Saturday, March 25, 2017


SHADES OF GLADIO? London Attacker ‘Known’ to MI5 – Police Terror Drill Days Before By Shawn Helton (21st Century Wire) March 24, 2017 ... thumbnail 1 summary
SHADES OF GLADIO? London Attacker ‘Known’ to MI5 – Police Terror Drill Days Before

By Shawn Helton (21st Century Wire)
March 24, 2017

In the days leading up to the London attacks, Met Police rehearsed a ‘terrifyingly realistic’ drill on the River Thames prior to yet another known wolf act of terror taking place.

‘GLADIO-322?’ – The London attacks occurred exactly a year after the Brussels airport bombings, conjuring the peculiar lore of Yale’s Skull & Bones numerology. Its also worth noting, the London attacks appear to have echoed elements of a 2016 Hollywood film called “London Has Fallen.”(Photo Illustration 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton)

Though many are still reeling in the wake of the tragic events in London – key questions have emerged following this latest terror attack in the UK.

During the course of this article, we’ll examine some of the available evidence of the events in London, as well as discuss the relevance of the ‘known wolf’ aspect of the case. In addition, we’ll consider the political context with which to view the attacks following an uptick of Western allied involvement in Syria.

Let’s review the London attacks below…

‘CHAIN OF EVENTS’ – Was this the work of one attacker? (Image Source: bbc)

The London Attacks

On March 22nd, 4 people were said to have been killed in apparent two-pronged attack that stretched from London’s Westminster Bridge to Parliament Square. All told, the crime scene reportedly left 40 people injured.

According to authorities, the London attacker now believed to be Khalid Masood, (aka Adrian Russell Ajao) drove into a crowd of people on Westminster Bridge, then allegedly carried out a knife attack on an officer outside of Parliament Square – but is this the full story?

In less than 24 hours, London authorities revealed that the British-born Masood, was already well-known to MI5.

CBS news reported the following:

“Masood had an extensive criminal history stretching back 20 years — much of it petty offenses. He has been known by a number of aliases, including Khalid Choudri/Choudari.

His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage, and his last was in December 2003 for possession of an illegal knife.

The London Metropolitan Police have said Masood had previous convictions for assaults, including causing gross bodily harm, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.”

Even though Masood was on the intelligence/police radar, he was never convicted of any terror related offenses and was not currently the subject of any investigation just prior to the London attacks. However, Masood was previously investigated on suspicion of extremism in the past.
MI5 LINKED’ – Khalid Masood, the purported London attacker.  (Image Source: rt)

Interestingly, shortly after the attack, eye-witness accounts of multiple assailants was mentioned, something that directly contradicted the official story. In fact, in those reports it was suggested that at least two individuals participated in the attack. This aspect of the case has been mostly buried by major media outlets, something we’ve seen before in other high-profile cases involving ‘known wolf’ terrorists.

On March 22nd, Reuters stated at 17:30 GMT, “…police are currently looking for a second suspect in the Houses of Parliament. A BBC reporter says a witness described two assailants as being a “bald white man” and a “black man with goatee beard.” 

When we scratch away the mainstream veneer of any story, what we often discover underneath is a web of clandestine deception and media manipulation.

In recent years, there’s been a pattern of multiple suspects often witnessed or said to be involved in other terror-related events. This proved to be the case in the aftermath of the Nice, France truck attack (a nearly identical attack method to Berlin), as well as the Brussels airport bombing in 2016.

Zero Hedge reported on the confusion over the official identity of the attacker. Early reports had first named a known hate preacher as the person responsible for the London attacks – but it turned out he’s still serving time in prison:

“Press reports are circulating that the terrorist responsible for the attack on Westminster Bridge in London, has been named as Abu Izzadeen, born Trevor Brooks from Clapton in Hackney, an infamous UK-born hate-preacher and Islamic extremist who had been convicted for raising funds for terrorism.”

QUESTION: Was this really just a case of mistaken identity, like both the New Year’s Eve Turkish nightclub attack and the Brussels bombings of 2016 – or was there something else at play?

Security & Police Terror Drills

On March 6th, Mark Rowley of the Met Police disclosed that 13 Paris-style terror plots have been supposedly foiled over the past 4 years, which have relied largely on public observation and reports of suspicious activity.

QUESTION: Why in the era of mass data collection, GPS tracking and surveillance of personal devices, is British counter-intelligence relying on the public so heavily to help solve terror cases?

Here’s a passage from Evening Standard on the matter:

“Assistant commissioner Mark Rowley, of the Met Police, also revealed that during that period there were more than 500 live counter-terror investigations at any time.

He disclosed the figures as he launched an appeal – Action Counters Terrorism – for the public to report any suspicions and act on their instincts, saying their help is critical to foiling atrocities.

He said that since the murder of Lee Rigby in May 2013, police and intelligence agencies have disrupted 13 terrorist attack plots – one higher than the last update in October.”

On March 19th, the UK’s Telegraph published a report detailing an anti-terror drill conducted by Met Police just days before the London attacks:

“Armed police have played out the chaos of a “pleasure boat” terrorist attack on the Thames in a unique marine-based exercise to test the emergency response to gunmen.

A sightseeing vessel became the scene of a fierce mock-gun battle between armed officers and police volunteers posing as terrorists shortly after 11am on Sunday, close to the London Docklands area.

The exercise marks the first time the Metropolitan Police have enacted a live-action, water-borne exercise of its kind, with over 200 officers involved.”

There has been an uncanny number of attacks preceded by anti-terror multi-agency drills that theatrically act out violence to prepare to engage with violence, this also happened prior to the Brussels attacks of 2016.

