujud. Selama beberapa tahun ini, tiada siapa memberitahu kami apa-apa mengenai perbicaraan yang tidak pernah wujud di mahkamah Perancis itu.
Maka, sebelum saya teruja dan bergegas ke Washington, sebagaimana yang saya lakukan ke Paris beberapa tahun lalu, kita lihat dahulu ke mana ini semua akan membawa kita.
Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat mengambil tindakan berdasarkan kepada aduan dibuat oleh orang Kempen Anti Najib (Anti Najib Campaign)
Saya masih ingat saya melakukan perkara yang sama 16 tahun lalu iaitu pada 2000 (ketika itu adalah Kempen Bebaskan Anwar atau Free Anwar Campaign – FAC). Saya pergi ke Washington dan membayar satu firma melobi untuk mengetengahkan penahanan politik Anwar Ibrahim adalah bersandarkan kepada pertuduhan direka dan bukti palsu liwat kepada kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
Bagaimana ia dilakukan di Amerika Syarikat, di mana saya sendiri sudah lakukan pada masa lalu ialah anda perlu membayar sebuah firma di negara itu sejumlah wang yang banyak dan mereka akan mendapatkan mereka yang berkuasa untuk mendengar kes anda.
Akhirnya nanti, tiada apa akan berlaku (sama seperti kes Anwar yang saya bawa pada tahun 2000) tetapi anda pasti akan mendapat banyak perhatian (sebagaimana apa yang kami perolehi pada tahun 2000).
Saya tidak tahu siapa yang bekerja untuk Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di Amerika Syarikat (Anwar menggunakan saya pada tahun 2000). Tetapi siapapun, Najib perlu memecat orang itu segera dan melantik orang lain yang tahu apa kerja mereka.
Jika Najib melantik saya dan memberikan saya satu bajet berjumlah ratusan juta, saya tahu apa yang perlu saya lakukan. Saya pernah lakukan ini untuk Anwar dan ia tidak sampai pun RM1 juta.
Tentu sekali, rakyat Malaysia yang tidak tahu bagaimana sesuatu itu dilakukan di Amerika Syarikat akan teruja secara melampau. Tetapi untuk kami yang tahu bagaimana ia dilakukan, saya memilih untuk bertenang dan meneruskan perjalanan dari Poland ke Austria bersama isteri.
Apapun, kita akan bercerita lagi apabila saya tiba di Austria nanti. - Malaysia Today

Thursday, July 21, 2016

#Kudeta Turki: Muslihat Perang Dunia Multi Polar keatas Dunia Islam

Muslihat Perang Dunia Multi Polar keatas Dunia Islam   Versi Nota ... thumbnail 1 summary

Muslihat Perang Dunia Multi Polar keatas Dunia Islam 

Versi Nota

2016: The Coming Of The New World Order (2016: Ketibaan Tatanan Baru Dunia)

"Tutupkan mata penglihatan keduniaanmu nescaya terbukalah akan mata hatimu."

Muslihat Multi Polar Perang Dunia (World War Multi Polar Deception) keatas dunia Islam adalah perencanaan tipudaya besar²an para proksi dajjal keatas dunia Islam dengan menggunakan 3 instrumen dunia Islam yaqni Saudi - Turki - Iran melalui 'playmaker' Israel.

Fasa membentuk Turki sebagai boneka diatas jenama Khilafat Neo Ottoman telah digerakkan dengan jayanya melalui operasi bendera palsu #Kudeta Turki baru-baru ini dengan bantuan Israel.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Who is Behind Turkey’s Failed Coup? Erdogan Inside Job, US - Gulen Op, or Joint US-Turkey False Flag?

It’s the grossest form of perverse injustice when the likes of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have collectively created the ... thumbnail 1 summary

It’s the grossest form of perverse injustice when the likes of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have collectively created the terrorists and caused the wars driving the mass migration crisis, with Israel and Saudi Arabia flatly refusing to accept refugees, and Turkey holding power to extort a weakened, compromised Europe into accepting Turkey’s heavy-handed coercion into EU membership while further charging extortion fees, then threatening to create a far worst crisis if additional demands aren’t met. On top of that, the barbaric conditions and criminal abuses perpetrated especially inside the Turkish refugee camps have resulted in yet another appalling humanitarian crisis. When a handful of evil, mentally ill psychopaths rule the world as they do, this is what we get – a world out of control and ready to terminally explode. -Joachim Hagopian