Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hollywood Kabbalah Cult

The war that we are waging against the public is a guerilla war on the human mind using dominant musical frequencies, symbolism and ... thumbnail 1 summary
The war that we are waging against the public is a guerilla war on the human mind using dominant musical frequencies, symbolism and imagery to awaken dormant aspects of the human mind..

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Syria carnage funded, fueled by US-led Zio-Wahhabis: Analyst

Syrian al-Qaeda-linked rebels (file photo) An “unholy alliance” of US-led Zionists and Wahhabis is funding and fuelling the deadly... thumbnail 1 summary
Syrian al-Qaeda-linked rebels (file photo)
An “unholy alliance” of US-led Zionists and Wahhabis is funding and fuelling the deadly unrest in Syria, trying to “bring the Syrian government to its knees”, a political analyst says.
“Syria is bracing for more political chaos as all antagonistic forces appear to have entered into an unholy alliance to bring the government to its knees by ingeniously choreographing massacres and attributing them to Syrian government, thereby turning the country into fertile soil for US-led invasion,” wrote Dr. Ismail Salami in an article published on the Global Research website on Tuesday.
Pointing to the deadly clashes in the township of Houla in the Western Syrian city of Homs, which, according to the UN observer mission in Syria, left 108 people dead, he added that “What deserves due attention in the carnage that happened in Houla is that many were shot dead at close range, many were Shia Muslims and many were women and children.”

“In other words, these atrocities are conjectured to have been carried out at the hands of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda elements who are notorious for targeting women and children in their terrorist operations,” the political analyst further elaborated.

The analyst also explained that the fact that those murdered in Houla were mainly Shia Muslims reinforces the conjecture that the massacre was perpetrated by the “Wahhabis” who “nurse inveterate loathing” toward Shia Muslims.

Salami pointed out the role of Washington in sponsoring Syrian rebels, referring to a recent report by The Washington Post that they “have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States’”.

"Washington is pressing Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fund and provide the rebels with heavy weaponries," he added.

The writer also highlighted London’s financial support for the al-Qaeda-affiliated anti-Damascus forces in Syria, noting that “The government of al-Assad is losing ground thanks to the influx of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda members and on account of the financial and military support the rebels receive from the West and the Persian Gulf regimes.”

“Although these groups may ostensibly be at daggers drawn over different issues, they share one common point: the fall of al-Assad and therefore turning the situation to their own benefit,” he further explained.

Salami finally pointed to the key role of the Israeli regime which, in his words, “is silently and ironically funneling millions of dollars to the rebels in Syria” and “is capitalizing enormously on the collapse of Bashar al-Assad government.”

"Syria has now turned into a nightmarishly humanitarian catastrophe lavishly brought about by the regional Arab puppet regimes, extremist Wahhabis, al-Qaeda, Washington and Israel," he concluded.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

BBC uses fake photo for Houla massacre

A screenshot of the state-run BBC’s website shows that the network used an old photo of dead Iraqi children from 2003 and tried to pass it... thumbnail 1 summary
A screenshot of the state-run BBC’s website shows that the network used an old photo of dead Iraqi children from 2003 and tried to pass it off as a photo of victims of the recent massacre of civilians in the Syrian town of Houla.
The British state-run broadcaster BBC has been caught passing off an old photo from Iraq in 2003 for the massacre in the Syrian town of Houla.

In a report published hours after the massacre, the network used an old photo of dead Iraqi children taken in Al Mussayyib that was first published over nine years ago and presented it as a photo of victims of the recent massacre of civilians in the town of Houla in western Syria, The Telegraph reported.

The photo shows a child jumping over the dead bodies of hundreds of Iraqi children who have been transferred from a mass grave to be identified.

Britain's state-funded news network later published the same story with a new photo showing a UN observer looking at the bodies of the Houla victims.

The photographer who took the original picture, Marco Di Lauro, posted on his Facebook page, “Somebody is using my images as a propaganda against the Syrian government to prove the massacre.”