This was also the case with London’s 7/7 bombing – watch this ITV interview with Peter Power…

Incredibly, Power predicted the 7/7 attacks a year earlier on BBC Panorama on May 16th 2004…

The Daily Mail reported the Parliament Square crime scene also revealed that the gates were left wide open with no one guarding it:

“A knife-wielding terrorist only managed to get on to the parliamentary estate because the gates were open for ministers to vote – and the Commons authorities knew it was a security weak spot.”

Continuing, the article revealed that the policeman killed during the London attacks was ‘unarmed’ at the time he was stabbed by the alleged perpetrator:

“Concerns have been raised about how the extremist managed to get into the grounds of one of Britain’s most important buildings and why the policeman killed was unarmed.

No armed police are thought to have been on duty at the gates, which open on to Parliament Square.”

The article also stated that the entrance was “…blockaded with metal barriers, [and] is often left open during votes so ministers can drive in and out quickly. Once the division bell goes they only have eight minutes until the vote ends.”

QUESTION: How did the alleged attacker Masood, know exactly when the gates might be open or closed during the voting session?

‘PARLIAMENT SQUARE’ – The emergency response teams and police were seen walking all over the crime scene in London’s Parliament Square. (Image Source: 98FM)

Police Commissioner Eyewitness?

Rather incredibly, London’s Acting Police Commissioner Craig Mackey, just so happened to be a witness to the Parliament Square attack on Pc Keith Palmer. Here’s the stunning admission logged by the Daily Mail:

‘I personally was a witness to part of yesterday’s events, including part of the tragic attack on Pc Palmer,’ Mr Mackey said.

‘As with all police officers, I therefore had a duty to secure my evidence and produce statements yesterday evening, which I did before resuming my role leading our response to this incident.’

The recent London attacks are a familiar theme: Berlin’s Christmas Market Attack perpetrator Anis Amri, was watched by authorities for months in the lead up to staging a truck attack. Additionally, the recent events in London also recalled the Nice, France attack, with Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel, a 31 year-old French man of Tunisian descent said to have carried out a similar vehicular assault. Both highly dramatized “ISIS-inspired” attacks produced a string of  ‘known wolves‘ that once again revealed evidence inextricably tying terror to security services.

QUESTION: Will this attack and others like it in the future, refuel the US-UK ‘willing coalition’ war rhetoric concerning military and proxy occupation in Syria?

The latest symbolically charged ‘ISIS-approved’ attack this Spring, appears to be an effort to polarize the perception of Western viewers with yet another round of wartime propaganda, while also providing a media smoke screen over recent US military action in Syria. In fact, a Reuters report practically confirms this:

“The perpetrator of the attacks yesterday in front of the British parliament in London is an Islamic State soldier and he carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of the coalition.”

RT reports there have been dozens of anti-terror raids over the past 24-48 hours following the London attacks, along with other significant arrests. Here’s a passage from RT:

“A 39-year-old woman was arrested at an address in east London.

Overnight in Birmingham, a total of six people between the ages of 21 and 28 were arrested at two separate locations while a 58-year-old man was also arrested at a separate address in the city this morning.

All suspects were arrested on suspicion of preparation of terrorist acts.

The Met added that the investigation into the terrorist attack “continues to develop at a fast pace and involves hundreds of detectives.”

Informants & Patsies

QUESTION: Why was Masood never convicted of violent extremism by authorities?

As 21 WIRE has documented over the years, many so-called shooting/terror/attacks involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. A place where a ‘lone wolf’ graduates into the ranks of a known wolf. In fact, very often those being watched by authorities exhibit all the tell-tale signs of a patsy or an informant, working either for a law enforcement or intelligence agency to potentially avoid jail time for previous criminal activity. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals to fulfill various role in entrapment stings or sometimes as bonafide actors in an actual attacks.

In any case, alleged attackers and security agencies have a dicey relationship, making any link between them highly suspect in nature.

In January of 2015, a strategic security service think-tank known as The Soufan Group, reported that a larger national security threat resides with radicals who’ve had a lengthy criminal background with known ties to security agencies:

“The Soufan Group, a New York think tank, said a better term for “lone wolves” would be “known wolves“, given how many are already known to Western intelligence agencies before they strike.

“These individuals, acting alone or in small groups … have been on the radar of various agencies and organisations, highlighting the difficulty of effectively monitoring and managing people at the nexus of criminality and terrorism,” it said in a report this week…”

Other terror stooges and suspicious intelligence ‘informant’ cases include the following:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) 
Buford Rogers (see his story here)
Jerad Miller (see his story here)
Naji Mansour (see his story here)
Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) 
Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) 
Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) 
Salim Benghalem (see his story here) 
Michael Adebolajo (see his story here)
Daba Deng (see his story here) 
Elton Simpson (see his story here) 
Man Haron Monis (see his story here)
Abu Hamza (see his story here)
Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) 
Glen Rodgers (see his story here) 
Omar Mateen (see his story here)
Tashfeen Malik (see her story here)
Djamel Beghal  (see his story here)
Anjem Choudary (see his story here)
Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) 
Said Kouachi (see his story here)
Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here)
Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here)
Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) 
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here)
Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here)
Abdelhakim Dekhar  (see his story here)
Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here)
Samy Amimour (see his story here)
Ismaël Omar Mostefaï (see his story here) 
Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here)
Anis Amri (see his story here)

As we’ve mentioned at 21WIRE numerous times in recent years, many political leaders and media operatives bang the drums of security over so-called terror ‘sleeper cells’ (see the the London Boys sleeper cell) hiding in a nation near you – none of them acknowledge the historical fact that they themselves have also helped to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through counter-terrorism operations for decades.

