Friday, August 26, 2016


 - POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS - By Dr Wan Hasni Summary: This is my final piece on 1MDB. I propose the following solutio... thumbnail 1 summary


By Dr Wan Hasni

Summary: This is my final piece on 1MDB. I propose the following solutions: Close down 1MDB parent company; break it up into independent operating entities; refinance the debts locally. But to do so, first the OLD TEAM got to go: the Board, the Senior Management (includes ARUL KANDA).

Dato’ Jo, is so far seems to be the best person to handle it from the Government side. But there is one ACHILLES HEEL to the whole thing: THE ARABS. They could be the source of problems or solutions, depending on how we handle it. My advice is – they could be our savior and not detractor.

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The Dark World of Finance: Part 1 ~ Part 2 “US DoJ vs 1MDB Civil Suit”

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As I had indicated and repeated many times, as a Malaysian, I would prefer 1MDB to succeed rather than to fail. This is out of a simple notion: 1MDB is a public entity, its failure means it will borne by all of us, and otherwise, it success (or non-failure, at the least) will give us at least no harm, or better still benefits us.

Firstly, before I proceed, let me just list down the factual issues (as addressed and alluded to in previous articles, Part 1 – Part 7).

  1. 1MDB is not a private venture, it belongs to us the Malaysian public.
  2. 1MDB was setup initially to play Leveraged Buyout ventures – but failed to do so, thus far.
  3. 1MDB is currently laden with debts that are guaranteed by Malaysian Government, explicitly and implicitly.
  4. The problems of 1MDB now spreads to the US, based on US DOJ Civil Suit filing; even though it is about assets seizure, the exposé, spills the Malaysian beans to international scene. This is not of 1MDB’s actions, but by those who were purportedly linked or related to 1MDB’s transactions.
  5. 1 MDB is in full dispute with Abu Dhabi (IPIC, Aabar, Mubadala, etc). Both parties are now gearing up for a full dispute; the arbitration case in London is only a start.
Secondly, let us take everything based on ITS FACE VALUE backed by facts.

  1. The Malaysian AG has cleared Dato’ Sri Najib from any criminal wrong doings in relations to 1MDB. So let us accept this as a fact, until proven otherwise.
  2. The US DOJ Civil Suits is about assets seizure, based on criminal acts purportedly done by some individuals named. The filings reveals quite a lot of details, which we could take as facts to be proven in the court of laws. Up to now, we have to wait for the results of the suit. If it is contested, then we could see what else, factually revealed or concluded. If it is not contested, then we could take these facts as facts proven through the court of laws.
  3. The various probes on the accounts of 1MDB, such as by PAC, Auditor General, the Auditor (Deloitte or others), as established facts.

Based on the above, my own views of what could be done are summarized as follows:

  1. Dato Sri Najib to be personally off the subject of 1MDB’s “direct management”. This could be done by giving Dato’ Johari Ghani full authority to deal with 1MDB. It is his rightful duty and portfolio as Finance Minister II. Dato’ Jo background’s as former corporate guy would be beneficial and useful. He is also known to be no nonsense manager. His role to save KFC in the past was commendable. So, in short, I presumed this is already done, and let us give him the chance to so do.
  2. To focus on the dispute with Abu Dhabi. The results of the current London Arbitration will set tone for what would be the impact on 1MDB financially. It could be insolvent and all debts will become due. In short, bankruptcy, unless saved by the Government.
  3. To CLOSE DOWN 1MDB holding company, soonest possible. 1MDB has become a “pariah brand” locally and internationally. Once you are a pariah, nobody wants to deal with you, or if they will, the price you pay (for the perceived risks) is extremely high and costly.
Tactically, the following must be done:

  1. To sack all the “old members” of the Board, and disband the Advisory Board (which consists of names that are not even functional).
  2. To REPLACE ALL THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT of 1MDB and its subsidiaries. Replace them with seasoned and experienced corporate managers. Malaysia had lots of talent who could do this.
  3. Create independent entities out of the “OLD 1MDB”. TRX, Bandar 1Malaysia, etc., could become independent from 1MDB parent, and rebrand them well.
Financially, the following must be done:

  1. Debts to equity conversion or replacement. With only about RM1 billion equity (or quasi equity), is far too low, and the debt/equity ratio to be unsustainable. A combined equity of at least RM5 billion or more would be proper.
  2. Reduction and replacement of government guarantees. A program to reduce the amount and government guarantee exposures must be undertaken.
  3. Bonds or Sukuks, etc., could be raised locally to refinance and repay the US Dollar Notes. However, the structure must be well done, to allow market confidence as well as to get the most competitive pricings. With prime real estate as its base (assuming Edra or energy assets are no longer an issue), the possibility of getting the right structure and rates are good.
  4. Future financial needs are done in Ringgit, using the local financial market as the prime source.
So far, all of the above are direct from any “standard” financial play book. Nothing extra ordinary.

The only thing is the WILL TO DO SO. I sincerely hope that Dato Jo, would do the above, or some variations of similar measures.

With all due respect to ARUL KANDA, his measures for 1MDB fall far too short, and I would say that he is already becoming an “interested person” and hence not free to do and execute the above or any new measures, impartially. He is already part of the “OLD 1MDB brand”. He need to go.

Lastly but not the least, there is one ACHILLES HEEL in all of these, the ARABS. Now let me comment on this issue:

  1. The ARABS are major investors in Malaysia. Abu Dhabi is only one of them. We have Al Rajhi Bank, Kuwait Finance House, the Qataris, the Saudis, and so on. The United Arab Emirates played prominently in our investors’ scene, for example, Bank Islam shares owned by UAE entity, Mubadala in Bandar Seri Iskandar, the same for the shares in RHB Bank, the same for Oil & Gas sector, and many others.
  2. We could be risking the whole ARAB investors, just to save 1MDB. The 1MDB fallout could signal a long term withdrawal of the ARABS. I was once advised by ADIA’s senior ranking official: “Dr. Wan, we want to invest in Malaysia, as much as we could; you do not need to lay us the “RED CARPETS” (i.e. special treatments), but please do not put on the “RED TAPES” (i.e. problems and obstacles).
  3. The financial wealth and muscle of the ARABS could be larger than Malaysia’s own clout in international politics. The long term risk that we could get is by going at odds against them, instead of working with them, could not bode too well for Malaysia in the long term. We could gain more than lose, if we work with them.
My personal knowledge and experience with the ARABS clearly tells me that so far, we are on the wrong track as far as our dealing with IPIC. My experience also tells me that the arbitration in London between 1MDB and IPIC is not the last and definitely not the least. Statements such as “we are confidence that we will win the case” is pure hubris. At best, our odds is at 50%, same as IPIC’s. 

