The Corona Crisis: Has “Depopulation” Already Begun?
12 May 2021 By Peter Koenig So, how believable is then Boris Johnson, who said on several occasions that by the end of 2021 all will ...
12 May 2021
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Remember Bill Gates’ infamously saying with his seductive smile, something to the extent, even if I’m no longer around, the system has been set up and will continue without me. This is not a verbatim but a contextual quote. Unfortunately, any reference to this and other similar anti-current narrative references were deleted from internet.
It’s part of a massive censuring effort. Of course, without censuring the alternative media – the plan falls flat. The mainstream media, as well as the social platforms, are bought with hundreds of millions of dollars to keep propagating the fake and criminal corona narrative.
The plan is horrifying. It is a public relation distortion of the truth, of what’s behind the enormous, coercive “vaccination”. “The everybody -must be vaxxed drive” is so enormous, for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate – and is about as deadly as a common flu (0.3% – 0.8%) – so, that anybody who still can think straight must wonder what’s behind it. What’s the real agenda?
The British Government has invested in excess of £184m on communications, read propaganda, relating to Covid-19 in 2020, figures from the Cabinet Office show. It is said to plan another at least £320m (about US$ 380 m equivalent) through 2022. See here.
Same words as uttered by Klaus Schwab, the “father” of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the alleged author of The Great Reset which – fair enough – presents us with all the horrendously inhuman plans they have for us, so horrendous, nobody really listens.
But listen we should, because these plans have already begun being implemented – and we are in the midst of them, still closing our eyes to what they tell us will come – and is coming simultaneously with their warnings. So, we better wake up, with eyes wide open, and our spirits and consciousness ready to act.
This unique “covid opportunity”, as the WEF’s guru, Klaus Schwab, calls it, has started with an equally unique death toll from this mRNA-type covid injections, falsely labeled as vaccines.
This is where one of the most severe crimes of our governments around the world begins, selling us the experimental injections – with basically no testing – as vaccines. It’s a BIG lie. They all lie to us. All of the 193 UN member governments and, of course, the UN political body, led by Secretary General, António Guterres, go along with this monster lie, with the coerced deadly “vaccination”, a fraud of epic proportions never experienced in what we know as our current civilization.
The EMA (European Medicines Agency), reports 5,993 (May 3, 2021) deaths from corona jabs. That’s a 50-fold increase over the death rate of traditional vaccines; see this. In fact, the covid injections, falsely called vaccines, administered in Europe and the US, are mRNA-type inoculations, that were never to be called “vaccines”. They were allowed (not approved) by CDC as “emergency gene-therapy” treatments.
All governments and institutions calling them “vaccines” are lying to you. They are committing a fraud, a Crime Against Humanity.
Criminals should be and shall be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity under Nuremberg 2.0, a criminal prosecution patterned according to the Nuremberg Trials after WWII and following the Nuremberg Code. The leading architect and lawyer for this endeavor towards global justice is Dr. Reiner Füllmich, co-founder of the World’s Doctor Alliance; watch the video below.
Dr. Füllmich said without a shadow of a doubt, “this has never been about the virus. This has never been about health. See this.
These are criminal acts out of proportions with any known attacks on humanity in our civilization’s history.
The adverse effects of these injections, as recorded by United States CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), counting since 14 December 2020 until the end of Aril 2021, were a total of 4,178 deaths following Experimental Covid Injections. Deaths from covid jabs now equal 20 years of recorded deaths following vaccines since 2001. See this.
On 6 May Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, reported this corresponds to about 30 people a day, dying from the false Covid vaccine, between December 2020 and end of April 2021. Carlson adds,
“More people, according to VAERS, have died after getting the shot in four months during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccines combined over more than a decade and a half.”
Carlson stated, the number of deaths is likely much higher than what VAERS is reporting, citing reports submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 that found “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VAERS system.” This statement matches CDC’s own assessment, that only a fraction of the real figure of covid-jabs’ injuries and deaths are reported by VAERS, estimating that the real figures may be at least up to 10 times or more higher than reported.
Depopulation Strategy?
Dr. Joseph Mercola makes bombshell Covid-19 shot prediction, namely that the “vaccines”, i.e., the experimental injections, will likely kill more people than covid itself.
Dr. Mercola also refers unmistakenly to a severe depopulation strategy. He reminds his listeners that unbelievably and ludicrously, CDC recommends that mRNA-inoculation be given to pregnant women. Never before, Dr Mercola affirms, have pregnant women been exposed to experimental drugs which this is, according to CDC and FDA.
This is a crime of epic proportions committed by research as well as watchdog agencies, CDC and FDA. Dr. Mercola estimates that at least 30% of pregnant women who received the covid-shot had miscarriages. He also referred to infertility and sterilization properties of these mRNA-type injections and predicts massive death rates down the road from the injection. See this.