All too often we’ve seen the ‘stage persona’ of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence reaches a court room.

For the average person, it’s hard to differentiate from a drill or a real event, causing one to scrutinize the legitimacy of such an operation.
‘MI5’s INSIDE MAN’ – Anjem Choudary has been linked to many high-profile terror events, as well as the terror mascot/avatar for ISIS, Jihadi John. (Image Source: twitter)

The Terror Factory

In August of 2016, a hyper-propagandized war image of Omar Daqneesh went viral in the West, while the well-known radical preacher Anjem Choudary was ‘protected’ by MI5, despite being linked to major terror plots over the past decade. All in all, they were two narratives that reflected the ‘humanitarian’ and ‘radicalization’ guises of NATO’s international security syndicate that has masked the reality of the War On Terror era.

Here’s a portion of a 21WIRE article I wrote in August of 2016 entitled “COINTEL CHAOS: The MI5’s ‘Known Wolf’ Preacher, Aleppo Agitprop & NATO’s Mask.” 

The dense report further outlined the historical lens with which to view links between terror operators and counter-terror operations and how both have played a dramatic role in many major acts of terror over the past 16 years:

“It’s worth noting that the contemptible cleric Choudary, now facing jail time for supporting ISIS, crossed paths with Abu Hamza, another radical preacher who subsequently ran the Finsbury Park mosque in North London – a known limited hangout for spooks, criminals and other informants.

In 2015, 21WIRE discussed the dubious role of Hamza at Finsbury Park, as well as his long time connection to MI5, while under the gaze of MI6:

“Hamza’s role as a state instigator and secret custodian of the Finsbury Park’s radical ‘honey pot’, now appears obvious. In a typical honey pot operation, security chiefs will place an outrageously radical character into position in order to attract “the worst of the worst” and then inform on them to authorities. For years Hamza openly preached his overtly radical, over-the-top sermons at Finsbury Park, often praising Osama Bin Laden and glorifying the attacks of 9/11, all the while mocking the police.” 

Continuing, the Special Report examined Abu Hamza (photo, left) and his meetings with British security services since the 1990’s:

“…the Daily Telegraph disclosed how Abu Hamza had at least 12 secret meetings with MI5 and police special branch over a six year period, starting in the late 1990’s. Other testimonies also exist that show both Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada – Britain’s two most celebrated radical Islamists, were both informants.”

In May of 2015, the UK’s Independent discussed the almost two dozen terror attacks linked to the group known as “Al-Muhajiroun,” a banned terror-linked organization with ties to British intelligence, specifically MI5. In the passage below, many of the international attacks connected to Al-Muhajiroun had been ‘foiled’ by police prior to happening:

“The 7/7 attacks, the murder of fusilier Lee Rigby, the plot to blow up planes with liquid bombs and the plot to blow up the Ministry of Sound nightclub are among the 23 planned terrorist attacks that have been linked to one single radical group operating in the UK over the past two decades: al Muhajiroun.

According to a new book by terrorism expert Raffaello Pantucci, al Muhajiroun, a banned network in the UK, has been linked to a number of plots and attacks carried out both in Britain and abroad since 2000.

The book, entitled We love death as you love life – which Pantucci said is a “catchphrase” used by many of the attackers in their propaganda – claims that 23 out of 51 of these terror plots either carried out or foiled by police in the UK and abroad have been linked to al-Muhajiroun.”

Shortly before London’s 7/7 bombings in 2005,  Al-Muhajiroun’s Omar Bakri Mohammed (Anjem Choudary’s co-founder) was outed as an informant for MI5 after the Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Ron Suskind spoke to a senior MI5 official.

Bakri later ‘conceded’ the connection during an interview in Beirut, which was featured in Suskind’s controversial book, The Way of the World.

In an article written by Nafeez Ahmed entitled,“The circus: How British intelligence primed both sides of the ‘terror war’,” the larger role of Bakri and Choudary is revealed:

“Bakri was regularly in touch with his deputy, Anjem Choudary, over the internet and even delivered online speeches to his followers in Britain instructing them to join IS and murder civilians. He has now been detained and charged by Lebanese authorities for establishing terror cells in the country.

Bakri was also deeply involved “with training the mujahideen [fighters] in camps on the Syrian borders and also on the Palestine side.” The trainees included four British Islamists “with professional backgrounds” who would go on to join the war in Syria. Bakri also claimed to have trained “many fighters,” including people from Germany and France, since arriving in Lebanon. Was Mohammed Emwazi among them? Last year, Bakri disciple Mizanur Rahman confirmedthat at least five European Muslims who had died fighting under IS in Syria had been Bakri acolytes.”

Interestingly, a UK think-tank called the Quilliam Foundation, that focuses on counter-extremism, has functioned alongside the MI5’s counter insurgent programs. Many critics of  Quilliam have suggested the foundation has some controversial bedfellows, in addition to their close affiliation with the Council on Foreign Relations and their connection to the Henry Jackson Society which has been associated with other neoconservative think-tanks.

In the US, many neoconservative republicans have been in favor of escalating the conflict in Syria and Quilliam’s involvement could be seen as another group behind the scenes designing a particular outcome for Western interests.”

QUESTION: Is it possible that Masood was working in a similar manner with MI5?

COERCED OPERATIVE? – Was Mohammad Emwazi forced to participate, and ‘play a role’ in the fraudulent ISIS terror videos? (Photo link

Adding to the information above, the man purported to be the infamous ISIS executioner ‘Jihadi John’ was a former computer programmer, 27-year-old Mohammad Emwazi. According to reports, Emwazi was believed to have left the UK to join ISIS militants in Syria sometime in 2013.