Currently both sides are “building up their case” – which means more damages and revelations. Both will be spilling their beans in front of others – to no good.

ARABS are known for what I called “TENT DIPLOMACY”. I had participated in so many of them, to tell you with confidence that it is the best way to solve issues with them. What it means is private discussions to solve issues, sincerely among “friends” in most friendly manner. It also involves a lot of gives and takes. But it would require people with experience and knowledge to be able to do so.

Tent diplomacy is not an open forum; when it’s done, nothing of the details should come out to the public (media). ARABS are personally, media shy (except for Prince Waleed of Saudi Arabia, and he is another breed apart).

Just to give you an example – when Dubai was in serious debt troubles (after 2008 crisis) of more than few hundred billions. There were so much noise and brouhaha, it finally went down in total silence and all parties (i.e. debtors) were paid. This was done within just less than 3 months or so. How was it done? The answer is the tent diplomacy between Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Today, Dubai is back in its growth again.

My sincere take is: Abu Dhabi and the ARABS should be our friend and not enemy. They should be part of the solutions and not the problems. Remember one more thing about the ARABS – they are like CAMELS. They could survive “long journey without water”.

Their key people are permanent rulers (not elected). Hence, they could wait to outlast you. They will not die or unfold because of 1MDB, but 1MDB could, because of them. So, I am sure they will prepare for this path. A path that I would not take.

So my advice is: use TENT DIPLOMACY. Make the ARABS as part of the solution and not the problems. But these could not be done by ARUL KANDA or the OLD team that managed 1MDB.

It needs fresh team and with the right actions and solutions.


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The Dark World of Finance: Part 1 ~ Part 2 “US DoJ vs 1MDB Civil Suit”

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Thousands of Saudi-Backed Terrorists Ready to Enter Syria via Border with Jordan

13 August 2016 Saudi intelligence officers have been training at least 7,000 anti-Syria fighters in Jordan’s territories and plan to d... thumbnail 1 summary
13 August 2016

Saudi intelligence officers have been training at least 7,000 anti-Syria fighters in Jordan’s territories and plan to dispatch them to the war-hit country via its Southern borders to distract the army from the war in Aleppo, Arab media disclosed.
“Over 7,000 men have been trained in a Saudi-established military camp in Jordan near the border with Syria’s Dara’a province, and now they are ready to be dispatched to join other terrorists’ battle against the Syrian government and army,” the Lebanese al-Manar reported.

“There are several British and western military trainers and advisors in the Saudi-established camp. The western officers are to accompany the fighters in their war against the Syrian government,” the paper said.

Jordan hosts a large refugee camp near the border with Syria.

Other sources also disclosed that the US officers have been involved in training of terrorists in Jordan to fight against Syrian government.

War analysts believe that the move is aimed at diversion to distract the army and its allies from the war in Aleppo in the North where pro-government troops have started massive offensive to take back the country’s second largest city from the terrorists.

Meantime, earlier today armed opposition groups in Southern Syria declared that thousands of militants are ready to reconcile with the Damascus government.

A provincial council affiliated to the militant groups in a statement admitted that 25,000 militants are looking for reconciliation with the Syrian government forces in Southern Syria, al-Mayadeen TV channel reported on Saturday.

The statement by the ‘Council for Men of Knowledge in the Levant’ has accused the terrorist commanders willing to compromise with the Syrian army of treason.

It has given the militant commanders in Southern Syria three days to withdraw from al-Mouk Operations Room (which operates under the Saudi, Qatari, the US and Jordanian spy agencies), the television added.

The Al-Mouk Operations Room has been accused of corruption, similar reports in a number of other Arab media have cited the financial corruption of the Operations Room members as a main cause of the militants complaint and their decision to surrender to the Syrian army.

Early in August, around 1,000 rebels laid down their arms and turned themselves in to the Syrian officials in the province of Dara’a amid the terrorist groups’ threats against those who surrender to the government.

In February, the Syrian Army dispatched more soldiers to the country’s Southern provinces to be deployed at the border with Jordan to defend the country against the possible aggression of the Saudi Army.

“A large convoy of reinforcements from the Syrian capital of Damascus arrived to the 5th Armored Division headquarters of the Syrian army in the town of Izra in the Northern part of Dara’a province and the Eastern part of Sheikh Meskeen,” the sources said.

“The Saudi Army has been conducting a number of military drills in the Kingdom of Jordan in recent weeks, raising the alert level of a possible war in the Dara’a province,” the sources said, adding, “So far, nothing has come of these Saudi military drills and it is very unlikely that they will attempt to enter Syria.”


PENGAMBILAN AHLI BARU GELANGGANG KIAT LANGKAH TIGA ( السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه ) Dimaklumkan bahawa sesi pen... thumbnail 1 summary

( السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه )

Dimaklumkan bahawa sesi pengambilan ahli² baru sedang dibuka untuk Gelanggang Perguruan Kiat Langkah Tiga dan kami dengan rendah diri ingin menjemput semua waghih² untuk turut serta mempelajari warisan seni persilatan bangsa kita dengan keterangan² yang berikut sebagai panduan bagi semua pihak yang berminat.

Syarat Penyertaan:

(1) Lelaki (2) Sihat mental & fizikal (3) Tiada had umur (4) Tiada rekod jenayah

- Sesi Pengambilan diadakan setiap hari Sabtu, Malam Ahad di Balai Mesyuarat Gelanggang Kiat Langkah Tiga, Kg Batu Hampar, Rembau.

- Calon berminat diminta hadir ke tapak gelanggang untuk sesi
(i) Temubual / Suaikenal / Tafaqquh
(ii) Taklimat Adab & Usul Persilatan:

"Ruanglingkup Takrif 'Ilmu & Maksud Persilatan Dalam Kerangka Akhir Zaman"

- Yuran Bulanan: RM10**

** Sebagai mahar bagi keris gelanggang ketika tamat latihan asas

Sila hubungi Urusetia untuk keterangan lanjut:

~ WAGHIH NASA 016 344 0705

WhatsApp/Telegram: +601120678656


Malam Latihan Resmi: Setiap hari Sabtu, malam Ahad

Lokasi: Tapak Gelanggang KIAT LANGKAH TIGA, Kg Batu Hampar, Rembau.