According to LifeSiteNews:
“Thousands of women around the world are reporting disrupted menstrual cycles after receiving injections of COVID-19 vaccines.
The U.K.’s government vaccine adverse event system has collected more 2,200 reports of reproductive disorders after coronavirus injections, including excessive or absent menstrual bleeding, delayed menstruation, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, and stillbirths.”
Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay of CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) made a public comment on how the covid “vaccine”, alias experimental gene therapy, may be affecting the Human Reproductive system and causing abortions – watch below.
Famine and Extreme Poverty
The World Food Program (WFP), the UN anti-hunger agency, states that the plandemic
“has contributed to soaring hunger and acute declines in maternal health care that threatens tens of millions of people, underscoring the disproportionate spillover effects on the world’s poor.”
The number of people worldwide requiring urgent food aid hit a five-year high in 2020 — reaching at least 155 million.
The JN expresses concern over the risk of maternal and newborn deaths surging, because of a covid-related shortage of at least 900,000 midwives, or one-third of the required global midwifery work force. The WFP says that “we are watching the worst-case scenario unfold before our very eyes.”
The Global Report on Food Crisis – 2021 covers 55 countries and territories, including three — Burkina Faso, South Sudan and Yemen — where it said that at least 133,000 people were suffering [covid-related] famine, the most severe phase of a hunger crisis. The resulting death rate can only be estimated at this time. – See this.
Full Digitization of Life
Is Depopulation, shoveling resources from the bottom and center to the top, and full digitization of life itself, the larger agenda of this man-made covid crisis? It’s also the key strategy enshrined in the WEF’s (Klaus Schwab’s) Great Reset.
It presents a multi-faceted approach to reaching within the span of a decade – the so-called UN Agenda 2030 – a One World Order, dictated by a small ultra-wealthy and powerful financial group, and run most likely by today’s obedient “world government” bought top politicians and science advisers. They were probably promised not to be vaccinated, or at worst, just by an innocuous placebo, for show and public relations propaganda.
The UN 2030 cum Great Reset agenda plays out on many fronts and holds the entire world – at least the 193 UN members – hostage, comparable to a stranglehold by an octopus with its many tentacles. When one is defeated, the others work mercilessly on, until the defeated ones grow back – with different strategies. This is well thought out, has been planned for decades. As Bill Gates insinuates, if I’m gone, “the project”, ingrained in the system, continues.
The “Project” (Great Reset / UN Agenda 2030) means, the implementation of a three-objectives-plan:
- i) massive depopulation;
- ii) transferring public assets and other resources from the bottom and the center to the top (making of the multi-billionaires, multi-trillionaires), and
- iii) digitization of everything, including the human brain.
Sounds crazy? – Yes, it is crazy, but coming from the Deep State and powerful financial interests, it is all the more plausible.
Here is proof; see this explosive interview Dr. Carrie Madej on covid shots DNA Modification – Injection of Nano-Technology through Hydrogel in Covid “vaccines” towards total Control – Transhumanism.
The nano-technology, applied via a sort of a tattoo-stamp, injecting hydrogel under the skin with nano-chips, or microscopic bots (robots, responding to Artificial Intelligence – AI), a Bill Gates patent # 2020606060 – is currently being tested in West Africa on “lesser people”. (For further details Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606).
When it is ready, maybe already before, it will be applied to the western “better people”, what used to be the “White Supremacists”. To operate this nano-robots, the 5G-technology will come in handy. In fact, this is one of the key purposes of 5G. See this.
The Last American Vagabond (and several other online media) reports about self-spreading, self-amplifying vaccines, see this. Yet to be fully verified, a single vaccinated person could spread the vaccine to several other people in his / her environment. That would take care of the non-vaxxers.
According to an incisive article in Nature (July 27, 2020) a single vaccinated person could spread the vaccine to several other people in his / her environment:
“We are now poised to begin developing self-disseminating vaccines targeting a wide range of human pathogens, but important decisions remain about how they can be most effectively designed and used to target pathogens with a high risk of spillover and/or emergence.”
And “Transmissible vaccines capable of infectious spread through a reservoir population reduce the vaccination effort required to suppress a target pathogen. With high enough transmission, a transmissible vaccine allows for autonomous pathogen eradication.” (emphasis added)
A min.-podcast report suggests that according to Johns Hopkins University self-spreading vaccines are real
And it may have already happened, as there are several reports of especially non-vaccinated women, who had been in close contact with vaccinated people, and suffered symptoms of menstrual disorders, abortions – and, what it might amount to – infertility. Is that the purpose of “vaccine spreaders”? – “Implanted infertility, as one “branch” of the eugenics agenda?
Again, while we are still arguing about the validity and intricacies of the Great Reset – The Great Reset – or the Restructuring of the World Economy (IMF equivalent of the Great Reset), is already in full swing.