In fact, British security services, along with the FBI, revealed that they had ‘unmasked’ the ISIS terror video persona known, and had even known his identity for at least 6 months. While this news stunned the international community – it was quickly revealed that the man suspected of being the ISIS front-man was known by MI5 for the past 6 years.

‘LONDON ATTACKER’ – Khalid Masood seen more recently on the left and while attending Tunbridge Wells on the right. (Image Source: bbc)

Contradictory Profile of a Killer

In the aftermath of many high-profile terror events we here reports of those who knew the alleged perpetrator and very often these people find it hard to believe that the person they had come to know could carry out such a heinous act, even though he had a lengthy criminal history. The BBC reported the following:

“Stuart Knight, a classmate of Masood’s at Huntleys Secondary School for Boys in Tunbridge Wells, said he was a “nice lad” who was a “fun guy, always laughing, always joking”.

Mr Knight added that Masood “worked reasonably hard, [was] good at sport, played rugby very well. Just an unassuming guy. Nothing extraordinary about him at all”.

He also said he was shocked to learn of his former classmate’s actions. “I wouldn’t have thought it of him. It was so out of character for the guy I knew nearly 40 years ago.”

CBS news added:

“The manager of a hotel where Masood stayed the night before he plowed his 4×4 into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and then stabbed a police officer at Parliament said Friday that he seemed unusually outgoing and mentioned details about his family, including having a sick father.

“He was normal, in fact friendly, because we spent possibly five or 10 minutes talking to him about his background and where he came from,” Sabeur Toumi told CBS partner network Sky News on Friday.”

QUESTION: Is it possible that Masood was financially enticed for his role in the event?

Look for the Met to build up a darker back story to further gain public acceptance of the official narrative of the London attacks as it relates to Masood. As Masood’s violent criminal past will be used as the pretext for his apparent involvement in the London attacks. Already authorities have searched a Carmarthenshire home belonging to his mother, echoing some of the investigative tactics seen after the terror events witnessed in San Bernardino and Orlando over the past two years.

The Met’s Mark Rowley discussed the extent of the search for information thus far. Here’s a quote published by CBS news:

“We’ve seized 2,700 items from these searches, including massive amounts of computer data for us to work through,” Rowley said, adding that contact had been made with 3,500 witnesses.

Below is another look at the type of formulaic scripting often involved in these kinds of events. Scripted elements that are grafted onto each future terror-related incident:

– Suspect or suspects have alleged connections to terror or terror networks.

– Suspect or multiple suspects reportedly have ‘radicalized’ views on religion, feeding a prepackaged media narrative.

– Sensational media projections bring in additional story lines for dramatic effect.

– There is an unknown motive for the crime committed – followed quickly by a ‘presumed’ terror motive with vague evidence provided.

– Politicians, law enforcement and media call the incident a ‘terror attack’ before all evidence has been reviewed.

– A ‘claim of responsibility’ manifesto, text or social media post is conjured within 48 hours or less after an attack.

Time and time again, we’ve seen this same choreographed narrative pushed by mass media and authorities – only to be exposed at a later date.

It is also widely known that the FBI created the counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) to influence and disrupt political factions from the inside out.

Between 1956 and 1971 (including the Socialist Workers party in 1973), the FBI’s controversial program infiltrated and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to control and neutralize political dissidents across America.

Similarly, on a global scale, NATO’s paramilitary-style stay-behind-armies (under the moniker Operation Gladio) have been implicated in a number of terror attacks across Europe for several decades.

Allied nations regularly bring up the fact that Western intelligence uses double agents and informants under the banner of security to obfuscate the deceitful reality of such programs.

Was the London attacker also involved in a covert scenario like this?

Here’s another look at a compelling documentary discussing the details of NATO’s secret army used to redirect political interests…

Author Shawn Helton is Associate Editor of 21st Century Wire, as well as an independent media forensic analyst specializing in criminal investigations and media coverage from war theaters.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Devastating floods in store for Europe and Russia in 2017

20.03.2017 | Source: Pravda.Ru Devastating floods in store for Europe and Russia in 2017. 60002.jpeg The water level in the North Sea is e... thumbnail 1 summary
20.03.2017 | Source: Pravda.Ru

Devastating floods in store for Europe and Russia in 2017. 60002.jpeg

The water level in the North Sea is expected to rise in the near future, experts at the Center for European Research said. According to them, the level of the water in the North Sea will rise by one meter. This would be enough to ravage Europe with devastating floods every year.

The water level in the North, as well as in the Baltic Seas is expected to rise due to the phenomenon of global warming.

Global warming will make tidal waves more powerful  by at least 30 percent by the end of the current century in the southern hemisphere, the scientists also said.

Meanwhile, the head of the Russian Meteorological Service,  Alexander Frolov, said that Russia would have to deal with the largest flood in 100 years in 2017. Spring has come to Russia too early this year, with March being unusually warm.

The temperatures that Russia has seen recently in March are typical of April. Water levels are expected to be dangerously high on the rivers of Siberia. Floodwater are expected to come to Altai, Tuva, Khakassia, as well as Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

Kereta Menongkah Arus Sudah Jadi Trend Rakyat Malaysia?