2°35'15.0"N 102°05'19.9"E

Sekian. Terima kasih.

( وابيلاهي توفيق والهيداية واسالاموالايكوم واراهماتولاهي بركاته )

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Creepy giant puppets re-enact childbirth in the most bizarre sex education show

Kefasadan melampaui batas kegilaan dalam persembahan boneka gergasi Snuff Puppets   ║▌║▌║█│▌ a l f a e d a h ║▌║▌║█│▌ Nota : Nam... thumbnail 1 summary

Kefasadan melampaui batas kegilaan dalam persembahan boneka gergasi Snuff Puppets 
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Nota : Nampak dari segi "theaterics"nya, ini lebih teruk dari kes persembahan ketika pembukaan terowong #Gotthard).. Kefasadan yang melampaui batas kegilaan melalui persembahan boneka gergasi dari Snuff Puppets yang diberi tajuk "Everybody".

Kegilaaan satanik apakah ini yang saya kira mumkin Seni Pemasangan (Installation Art) oleh sebuah organisasi/entiti yang digelar Snuff Puppets di atas nama "kreativiti" dan "pendidikan seks(??)".

Saya difahamkan sesi persembahan ini telah diadakan sekitar bulan Jun tahun lepas dan ianya di luar radar saya sehinggalah dikemukakan pada saya oleh sahabat Zulhilmi Mustafa AlBasri.

Nampaknya mereka masih terus bergiat aktif hingga kini..

Projek berkenaan yang digelar "Everybody" nampaknya bertemakan/mengambil inspirasi daan merupakan manifestasi dari lukisan-lukisan Hieronymus Bosch mengenai "neraka" dan dipenuhi dengan pelbagai karekatur yang berupa satanik.

Saya pun akan berhenti di sini dan tidak ingin menyelam lebih dalam kepada agenda mereka ini kerana akan menggelapkan diri kita sendiri akhirnya.

Saya sendiri tidak faham tentang ruanglingkup, perancangan jangkamasa panjang mereka, serta impak keseluruhan agenda yang dibawa oleh suku sakat kaum Yakjuj Makjuj pelaku fasad ini melalui perkara ini.

Cuma saya boleh katakan iktibar dan pengajaran yang boleh diambil di sini adalah bahawakegilaan mereka ini memberi isyarat dan bukti yang semakin jelas bahawa kita sudah berada di akhir zaman.

Zulhilmi Mustafa AlBasri :
Salam tuan alfa. Cuba tgk video ni. Salah satu fitnah kpd kanak2.

Al Faedah :
foof. mana tu? really bad. ok melbourne sy study nanti.

Entri Facebook :

1. The project was put together by puppet company Snuff Puppets, who have since been declared enemies of the state and may be hunted and killed on sight. “Everybody is an exploration of the human condition from birth to death and a metaphorical, metaphysical and magical investigation of the body,” goes their description of the installation, which neglects to mention that Everybody is also one of Hieronymus Bosch’s paintings of Hell come to life on the streets of Melbourne.

1. This Giant Skinless Human Body Puppet In Melbourne Is Your One-Way Ticket To Nightmare Town

2. Art performance of giant human puppet giving birth causes confusion

3. Hieronymus Bosch’s paintings of Hell

4. That's one way to stop kids having sex: Creepy giant puppets re-enact childbirth in excruciating detail... in the most bizarre sex education show ever..

By Leesa Smith for Daily Mail Australia
Published: 03:16 GMT, 10 June 2015

- Group created a monstrous puppet for a live performance
- The 26.5 metre puppet dies from a falling brick and then gives birth
- Baby feeds from breast which detaches itself and squirts milk at kids
- Huge heart jumps out of puppet's open chest and starts dancing around
- Parents across the world have a mixed reaction to the unusual show

A bizarre performance of a mammoth inflatable naked puppet using all its bodily functions to educate children about the human body has divided parents across the world.

A Melbourne group created the 26.5 metre monstrous puppet for a live art installation called 'Everybody's born, Everybody cries, Everybody s***s and Everybody dies'.

The peculiar and confusing act sees the enormous figurine inexplicably get killed after a brick lands on its head, then after a few moans gives birth to a giant baby.

A Melbourne group created the 26.5 metre monstrous puppet for a performance called 'Everybody's born, Everybody cries, Everybody s***s and Everybody dies'
The act sees the giant figurine inexplicably gets killed after a brick hits her on the head then after a few moans before giving birth to an enormous baby

The baby then latches onto a huge breast, which has detached itself from the puppet's body, for sustenance before rolling around on the ground while squirting milk at the audience as children scream in delight
The baby then latches onto the huge breast, which has detached itself from the puppet's body, for sustenance once entering the world for the first time before the breast rolls around on the ground while squirting milk at the audience as children scream in delight.

Then for no particular reason, a huge heart jumps out of the puppet's open chest and starts dancing around.

But wait there's so much more.

A pig puppet begins to talk about pondering the 'power of creation' as kids yell out 'behind you!' to warn the poor pink fella of the big mouth that gobbles up the tasty character just moments later.

Then the performance goes out on an unusual high: a bottom appears and releases ginormous blobs of brown poo before a large walking penis sprays on the audience.

For no particular reason, a huge heart jumps out of the puppet's open chest and starts dancing around

The offbeat show has created mixed reactions the social media community with as many who love the concept - there seems to be as many who either just don't get it or simply think it's highly inappropriate and pointless.

Brianne Lee posted on Snuff Puppets Facebook page that it made her happy to see kids enjoying the performance.

'The fact that adults are afraid of it and the children adore it makes my heart sing,' she said.

Simone Sky also thoroughly enjoyed the educational project.

'Was such a wonder to behold....the children became part of the story as it unfolded in front of us...loved it!!,' she posted.

After viewing the controversial video, people from all over the world including, the U.K and the U.S, asked if the Australian group had plans to travel overseas with the show.

A pig puppet begins to talk about pondering the 'power of creation' as kids yell out 'behind you!' to warn the poor pink fella of the big mouth (right near its head) that gobbles up the tasty character just moments later

Parents all over the world have mixed emotions about the bizarre concept
While others were left perplexed by the unique idea.