The America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) interviewed former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, about his views on the COVID-19 vaccine, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the regulatory authorities, and more.
At the outset, Dr. Yeadon said
“I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population.” He continued, “I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.” And, “I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.” See full interview here.
Gene Edited Mosquitos
On a related subject, RT reports on 28 April 2021 that Florida is set to release swarms of GMO mosquitoes. See also the incisive report by F. William Engdahl entitled Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing “Gene Edited” (GMO) Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?
Residents decry it as a ‘criminal experiment’ by Bill Gates-backed biotechnology, see this.
The official purpose behind this plan is to release thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes in an effort to combat disease in the Florida Keys. The project has triggered dire concerns among locals, referring to a “criminal” experiment that will turn them into guinea pigs.
Spearheaded by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) and Oxitec, a British biotech firm that received backing from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the project aims to turn the first swarms of gene-edited bugs loose into the Keys starting sometime in early May 2021, as was announced in a joint statement.
For the first leg of the plan, set to be expanded later, mosquito boxes will be placed at six locations, which over 12 weeks will release around 144,000 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, a species most closely linked with transmitting illnesses such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever. If all goes according to plan, the male, non-biting bugs will mate with local biting females, whose female offspring are programmed to die off, helping to control the Aedes aegypti population and reduce the spread of disease.
“We may not be scientists, but we read. And what Oxitec says and what we’re reading from other sources are two completely different things,”
one concerned resident said at a village council meeting, “I beg you, I implore you, to take immediate action [and] consider a resolution against this technology.”
And further “I find it criminal that we are being bullied into this experiment – criminal that we are being subjected to this terrorism by our own Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board.” Even some elected officials expressed trepidation, calling the GMO mosquitoes “Frankenstein bugs.”
Similar exercises were carried out in Brazil with the Zika baring mosquito in 2016, also by Oxitec, also supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The result was disastrous, as many of you may recall – knowingly or by accident? (RT, op cit)
Here is what RT has to say about the dubious background to the mosquito project. See also related RT related article
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, in short called DARPA, a semi-secretive Pentagon military think tank cum Research Institute, wants to spread genetically modified viruses… to ‘save crops’, of rather a “defensive bioweapon”?
A group of European scientists warns, that a US military program dubbed ‘Insect Allies’ could be used as a biological weapon. The Pentagon’s research arm claims they are intended to defend crops, but doesn’t deny ‘dual-use’ potential. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology and the University of Freiburg in Germany, as well as the University of Montpellier, France, have published a critique of the program, dubbed “Insect Allies,” in the October 5 edition of Science.
They argue that
“the knowledge to be gained from this program appears very limited in its capacity to enhance US agriculture or respond to national emergencies” and therefore the program “may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery,”
which would mean a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention.
The people from the Florida Keys may have smelled a rat – and protested against these trials. Maybe what triggered their strong response was the fact that Bill Gates, a known eugenist, sponsored this “trial”.
Only the future will tell whether they were right.
In the meantime, we are still living in a world, where money buys everything, without regard of public interest. A system that definitely needs to be changed – but not with the likes of “The Great Reset” – which would put us right at the mercy of an ultra-capitalist directed global-control tyranny. NO WAY! NEVER!
All these octopus-like exercises around the globe, but particularly in the western world, point to a massive depopulation program, which should not surprise anyone.
Depopulation was in the Bilderberger’s Agenda already in the 1950’s – and was openly promoted by Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller protégé, who in turn, is one of the “fathers” of the eugenics agenda.
Conclusion – A Way Out
We, The People, must not despair.
As Dr. Carrie Madej says, we are very powerful beings, with an enormous potential to overcome the “dark forces” that resonate on a low level, but want to dominate us by instilling fear – fear is their most powerful weapon.
Under fear, we shed all our spiritual and heart-power; the power of LIFE. With fear we submit to their “power of darkness”, resonating on low levels.
Dr. Madej calls the worldwide catastrophe we are in, WWIII, without bombs, without bloodshed, but a war of the minds. A human energy war.
Take this – our heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. They can manipulate our brain, but not our heart. This enormous power comes in a high frequency – a frequency way higher than that of nano-chips or artificial bots and AI.
These “tools” only work because our brains have been conditioned by an endless rain of fear propaganda.
If we step outside this nefarious matrix, our heart can and will give us rebirth.
You may call it following a higher consciousness. We have an enormous spiritual power, an aura with an electric field that resonates on a high level, if we unite in solidarity.
In a strong person, this aura can be measured as high as 80 km (video at about 47:00 min.). We can beat this system – and we will, as both confidentially express in their video’s, Dr. Carrie Madej, as well as Dr. Joseph Mercola. We shall overcome, and move from this “age of darkness” into a new age of light – into a new cycle, into a conscious civilization.
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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020);
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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