March 16, 2017 Sejak awal bulan lalu, kita digemparkan dengan berita kemalangan membabitkan pemanduan melawan arus trafik. Memetik porta... thumbnail 1 summary
March 16, 2017

Sejak awal bulan lalu, kita digemparkan dengan berita kemalangan membabitkan pemanduan melawan arus trafik. Memetik portal, bulan lalu, seorang pemandu
kereta BMW memandu melawan arus trafik di Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, merempuh sebuah Perodua Myvi menyebabkan mangsa maut.

inggu lalu pula, sebuah Nissan Sentra turut melawan arus trafik di Lebuhraya Utara Selatan (PLUS) berhampiran Taiping, Perak. Manakala, hanya selang beberapa hari kemudian di Pulau Pinang, sebuah Proton Gen2 dengan kesalahan sama merempuh sebuah Perodua Kelisa sehingga menyebabkan kematian mangsa.
Hari ini, Khamis, China Press Daily memuat naik dua buah video memaparkan sebuah Perodua Myvi menongkah arus trafik di Skudai, Johor.

Video berkenaan memaparkan Myvi berwarna hitam terbabit menongkah arus trafik tanpa niat membetulkan kesalahannya untuk kembali ke lorong yang betul dan selamat.

Sampai satu ketika, Myvi berkenaan berhenti di lampu isyarat walaupun berada di kedudukan bertentangan dan salah. Meskipun mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar, kereta itu berkeras membelok ke kanan. Motif sebenar pemandu masih belum dikenalpasti.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Tukar mayat Jong Nam dengan 9 rakyat Malaysia di Korea Utara

"Adalah menjadi keyakinan saya, hasil ops gelap para operatif dan aset² CIA-NIS, Malaysia kini semakin terjebak dalam satu lagi konsp... thumbnail 1 summary
"Adalah menjadi keyakinan saya, hasil ops gelap para operatif dan aset² CIA-NIS, Malaysia kini semakin terjebak dalam satu lagi konspirasi bertaraf dunia. Jika masih tidak jelas, ada masalah dengan "mayat" Kim Jong Nam. Korea Utara ada justifikasi yang kuat." - Editor

Katakunci #demam


16 Mac, 2017

Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata Putrajaya tidak menolak kemungkinan itu pada masa ini kerana rundingan sedang dibuat dengan Pyongyang untuk membawa pulang rakyat Malaysia dengan selamat.

KUALA LUMPUR: Ada kemungkinan Putrajaya akan menyerahkan mayat Kim Jong Nam bagi memastikan 9 rakyat Malaysia yang terperangkap di Korea Utara dapat pulang dengan selamat, lapor The Star.

Ketika ditanya akhbar itu adakah Putrajaya akan mempertimbangkan untuk menukar mayat Jong Nam demi keselamatan rakyat Malaysia di sana, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata: “Kami melihat kepada semua kemungkinan.”

Zahid berkata rundingan rasmi di bahagian ketua setiausaha bermula pada Isnin untuk pembebasan rakyat Malaysia di sana.

“Kami sedang meneliti untuk membawa mereka keluar dari Pyongyang,” katanya selepas melancarkan fasiliti baharu VIP di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur semalam.

Zahid yang juga menteri dalam negeri sebelum itu memberitahu wartawan di luar Parlimen yang mayat Jong Nam, dipercayai dibunuh menerusi operasi diterajui Korea Utara, sudah diawetkan dan boleh bertahan lebih lama.

Pembunuhan itu dan cubaan Malaysia untuk menyiasat 3 warga Korea Utara yang dipercayai bersembunyi di Kedutaan Korea Utara di sini, mencetuskan ketegangan diplomatik antara kedua-dua negara.

Korea Utara melarang 3 diplomat Malaysia dan 6 ahli keluarga mereka daripada meninggalkan negara itu. Malaysia bertindak balas dengan berkata warga Korea Utara di Malaysia juga tidak dibenarkan kembali ke sana.

The Star melaporkan Zahid menolak kenyataan Korea Utara yang mayat itu bukan Jong Nam, abang sebapa kepada pemimpin negara itu, Kim Jong Un.

“Ketua polis negara sudah mengesahkan ia Kim Jong Nam berdasarkan kepada sampel DNA diperoleh daripada anak si mati. Forensik dan prosedur DNA dipatuhi. Saya secara rasmi menyatakan mayat itu memang Kim Jong Nam,” katanya dipetik sebagai berkata.

Zahid tidak memberi butiran lanjut bagaimana atau bila sampel DNA daripada anak Jong Nam diperoleh. Khalid juga enggan memberi butiran lanjut.

Laporan menyatakan Jong Nam mempunyai 2 anak lelaki dan seorang anak perempuan dengan 2 wanita dipercayai menetap di Beijing dan Macau.

Timbalan perdana menteri berkata Putrajaya tidak ada bantahan terhadap inkuiri antarabangsa berhubung pembunuhan Jong Nam di klia2 pada 13 Februari.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Demonization Campaign: ROGUE CIA-NIS Agents STAGED Murder Of Kim Jong Nam Yoichi Shimatsu | Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 1:53 Beijing The... thumbnail 1 summary
Demonization Campaign: ROGUE CIA-NIS Agents STAGED Murder Of Kim Jong Nam

Yoichi Shimatsu | Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 1:53 Beijing

The media campaign to blame North Korea for the airport assassination of exile Kim Jong Nam collapsed after Malaysian police failed to force a phony confession out of their chief suspect under arrest. The “Transporter” Ri Jong-choi, who was accused of dropping off two alleged female assassins to murder the half-brother of North Korea’s supreme leader, regained his freedom after intensive scrutiny of airport security videos showed his presence in or near the airport on February 13, the day of the killing.

The falsely accused suspect flew to Beijing in transit to his homeland and spoke to reporters gathered outside the North Korean embassy this past weekend on Saturday March 4. His account for reporters blew apart the official cover story. Ri said that during his detention police officers “kept telling me to admit to the crime and if not, my whole family would be killed.”