Charlene Boatright Winkle simply said: 'I don't understand this at all.'

Many people didn't understand why the show began with the puppet being killed by a falling brick.

'So why did the mom get hit in the head with a brick ! And what was the black thing licking I still need clarification lol my mind hasn't been right ever since so confused and disturbed, Brianna Thompson posted.

Caitlin Nicole also couldn't quite grasp the bizarre concept.

'I understand wanting to teach and appreciate the human body. . But why was she hit in the head? And making scary grunting noises. Even the baby sounded creepy. And one boob squirting kids? If it wasn't so f**king creepy it might be cool.'

Despite Nicole Walsh describing it as one of the 'oddest things I've ever seen' - she still approved of the performance.

'But I liked it. So I shared it on fb to disturb and intrigue others. Lol. But what was the mom giving birth saying? And why did the brick hit her in the head? And was that a big piece of sh** licking the baby? I need answers!!'

Some parents loved the video and hope that the show will tour in their home town sometime soon
While others thought it was inappropriate and would never take their children to the show

Many parents just didn't agree with the show at all and would not take their kids to see it.

'I didn't teach my kid to play with her poop and you can see a live birth at a hospital. Don't need giant monsters showing her your versions of what you think is appropriate I feel sorry for parent who think they should take their child to see this!,' Amanda Messer Blevins posted.

'This is just to weird for me and I had plenty experience in the O.R. where people are very exposed. But I guess everyone has their own opinions! I'm still in shock! Every parent I guess makes their own mistakes. Yawn.'

Heather Halvorsen Warren said the video was the most 'disturbing and yet intriguing thing I have ever seen.'

'I wouldn't feel comfortable taking children, but at the same time I'm not sure they would even understand. I do think the scene where the detachable penis chases people and squirts on them is so inappropriate.. It's kind of like a car wreck. You rubber neck it because you just can't look away and I pretty sure that is the goal. '

The project's artistic director, Andy Freer, responded to the controversy by posting a message addressing it to all the 'lovers and haters and the WTF’ers'
Snuff Puppets, is funded by the Victorian and Federal governments, however they said this show has been solely funded by using their own resources.

Artistic director, Andy Freer, responded to the controversy by posting a message on the company's website and Facebook page addressing it to all the 'lovers and haters and the WTF’ers.'

'I’m so excited by the fact this video has reached millions of people all over the world, albeit a 2 minute clip from a 2 hour LIVE performance art piece. A piece that explores the one thing that all humans have in common: the human body,' he said.

'Naively simple concept maybe; beautiful, shocking, incredibly complex is what defines the human body and our relationship with it. Children whose parents and guardians allowed them to view this work expressed their joy, fear and innocent curiosity. 

'Poos and wees, penises and vaginas, bums and boobs, we deal with these human body parts and functions multiple times daily and children in particular think it’s hilarious. If you’re wondering, any expression of sexuality is most definitely kept for an adults only audience.'

'We deal with these human body parts and functions multiple times daily and children in particular think it’s hilarious,' Freer said

Saturday, August 6, 2016


IT'S A ZERO SUM GAME WHERE ALL THE PLAYERS PLAY TO BE PLAYED. "It's a zero sum game, where all the players play to be play... thumbnail 1 summary

"It's a zero sum game, where all the players play to be played. Care to join them? Sebelum bermain, saya beri sedikit peringatan. Hanya ada jalan masuk, tiada jalan keluar." - AF

Lenin menukilkan: “Cara yang terbaik untuk mengawal penentangan (opposition) adalah dengan mengetuainya sendiri.." (Lenin noted: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”.)

Dengan cara yang sama, kaedah yang paling cepat dan paling berkesan untuk mendapat kepercayaan orang bahawa anda adalah "anti zionis jew" ialah dengan menyalak ke sana sini untuk bertahun-tahun lamanya, sehinggalah seluruh dunia dan orang kebanyakan percaya anda adalah "penentang zionis" yang paling tegar.

Malangnya, bukan semua orang percaya dengan wayang sulit dan lakonan sandiwara tersebut. Ini adalah "taktik rahsia" yang sudah lama diketahui oleh kalangan pengkaji kabal-kabal zionisma dan isma2 ciptaan proksi2 dajjal." Sepertimana dengan bertahun-tahun lamanya penipuan ini diteruskan, dengan sekelip mata juga boleh di"tukar" dan di"ubahsuai" halatujunya kepada arah yang samasekali bertentangan. Kerana itu mereka-mereka yang pakar di dalam perlaksanaan taktik controlled opposition ini, lazimnya di lihat sebagai seorang paradoks yang percakapan dan perbuatannya kerapkali saling bertentangan.

Jika dahulunya kita ada AI sebagai "anak emas" (darling) Deep State @haluan kiri, maka masanya sudah tiba untuk sang ikon "controlled opposition" itu (MM) memain peranan sebagai proksi "Deep State" haluan "kanan".

Ada penganalisa yang mengatakan Mahathir bertindak untuk "berkerjasama" dengan instrumen/elemen "Deep State" AS kali ini demi nasib hayat politik anaknya Mukhriz agar dengan manipulasi perebutan kuasa ini, Mukhriz akan dinobatkan sebagai No 2 Malaysia. Sehingga beliau sanggup menelan segala retorik dan polisi anti barat, anti yahudi, anti Israel, anti Amerika Syarikatnya dahulu. Tidak bagi saya. Unfortunately, it's much much more than Mukhriz. Mahathir has been at the center of EVERY single major conflict the country ahs ever had, pre-dating back to the May 13th Tragedy. Mahathir to me was pre-designed to destroy Malaysia. If he live through this maneuver, he has one more major conflict or several more in his pocket should he be allowed more time to his exceptionally long life.

MM sejak dari mula adalah pemain "controlled opposition" dan sepanjang hayat politiknya telah digunakan secara sengaja dan terancang sebagai seorang pemimpin yang kelihatannya "Anti Barat". Apakah beliau pada ketika ini sedang dimainkan untuk peranan globalis2 proksi dajjal yang berpihak kepada CHINA? Masa akan menunjukkan semua ini secara berperingkat.