The officers showed him photographs of what purported to be his family members inside a North Korean prison. The counterfeit images had obviously been cut-and-paste Photoshop alterations by a South Korean intelligence team, which inserted prison backgrounds into family snapshots probably pulled from Facebook or Weibo.

“That’s when I realized this was a conspiracy, a plot to discredit the status and honor of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” Ri stated to the press. No dummy, he was astute enough to realize that Malaysian police assurances of a comfortable future in Malaysia were a crude lie. If he taken the fall for the Kim Jong Nam murder, he’d now be destined for the death penalty.

At the time of his arrest, the Malaysian police said at a news conference that Ri has “expertise in chemistry”, implying that he was trained in handling the VX nerve gas allegedly used against Kim Jong Nam. It turns out that Ri’s chemical knowledge is limited to his job as a buyer of raw materials such as detergents, natural oils and fragrances for the soap industry.

Lesson: Never ever give credence to the mainstream media, especially in a place as corrupt and dominated by the CIA as Malaysia.

The unwitting role of the two alleged murderesses, who were recorded by airport security monitors rubbing liquid on Kim’s face prior to his death, is discussed further on. The more pressing questions are: Who organized this elaborate false-flag attack and for what purpose?

When the sensational assassination at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is compared with the time=line of Korea-related events, two main motives behind the sabotage of Track II become immediately apparent.

- First, State Department hawks and the CIA were eager to sabotage the Trump team’s effort to hold confidential security talks in New York with North Korean diplomats. The Track II meeting was scheduled for the third week of February. In contrast to the normal state-to-state standards of Track I diplomacy, Track II is loosely defined as “ “non-governmental, informal and unofficial contacts and activities between private citizens or groups of individuals”. President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson were aiming to establish a dialogue with Pyongyang to begin the long trek back from nuclear brinksmanship to restart negotiations toward a non-nuclear Korean Peninsula. The secret effort is needed after the Obama-Hillary team dumped diplomacy in favor of a reckless and futile “pivot to Asia”, which only further antagonized Pyongyang and Beijing.

- Second, a national-security scare was desperately desired by South Korea’s ruling conservative Liberty Korea Party (LKP) due to the looming impeachment of President Park Geun-hye for her secret connections with an apocalyptic cult. While a broad opposition
coalition was gaining popular support with massive street protests, the LKP turned to scare tactics to whip up anti-Pyongyang fears. This explains the use of VX, an organophosphate reputed to be the deadliest of all nerve gas agents. What more convenient target for a false flag attack was there than the self-exiled Kim Jong Nam, the black sheep of North Korea’s ruling family?The CIA and Seoul’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) could reap even more benefits from a false-flag attack using a weapon of mass destruction, using their imbecile mouthpieces in Congress to call for a motion to expel North Korea from the UN, which then could be exploited by The New York Times, the Washington Post and the other liberal shills.

The target of this orchestrated campaign of murder and fake news is not really Pyongyang, which is already isolated; the greater objective is to paralyze and oust Donald Trump from the White House. To stage murders for the purpose of unconstitutional removal of a duly elected president is something akin to high treason.

Stunned in PyongyangThis article is delayed somewhat because I was waiting to hear from a South Korean advocate of reunification to return from a visit to Pyongyang. The reaction to the news of Kim Jong Nam’s death in Malaysia was not greeted with celebrations over the demise of an exile, rival to is brother or a potential traitor.

For North Koreans his poisoning was another grim reminder of how the Western alliance will resort to any foul trick to vilify their small community for refusing to yield on their knees.

For all their toughness and discipline, North Koreans were astonished and horrified by the calculated murder of someone who had never done anything to harm the United States or South Korea. His only “crime” was to be from North Korea. The public response in the North, he said, was one of sadness about the cold-heartedness of Americans and self-righteous Christian zealots in South Korea.

Here again is proof that the term “intelligence agency” is an oxymoron, since the CIA are a bunch of morons in need of oxygen instead of cocaine ringing around their brains. Now their fall guy has just walked free because the CIA and its South Korean sidekicks can’t even stage a televised airport murder without screwing up.

Why should US taxpayers be paying massive entitlements for these evil clowns? The answer to that recurrent question is: So that billions of dollars can be spent on Raytheon and Lockheed, and kickbacks to Congress, instead of being wasted on health care, education, infrastructure or tax rebates.

Instead of getting angry about deliberate sabotage of his diplomacy, the president needs to stay cool, calm and collected and consult the Office of Management and Budget about line-item cuts.

The Merry Pranksters

The two Southeast Asian women who were lured into stage-acting as the killers were decoys in the run by the actual murderers. Truthful forensic evidence is at stake, when in a blatant violation of national jurisdiction, the Malaysian authorities have refused to turn the corpse over to North Korean embassy officials. There is a need for lab tests done in North Korea, and before that samples taken for an independent inquiry.

That’s assuming that Kim is not still alive and being held by the CIA at one of its special rendition facilities aka illegal prisons. Make-up artists at the CIA could easily work up a dummy or alter the body of John Doe/Doh to resemble Kim in a coffin, in one of those disguises straight out of Mission Impossible. The Kim family, however, might know about a few birthmarks and so the fraud would be detected and the body would not be returned to his homeland for burial.

Both female suspects have stated they were hired, for $100 each, to play a prank on the target male by spreading baby oil on his face. They had no idea of who he was or where he was from. The Malaysian police reported that after the incident, the women went to a ladies washroom straightaway.

The police speculated they might have worn thin latex gloves to avoid touching VX. If a small dosage of VX mixed with petroleum oil was present, particle would have been flung when the gloves were snapped off, felling the assailants. Vapors from the gloves would most certainly have harmed any other women who later used the same toilet area.