Apakah senario-senario yang mungkin terungkai dari konflik perebutan kuasa negara ini? Dari kehuru-haraan yang bakal meletus, yang pertama diharapkan ialah Mukhriz naik jadi No 2. Siapa No 1? Anwar Ibrahim mesti dibebaskan untuk naik sebagai No 1 sekiranya Najib dapat ditumbangkan melalui senario huru-hara. "Deep State" Amerika Syarikat nampak pada dasarnya tidak akan menerima selain daripada Anwar Ibrahim sebagai No 1. Apakah Mahathir sudah mencapai kesepakatan dalam hal ini asalkan saja Mukhriz dapat takhta No 2?

Bagaimana kalau rencana sebenarnya bukan Anwar sebagai No 1. Lalu siapa? Melalui senario huru-hara yang menjahanamkan, apakah mungkin yang sebenarnya disasarkan untuk menguasai tampuk pemerintahan negara era akhir zaman ini adalah puak-puak Christian Evangelis, baca DAP? Bagaimana huru-hara perkauman dan keagamaan yang mungkin meletus dari senario tersebut?

Apakah huru-hara yang sebenarnya dirancang untuk negara ini? Apakah ia pada kadar huru-hara sektarian, perkauman atau jauh lebih dasyat lagi yaqni huru-hara keagamaan? Baca pro ekstremis Islam, baca ISIS lawan pro ekstremis Kristian Evangelis?

Apakah akan berlarutan kepada peperangan dan campurtangan luar kuasa-kuasa asing. Baca CHINA lawan AMERIKA SYARIKAT? Apa kesudahannya dengan semua senario-senario kekusutan yang melata seperti ini? Atau tiada kesudahannya sekadar kemusnahan demi kemusnahan? Bagaimana dengan sekutu-sekutu mereka?

Kuasa asing yang manakah akan dikorbankan kali ini jika berlarutan kepada senario peperangan? China atau Amerika Syarikat? Kalau dahulunya, Jepun memasuki Malaya dan akhirnya "ditewaskan" oleh Barat. Siapa akan main peranan "Jepun" jika peperangan dirancang sekali lagi? Siapa akan main peranan "Komunis" pula di zaman ini?

Apakah tahap kasualti kepada semua kemusnahan sebegini? Mungkin sememangnya semua inilah yang kita kehendaki dan minta-minta selama ini sehinggakan tidak nampak lagi sebarang kewarasan di kalangan umat di negara ini dalam menyemai permusuhan dan sengketa sesama sendiri atas nama perebutan kuasa dengan pelbagai acuan dan istilah sebagai halwa telinga.

Hanya manusia-manusia bersifat kaldai yang bodoh saja akan mengatakan semua ini kerana isu Najib, BN, 1MDB, atau apa saja alasan justifikasi ini dan itu yang pelbagai. Ini adalah kegilaan proksi-proksi dajjal memburu agenda-agenda mereka dengan dibantu oleh rakyat jelata yang sudah dirasuki kegilaan yang satanik.

#malaysia #deepstate #endgame 

Friday, August 5, 2016

China opens South China Sea website

BEIJING - China on Wednesday opened a website on the South China Sea, complete with historical maps, articles and research, acc... thumbnail 1 summary

BEIJING - China on Wednesday opened a website on the South China Sea, complete with historical maps, articles and research, according to the State Oceanic Administration (SOA).

Run by the National Marine Data &Information Service, the Chinese language site has 10 sections that cover basic information, news, historical archives, development and management, expert opinion, law and regulations, a timeline of major events, pictures and videos and Q&A.

"The South China Sea has drawn huge attention, but some information online is not accurate," said Zhang Haiwen, SOA official in charge of international cooperation. "We hope that this website will enable domestic and overseas people to better understand it and learn about the truth behind the 'dispute' over it."

According to Zhang, the website contains not only maps and archives but also exclusive analysis and expository articles based on experts' research of thousands of maps.

Zhang cited that a map often used by Vietnam to prove that it owned the Xisha Islands was actually pieced together by two maps, which have already been obtained by experts and might be used to refute the country's claim.

Zhang said new findings will be published on the website once verified.

According to the SOA, information on the website must first be reviewed by an expert panel and be "comprehensive, authoritative, detailed and accurate."

"The website is founded with the aim of positively publicizing our policies, claims, historical proof, legal basis and international cooperation while serving as a reliable channel for domestic and overseas government departments, research groups and individuals to learn about the South China Sea," said SOA spokesman Shi Qingfeng.

The website has now six domain names, including and, due to "information unification and security concerns," according to the SOA.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

New Defense Shield Could Spark Conflict in South China Sea Very Soon

By Ian Greenhalgh on June 3, 2016 The war drums seem to be beating ever more loudly in many places around the world, these are interesting t... thumbnail 1 summary
By Ian Greenhalgh on June 3, 2016

The war drums seem to be beating ever more loudly in many places around the world, these are interesting times and as the old Chinese curse goes 'may you be cursed to live in interesting times'.

This is the latest development in an on-going and frankly, quite worrying series of events in the South China Sea; worrying because there is a growing aggression being displayed and bellicose rhetoric being spouted by the USA.

China will not allow itself to be pushed around or dictated to by a Western power. In China no-one has forgotten the 19th century when Western powers humiliated and dominated China; they will not willingly allow that to ever happen again and are very well armed and equipped to resist forcibly.

To my eyes, there are many parallels between the situation in the sea off China and the situation in the Donbass region on the border of Ukraine and Russia. In both the USA and it’s Western allies are treating a superpower with a good deal of aggression and provocation while the Western media demonises that superpower. The superpowers in question, Russia and China, are both more than capable of defending themselves militarily; in both conventional and nuclear terms the USA is playing with fire and that should be of concern to the entire world - Ian Greenhalgh

Sputnik News:

New Defense Shield Could Spark Conflict in South China Sea Very Soon

Commenting on China’s recent announcement on its readiness to implement an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea pending further US moves in the area, one military expert told Radio Sputnik, that in case Beijing proceeds with its plans, it could spark a very serious conflict in the South China Sea.

“It is known only too well, that American, Japanese and South Korean jets continuously annoy China by flying into airspace very close to its borders. It means that an argument on the ground is currently growing into an argument in the air, and it escalates the situation even further,” military expert Viktor Baranets told Sputnik

 “In order to add weight to its claims for the disputed islands and to send a “military message” to all those who do not agree with the Chinese territorial policy in the region, Beijing has decided to cover the area with a missile defense ‘umbrella’, a serious cooling signal for those who are trying to object to its claims and which lifts the argument into the air space,” Baranets added.