The lethal toxicity of VX persists for between three and 10 days at air temperatures lower than 70 Fahrenheit. The indoor environment at Kuala Lumpur International Airport was not decontaminated. No janitors, passengers, security staff or medical personnel reported symptoms of chemical poisoning.

So the logical question arises: Was Kim Jong Nam killed with an injection inside the airport clinic while he was seeking medical advice about the baby oil spread on his face?

For anyone who can recall the Tokyo subway gassing, 20,000 commuters were sprawled inside and on top of several subway stations, bleeding from their eyes, noses and throats, and those gases were much weaker than VX. I remember because I was in downtown Tokyo that morning and then led the only honest investigation, and now the event at KLIA strikes my mind as something other than the public use of nerve gas.

 Round Up the Usual Suspects

One of the two female suspects, the tall Vietnamese woman Doan Thi Hoang, was reported by Malaysia’s Chinese press as having lived for more than two months “in China”. The same articles suggests more precisely that her temporary stay was more in Macau, an autonomous region famed for its American-owned casinos and prostitution.

There she allegedly was an escort, a euphemism for a sex worker. Macau is the location of the Sands Casino, whose owner Sheldon Adelson and his Mormon securty team got entangled in a CIA entrapment scheme involving a gambling boss named Paul Phua, a case that soon led to State Department control over the Malaysian prime minister.

The other female suspect Siti Aishah from Jakarta, Indonesia, is a divorcee who works as a masseuse. Press reports tried to incriminate her with statements from her family that she speaks Korean. Foreign language fluency in itself is not proof of wrongdoing, since many masseuses in Southeast Asia learn other Asian languages to converse with Asian clients.

As put by an Indonesian investigative journalist who I queried: “Her only guilt is having a price on her head.” In short, Siti Aishah is a marked woman, who has been assigned the blame by the subhuman filth at the CIA and NIS. Jakarta is where Barack Obama spent his formative years during the Suharto era, following the CIA coup that involved the massacre of 2 million supporters of the then existing Sukarno regime.

Yes, these two women have a price on their heads, 100 dollars for the death penalty. That’s mighty generous of the CIA.

Radioactivity Mystery

KLIA security reported the presence of radioactivity inside the airport along Kim’s path. The likeliest explanation for the simultaneous presence of VX and a radioactive isotope is:

- a thin film of a heat-emitting radioisotope, such as americium or polonium, can be used to vaporize VX, which is a dense oil;

- a small amount of this radioactive “heater”, topped with a tiny drop of VX organophosphate, could have been applied to Kim’s coat collar for rapid inhalation of the chemical. His coat, however, would have been handled by a nurse or orderly at the airport clinic, harming them seriously;

- Kim may have ingested VX and a radioactive isotope mixed into a beverage, probably a cup of coffee, which would have covered over the bitterness of the toxins. This is a much likelier possibility.

The presence of radioactivity indicates that Kim was poisoned before he entered the airport, probably at a cafe. Who was with him at the time?

The police haven’t dared investigate these inconvenient facts, which might interrupt the hanging of Siti Aishah and Doan Thi Hoang. Isn’t odd that we’re not hearing angry protests in defense of these two female scapegoats from Madonna, Meryl Streep, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of their feminist chorus?

The airport security video shows two male companions walking on either side of Kim. If so, their identities and roles have not been released. Nor has any information about his activities prior to entering the airport, for example, if he had met other people, who might then be added to the suspect list along with the two female patsies.

Despite these omissions by the official investigation, the Malaysian police have claimed that Kim Jong Nam’s death occurred just before the four North Korean “masterminds” boarded a flight to Indonesia, allegedly on a roundabout circuit via Dubai to Pyongyang. Yet not a shred of evidence so far suggests involvement by any of the four. North Koreans had better stay at home because, wherever they go, they could end up being accused of heinous crimes.

The huge holes in the police story indicate that Kim was probably murdered by agents with the CIA in cooperation with NIS. Despite the ban on chemical weapons, the US has a stockpile of VX “for research purposes”.

For plausible deniability, however, the likelier source of VX and the radioactive isotope would be the Japanese covert operations service, which was involved in sponsoring Aum Shinrikyo’s VX experiments on three Japanese victims prior to the subway gassing.

That’s because Japan uses Soviet-era production processes, obtained an Aum Shinrikyo smuggling operation connected with Shinzo Abe’s trade in weapons of mass destruction. Abe and his colleagues in the Unification Church aka the Moonies were involved in massive secret shipments of nerve gases from Volvograd (Stalingrad) starting in the late 1980s until the day before the March 20, 1996 Tokyo subway gassing.

Been There, Done That

As the lead investigative editor in the Tokyo subway affair, I traced the precursor chemicals for nerve-gas production along a twisting route from a Yokohama chemical producer’s warehouse to Matsumoto, in Nagano Prefecture, where the barrels were transferred at night to different trucks to evade spy-satellite detection. The road led into the Central Japan Alps, where a secret chemical plant, funded by the Japanese government and run by a major corporation, was producing nerve gas under the guise of a pesticide plant or possibly a distillery.

At that point of the tracking effort, the Japanese government ordered the closure of Takarajima30 magazine, the end to my editorship and transfer of the Japan Times Weekly to staffers associated with Soka Gakkai, one of the groups involved in the start-up of Aum Shinrikyo. Needless to say, the US news media and the CIA and South Korean intelligence were involved in the cover-up of the Tokyo subway affair, just as they are now doing in Kuala Lumpur.