However, the expert noted, the move, in turn, will cause serious annoyance to the US and its allies.

“This ‘umbrella’ is a serious step and I think that the US and its allies will not support the move. These actions might spark a serious conflict in the region very soon,” said the military expert.

“Thanks to China’s recent purchasing of very up-to-date missile defense complexes from Russia and because it has their own developments in the missile defense and even anti-satellite spheres, the Chinese can warn against entering in that area by sea or by air,” Baranets said.

He also noted that this should force the US, Japanese and South Koreans to sit down at the negotiating table. Otherwise a regional conflict could spark, which very possibly could lead to an international conflict.

On Wednesday, the South China Morning Post citing sources close to the People’s Liberation Army, reported that Beijing is ready to impose an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the South China Sea in case the US continues its “provocative” actions in the area.

“If the US military keeps making provocative moves to challenge China’s sovereignty in the region, it will give Beijing a good opportunity to declare an ADIZ in the South China Sea,” the newspaper quotes one of its sources as saying without revealing his name.

Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands, part of China’s land reclamation work in the South China sea
The revelation come ahead of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, a security forum attended by defense officials from various nations, including Admiral Sun Jianguo and US Secretary of  Defense Ash Carter. Disputes in the South China Sea are expected to head the agenda of the three-day event, which starts on Friday.

Top Chinese and US officials are also set to meet next week for their annual strategic and economic dialogue in Beijing.

“Regarding when to declare such a zone, it will depend on whether China is facing security threats from the air, and what the level of the air safety threat is,” the country’s defense ministry said in a statement sent to the newspaper.

China set up its first ADIZ in the East China Sea in November 2013 to cover the Diaoyu Islands, which Japan calls the Senkakus. Both countries claim the uninhabited outcrops but Tokyo controls them. The ADIZ triggered a backlash from Japan, South Korea and the US.

Tensions between China and neighbors Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines over sovereignty in the South China Sea have risen since Beijing embarked on major land reclamation work on the disputed islands and reefs in the area.

Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years

On July 8, 2013, the pro-PRC Chinese-language newspaper, Wenweipo, published an article titled “中國未來50年裡必打的六場戰爭 (Six Wars China Is Sure t... thumbnail 1 summary

On July 8, 2013, the pro-PRC Chinese-language newspaper, Wenweipo, published an article titled “中國未來50年裡必打的六場戰爭 (Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years)”.

The anticipated six wars are all irredentist in purpose — the reclaiming of what Chinese believe to be national territories lost since Imperial China was defeated by the Brits in the Opium War of 1840-42.

That defeat, in the view of Chinese nationalists, began China’s “Hundred Years of Humiliation.”
(See Maria Hsia Chang,Return of the Dragon: China’s Wounded Nationalism. Westview, 2001.

Below is the English translation of the article, from a Hong Kong blog, Midnight Express 2046. (The year 2046 is an allusion to what this blog believes will be the last year of Beijing’s “One County, Two Systems” formula for ruling Hong Kong, and “the last year of brilliance of Hong Kong.”)

Midnight Express 2046 (ME2046) believes this article “is quite a good portrait of modern Chinese imperialism.” What ME2046 omits are: the original Chinese-language article identifies the source of the article as 中新網 (

The Chinese-language title of the article includes the word bi (必), which means “must” or “necessarily” or “surely.” That is why  the word “sure” in the English-language title of the article.

The Six Wars [Sure] To Be Fought By China In the Coming 50 Years
September 16, 2013

China is not yet a unified great power. This is a humiliation to the Chinese people, a shame to the children of the Yellow Emperor. For the sake of national unification and dignity, China has to fight six wars in the coming fifty years. Some are regional wars; the others may be total wars. No matter what is the nature, each one of them is inevitable for Chinese unification.

The 1st War: Unification of Taiwan (Year 2020 to 2025)

Though we are enjoying peace on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, we should not daydream a resolution of peaceful unification from Taiwan administration (no matter it is Chinese Nationalist Party or Democratic Progressive Party).

Peaceful unification does not fit their interests while running for elections. Their stance is therefore to keep to status quo (which is favourable to the both parties, each of them can get more bargaining chips) For Taiwan, “independence” is just a mouth talk than a formal declaration, while “unification” is just an issue for negotiation than for real action. The current situation of Taiwan is the source of anxiety to China, since everyone can take the chance to bargain more from China.

China must work out a strategy to unify Taiwan within the next ten years, that is, by 2020.

China must work out a strategy to unify Taiwan within the next ten years, that is, by 2020. By then, China will have to send an ultimatum to Taiwan, demanding the Taiwanese to choose the resolution of peaceful unification (the most preferred epilogue for the Chinese) or war (an option forced to be so) by 2025.

For the purpose of unification, China has to make preparation three to five years earlier. So when the time comes, the Chinese government must act on either option, to give a final answer to the problem.

From the analysis of the current situation, Taiwan is expected to be defiant towards unification, so military action will be the only solution. This war of unification will be the first war under the sense of modern warfare since the establishment of the “New China”.

This war will be a test to the development of the People’s Liberation Army in modern warfare. China may win this war easily, or it may turn out to be a difficult one. All depend on the level of intervention of the U.S. and Japan. If the U.S. and Japan play active roles in aiding Taiwan, or even make offensives into Chinese mainland, the war must become a difficult and prolonged total war.

On the other hand, if the U.S. and Japan just watch and see, the Chinese army can easily defeat the Taiwanese. In this case, Taiwan can be under control within three months. Even if the U.S. and Japan step in in this stage, the war can be finished within six months.

The 2nd War: “Reconquest” of Spratly Islands (Year 2025 to 2030)

After unification of Taiwan, China will take a rest for two years. During the period of recovery, China will send the ultimatum to countries surrounding the Islands with the deadline of 2028.

The countries having disputes on the sovereignty of Islands can negotiate with China on preserving their shares of investments in these Islands by giving up their territorial claims. If not, once China declares war on them, their investments and economic benefits will be taken over by China.

At this moment, the South East Asian countries are already shivering with Chinese military unification of Taiwan.

At this moment, the South East Asian countries are already shivering with Chinese military unification of Taiwan. On one hand, they will be sitting by the negotiation table, yet they are reluctant to give up their interests in the Islands. Therefore, they will be taking the wait-and-see attitude and keep delaying to make final decision. They will not decide whether to make peace or go into war until China takes any firm actions. The map below shows the situation of territorial claims over the Spratly Islands. (Map omitted)

Besides, the U.S. will not just sit and watch China “reconquesting” the Islands. In the 1stwar mentioned above, the U.S. may be too late to join the war, or simply unable to stop China from reunifying Taiwan. This should be enough to teach the U.S. a lesson not to confront too openly with China. Still, the U.S. will aid those South East Asian countries, such as Vietnam and the Philippines, under the table.

Among the countries surrounding the South China Sea, only Vietnam and the Philippines dare to challenge China’s domination. Still, they will think twice before going into war with China, unless they fail on the negotiation table, and are sure they can gain military support from the U.S.

The best option for China is to attack Vietnam, since Vietnam is the most powerful country in the region. Beating Vietnam can intimidate the rest. While the war with Vietnam goes on, other countries will not move. If Vietnam loses, others will hand their islands back to China. If the opposite, they will declare war on China.

Of course, China will beat Vietnam and take over all the islands. When Vietnam loses the war and its islands, others countries, intimidated by Chinese military power, yet still with greediness to keep their interests, will negotiate with China, returning the islands and declaring allegiance to China. So China can build the ports and place troops on these islands, extending its influence into the Pacific Ocean.

Up till now, China has made a thorough breakthrough of the First Island Chain and infiltrated the Second one, Chinese aircraft carrier can have free access into the Pacific Ocean, safeguarding its own interests.

The 3rd War: “Reconquest” of Southern Tibet (Year 2035 to 2040)

China and India share a long border, but the only sparking point of conflicts between the two countries is only the part of Southern Tibet. China has long been the imaginary enemy of India.

The military objective of India is to surpass China. India aims to achieve this by self-development and importing advanced military technologies and weapons from the U.S, Russia and Europe, chasing closely to China in its economic and military development.

In India, the official and media attitude is more friendly towards the U.S, Russia and Europe, and is repellent or even hostile against China. This leads to unresolvable conflicts with China. On the other hand, India values itself highly with the aids from the U.S, Russia and Europe, thinking it can beat China in wars. This is also the reason of long lasting land disputes.

In my opinion, the best strategy for China is to incite the disintegration of India. By dividing into several countries, India will have no power to cope with China.

Twenty years later, although India will lag behind more compared to China in military power, yet it is still one of the few world powers. If China uses military force to conquer Southern Tibet, it has to bear some losses. In my opinion, the best strategy for China is to incite the disintegration of India. By dividing into several countries, India will have no power to cope with China.

Of course, such plan may fail. But China should at least try its best to incite Assam province and once conquered Sikkim to gain independence, in order to weaken the power of India. This is the best strategy.

The second best plan is to export advanced weapons to Pakistan, helping Pakistan to conquer Southern Kashmir region in 2035 and to achieve its unification. While India and Pakistan are busy fighting against each other, China should take a Blitz to conquer Southern Tibet, at the time occupied by India.

India will not be able to fight a two front war, and is deemed to lose both. China can retake Southern Tibet easily, while Pakistan can control the whole Kashmir. If this plan cannot be adopted, the worst case is direct military action to take back Southern Tibet.

After the first two wars, China has rested for around ten years, and has become a world power both in terms of military and economy. There will only be the U.S. and Europe (on the condition that it becomes a united country. If not, this will be replaced by Russia. But from my point of view, European integration is quite probable) able to cope with China in the top three list in world power.

After taking back Taiwan and Spratly Islands, China has great leap forward in its military power in army, navy, air force and space warfare. China will be on the leading role in its military power, may be only second to the U.S. Therefore, India will lose this war.

The 4th War: “Reconquest” of Diaoyu Island [Senkaku] and Ryukyu Islands (Year 2040 to 2045)

In the mid-21st century, China emerges as the real world power, accompanied with the decline of Japan and Russia, stagnant U.S. and India and the rise of Central Europe. That will be the best time for China to take back Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands. The map below is the contrast between ancient and recent Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands (map omitted).

From the historical records of Chinese, Ryukyu and other countries (including Japan), Ryukyu has long been the vassal states of China since ancient times, which means the islands are the lands of China.

Many people may know that Diaoyu Island is the land of China since the ancient times, but have no idea that the Japanese annexed Ryukyu Island (currently named as Okinawa, with U.S. military base). The society and the government of China is misled by the Japanese while they are discussing on the issues of the East China Sea, such as the “middle-line” set by the Japanese or “Okinawa issue” (Ryukyu Islands in Chinese), by coming to think that Ryukyu Islands are the ancient lands of Japan.

What a shame for such ignorance! From the historical records of Chinese, Ryukyu and other countries (including Japan), Ryukyu has long been the vassal states of China since ancient times, which means the islands are the lands of China. In this case, is the “middle line” set by Japan in the East China Sea justified? Does Japan have anything to do with the East China Sea? (Those who have no idea in these details may refer to “Ryukyu: An indispensable part of China since the ancient times” written by me)

The Japanese has robbed our wealth and resources in the East China Sea and unlawfully occupied Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands for many years, the time will come that they have to pay back. At that time, we can expect that the U.S. will be willing to intervene but has weakened; Europe will keep silent; Russia will sit and watch the fight. The war can end within half of a year with overwhelming victory of China. Japan will have no choice but to return Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands to China. East China Sea becomes the inner lake of China. Who dare to put a finger on it?

The 5th War: Unification of Outer Mongolia (Year 2045 to 2050)

Though there are advocates for reunification of Outer Mongolia at the moment, is this idea realistic? Those unrealistic guys in China are just fooling themselves and making a mistake in strategic thinking. This is just no good to the great work of unification of Outer Mongolia.

China should also pick the groups advocating the unification, aiding them to take over key posts in their government, and to proclaim Outer Mongolia as the core interests of China upon the settlement of Southern Tibet issue by 2040.

After taking Taiwan, we should base our territorial claims on the constitution and domain of the Republic of China (some people may raise a question here: why should we base our claims on the constitution and domain of the Republic of China? In such case, isn’t the People’s Republic of China being annexed by the Republic of China? This is a total bullshit. I will say: the People’s Republic of China is China; the Republic of China is China too. As a Chinese, I only believe that unification means power. The way which can protect the Chinese best from foreign aggression is the best way to the Chinese people.