Now, just prior to the 26th anniversary of the Tokyo subway gassing, organophosphate nerve gas has resurfaced in Kuala Lumpur. By coincidence, the Embassy of Japan has taken an active role in intelligence operations in the Malaysian capital, including suppression of information related to the health effects of Fukushima radioactivity releases.

Kuala Lumpur is one of those hubs of trilateral cooperation between the neo-fascist spies of Japan, the USA and Korea, who are anything but defenders of truth, justice and democracy. Recall what happened to MH370, a disappearing act from the same cast of magicians.

Roots in Unit 731

The black ops staged by these three powers has dark roots in the Japanese occupation of Korea and takeover of Northeast China. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s grandfather was the financial secretary of the quasi-military South Manchuria Railway, which is the pioneer in false-flag attacks including railroad bombings falsely blamed on the Chinese side.

The Kishi-Abe clan, rooted in Yamaguchi Prefecture, is closely associated with the wartime Black Dragon secret society (named after the Heilongjiang river border between China and Russia), comprised of the military police called the Kempeitai and gangster militias, which would later in the postwar era gain notoriety as the yakuza.

This fascist movement used Korean soldiers to carry out the more brutal attacks against the national resistance forces and to commit armed robberies, as in chopping off fingers to obtain rings embedded with precious stones. One of those Korean collaborators recruited into the Japanese Army was Park Chung-hee, later became a postwar president of South Korea and father of current leader Park Geun-hye. Reputedly, he spoke Japanese with greater fluency than Korean.

As a leading bureaucrat in the puppet state of Manchukuo, Kishi supported the chemical and biological warfare group designated as Unit 731, which conducted live tests not only on prisoners but through unleashing bubonic plague and other toxic agents on Chinese urban populations.

Following Japan’s defeat, Unit 731 evaded punishment for war crimes by being transferred to the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, under the auspices of Japanese-friendly American military officers, most of them Mormons trained in the Japanese language. (Fast forward to the Mormon security men at Adelson’s casinos, involved entrapment of Malaysian officials and how Doan Thi Hoang resided in Macau.)

This hidden legacy of trilateral cooperation has continued as a driving force for political intimidation, news censorship and war-mongering in South Korea and Japan. With such devious, aggressive and downright vile foes, is it any wonder the North Korea has to arm itself to the teeth, even if its military counterforce is minuscule compared with the hoard of weapons of mass destruction secretly accumulated by a neofascist Japan.

Therefore President Donald Trump’s advocacy of nonaggression, sensible dialogue and quiet confidence in American power deserves a chance to halt the arms race and to stop with the senseless confrontational mentality. The Deep State structure defying Trump’s is even more of a menace to American democracy, and therefore must be plucked out root and branch.

Why Malaysia?

This our final question is a no-brainer after the disappearance of MH370. Since the tragic fates for MH370 and MH17, the Malaysian government of Prime Minister Najib Razak has been beholden to the CIA ever since this deputy Zahir Hamidi fell into an entrapment scam laid by the CIA in Las Vegas.

The CIA takeover of the Malaysian government started with the arrest of gambling boss Paul Phua, a dual citizen of Macau and Malaysia, who ran a sports-gambling match-fixing operation out of both territories.

After escaping a gambling fraud probe in Macau, he found shelter at the Sands Casino in Vegas, where the CIA installed wiretaps on his phone, intercepted his emails and inspected his posted letters. Following his arrest by the FBI under CIA orders, the spooks had Phua’s lawyer request the Malaysian police chief to vouch for him as a character witness. When Zahir Hamidi unwisely took the bait and wrote effusive praise for Phua, the mouse trap snapped.

Najib Razak sullenly consented to a CIA demand to establish a “joint anti-terrorism base” in Malaysia, a cover for a planned air base in northeast Sabah with nearby naval facilities on the Sulu Sea, strategically enclosed by Malaysia and the Philippines, in easy airstrike reach of the Chinese island bases in the Spratley archipelago.

The secret Malaysian base provides a substitute for former US military stations in Mindanao, Philipppines, where the CIA and military “advisers” were expelled after getting entangled in arms trading, dealing with Islamic militants, murders for hire, staged fake terrorist strikes, you name it, the war dogs do it.

Meanwhile Najib Razak got caught up in the embezzlement of several billion dollars from the Malaysian Development fund known as 1MDB. The vast sum was laundered through Goldman Sachs in Singapore through several other banks to accounts in the Cayman Islands and one of Zahir Hamidi’s playboy allies in the US.

These scandals required the Najib team to dispatch a lawyer to the USA during the presidential campaign to pay off, allegedly, former Attorney General Eric Holder (who suddenly became much richer) and a tidy sum stuffed into Hillary Clinton’s handbag.

As for Trump’s aborted attempt at statesmanship, nobody has ever believed that politics is fair or played by the rules. So there you have it: high-level intrigue and black operations at the same Kuala Lumpur International Airport where MH370 was hijacked and flown to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia.

If Donald Trump is serious about making America Great Again, he’s going to have to flush out lying murderous criminals who have caused untold numbers of blowbacks and demolished the overseas credibility of the United States.

It’s now time to set up a hotline to Pyongyang to call in condolences to Kim Jong Un for the senseless murder of his older brother. Can foreign policy get any more ridiculous? Yes, Hillary Clinton is still not in jail. 

Forensic journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, one of the co-founders of The 4th Media and still its Senior Advisor, led the only credible investigations into the political patronage behind Aum Shinrikyo, its smuggling of weapons of mass destruction aided by the Yeltsin regime, and the cult’s ongoing involvement in Japan’s nuclear weapons program in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures. In spite of several assassination attempts, he is still writing exposes.