We also need to know that the People’s Republic of China recognizes the independence of Outer Mongolia. Using the constitution and domain of the People’s Republic of China to unify Outer Mongolia is naked aggression. We can only have legitimate cause to military action using the constitution and domain of the Republic of China. What’s more, it is the case after Taiwan being taken over by China. So isn’t it meaningless to argue which entity being unified?). China should raise the issue of unification with Outer Mongolia, and to take propaganda campaigns inside Outer Mongolia. China should also pick the groups advocating the unification, aiding them to take over key posts in their government, and to proclaim Outer Mongolia as the core interests of China upon the settlement of Southern Tibet issue by 2040.

If Outer Mongolia can return to China peacefully, it is the best result of course; but if China meets foreign intervention or resistance, China should be prepared to take military action. Taiwan model can be useful in this case: giving an ultimatum with deadline in the Year 2045. Let Outer Mongolia to consider the case for few years. If they refuse the offer, then military action takes off.

In this moment, the previous four wars have been settles. China has the political, military and diplomatic power to unify Outer Mongolia. The weakened U.S. and Russia dare not to get involved except diplomatic protests; Europe will take a vague role; while India, Africa and Central Asian countries will remain silent. China can dominate Outer Mongolia within three years’ time. After the unification, China will place heavy troops on frontier to monitor Russia. China will take ten years to build up elemental and military infrastructure to prepare for the claim of territorial loss from Russia.

The 6th War: Taking back of lands lost to Russia (Year 2055 to 2060)

The current Sino-Russian relationship seems to be a good one, which is actually a result of no better choice facing the U.S. In reality, the two countries are meticulously monitoring the each other. Russia fears the rise of China threaten its power; while China never forgets the lands lost to Russia. When the chance comes, China will take back the lands lost.

When the Chinese army deprives the Russians’ ability to counter strike, they will come to realize that they can no longer match China in the battlefield.

After the victories of the previous five wars by 2050, China will make territorial claims based on the domain of Qing Dynasty (similar way by making use of the domain of the Republic of China to unify Outer Mongolia) and to make propaganda campaigns favoring such claims. Efforts should also be made to disintegrate Russia again.

In the days of “Old China”, Russia has occupied around one hundred and sixty million square kilometre of lands, equivalent to one-sixth of the landmass of current domain of China. Russia is therefore the bitter enemy of China. After the victories of previous five wars, it is the time to make Russians pay their price.

There must be a war with Russia. Though at that time, China has become an advanced power in navy, army, air and space forces, it is nevertheless the first war against a nuclear power. Therefore, China should be well prepared in nuclear weapons, such as the nuclear power to strike Russia from the front stage to the end. When the Chinese army deprives the Russians’ ability to counter strike, they will come to realize that they can no longer match China in the battlefield. They can do nothing but to hand over their occupied lands and to pay a heavy price to their invasions.


[[ Zulhilmi Mustafa AlBasri: tuan Alfaedah, ana ada jumpa source baru yang pro-china. Baca boleh percaya jangan. 

US would suffer more in war with China - Global Times
If a war is triggered, we will have greater determination than the US to fight it to the end.


Zulhilmi Mustafa AlBasri: Dalam artikel tu dia ada mention tempoh sela-masa 2015-2025.

AF: Seharusnya itulah jalurmasa yang manasabah & sememangnya dalam radar kuasa² dunia sebab China mempunyai jadual pengembangan geostrategik yg padat. Peperangan China bagi saya akan bermula dengan peperangan untuk mengambil semula Taiwan (2020) diikuti oleh peperangan Spratly/LCS dan di akhiri dengan peperangan mengambil semula wilayah²nya yang dikuasai Rusia (China 6 Wars). Bermakna ada 3 lagi peperangan selepas Spratly/LCS sebelum ia akhirnya akan berkonflik dengan Rusia pula. Walaupun pada peringkat awalnya bersekutu. Dengan itu hipotesis kita bahawa Rum Rusia akan tumbang dahulu sebelum China, manakala China akan menjadi komposisi terbesar Yakjuj Makjuj dlm peperangan terakhir di zaman pasca dajjal adalah konsisten.

Zulhilmi Mustafa AlBasri: Assalamualaikum Tuan alfa

1. Perang tawan taiwan
2. Perang LCS
3. Perang tawan wilayah rusia
4. Perang lawan china

Betul ka cmni tuan? Ana ada baca artikel on both side as n china, as-randcorp vs china-globaltimes. Both sides saling fire each others. Social war dah sampai tahap nak initiate real-time war. Accusation among each of them. So, ada spark sikit sahaja boleh spike sea war or any kind of it. Tgk cara penulisan depa agak extreme on both sides.

AF: Bukan begitu (#4), takkan China nak perang dengan China. Saya bercakap mengenai siri peperangan China. Boleh dibincangkan nanti.

The chances of China being at war(s) is not only great but most probably very near.

Jadi depa lebih gemar berterusan duduk dalam zon selesa mereka dan bergoyang kaki sambil banyak lagi stok kaldai² yang berterusan bertekak sana sini mengenai isu-isu untuk menjatuhkan kepimpinan negara atau kerajaan sendiri.

Mereka ini tidak sedar bahawa situasi kita sekarang sudah agak menyamai situasi konflik Nusantara 50 tahun lepas antara Indonesia pimpinan Presiden Sukarno dengan Malaya yang sebenarnya melibatkan pemain-pemain kuasa dunia ketika itu iaitu Amerika Syarikat & Great Britain (+ Australia) yang cuba mengekang pengaruh kuasa China ketika itu.

Mereka² ini mungkin akan bertanya lagi "So what?" sebab dia langsung takkan nampak poin yang kita tengah cakap apa, sebab dia tak faham apa yang berlaku ketika itu.

Jadi kita cakap apa jadi pada Soekarno tahun 1965? Siapa yang buat kerja? Dia tatau. Apa jadi di Indonesia 1963 - 1965? Apa jadi antara Malaya - Indonesia? Dia tatau apa jadi ketika itu, dia tatau siapa di sebalik semua itu dan kenapa. Dan dalam tidak sedar sekarang dah pun genap 50 tahun lebih
"ulangtahun" kerosakan di nusantara. ]]