The head of the UN observer mission in Syria, Major General Robert Mood, said during a briefing via videoconference to the UN Security Council that UN observers in Houla estimate that 108 people were killed, including 49 children and 34 women.

The UN Security Council condemned the violence in Houla during an emergency meeting on Sunday, saying the clashes “involved a series of government artillery and tank shelling on a residential neighborhood.”

However, Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Ja’afari censured the “tsunami of lies” by some members of the Security Council and said Syrian forces were not to blame for the violence.

The clashes between Syrian forces and armed groups broke out despite a ceasefire that took effect on April 12.

The ceasefire is part of a six-point peace plan presented by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan in March.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Syria is bracing for more political chaos as all antagonistic forces appear to have entered into an unholy alliance to bring the governmen... thumbnail 1 summary
Syria is bracing for more political chaos as all antagonistic forces appear to have entered into an unholy alliance to bring the government to its knees by ingeniously choreographing massacres and attributing them to Syrian government, thereby turning the country into fertile soil for US-led invasion.

Deadly clashes broke out on Friday between Syrian forces and armed groups in the township of Houla in Homs and claimed the lives of 109 people including at least 32 children according to the head of the UN observer mission in Syria. However, Syrian authorities on Sunday denied having a hand in the carnage.

"Women, children and old men were shot dead. This is not the hallmark of the heroic Syrian army," Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdesi told reporters in Damascus.

Makdesi said the massacre was carried out by "terrorists" after fighting between rebels and forces loyal to al-Assad.

"They (rebels) were equipped with mortars and anti-tank missiles, which is a quantitative leap," he said.

Violence is spiraling drastically despite the presence of 260 UN observers who are currently monitoring the ceasefire as part of a six-point peace plan proposed by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan in March.

Earlier this month, 55 people were killed and about 400 others injured in two strings of terrorist bombings near a military intelligence building in Damascus.

What deserves due attention in the carnage that happened in Houla is that many were shot dead at close range, many were Shia Muslims and many were women and children. In other words, these atrocities are conjectured to have been carried out at the hands of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda elements who are notorious for targeting women and children in their terrorist operations.

Another element which reinforces this speculation is that many among those who were killed were Shia Muslims for whom the Wahhabis nurse inveterate loathing. Despite the prevailing trend in western media to rule out the possible presence of the al-Qaeda in the country, the presence of al-Qaeda terrorists is gradually gaining strength in Syria. They are believed to have penetrated the country from Iraq, Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

Washington is funding the rebel groups in Syria. A report reveals that the rebels in Syria “have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States” (The Washington post, ).

“We are increasing our nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, and we continue to coordinate our efforts with friends and allies in the region and beyond in order to have the biggest impact on what we are collectively doing,” said a senior State Department official, one of several US and foreign government officials on the condition of anonymity.

Besides, Washington is pressing Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fund and provide the rebels with heavy weaponries.

This behavior on the part of Washington runs counter to the fact that many rebels are linked with al-Qaeda and that the US claims to be fighting terror group. Along with Washington, the British government acknowledged early in March that it has provided an extra 2 million to the Western-backed rebels fighting the Syrian government.

Prime Minister David Cameron told a hearing at the House of Commons Liaison Committee that his government had provided cash and equipment to western-backed rebels in Syria in the name of emergency medical supplies and food.

The government of al-Assad is losing ground thanks to the influx of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda members and on account of the financial and military support the rebels receive from the West and the Persian Gulf regimes.

The noose is getting tighter and tighter and all Washington and the extremists want is an absence of Bashar al-Assad. The implication is not that they are consciously united to topple the government of al-Assad but that they are united in a malicious cause to do so, each with its own benefits to reap.

In other words, all these groups are fomenting unrest in Syria, and dragging the country into shreds of despair. Although these groups may ostensibly be at daggers drawn over different issues, they share one common point: the fall of al-Assad and therefore turning the situation to their own benefit.

Metaphorically speaking, Syria is now going through a sea of troubles where there are many opportunists who will readily reap the benefit of the crisis in the country.

Most importantly, Israel is silently and ironically funneling millions of dollars to the rebels in Syria. In fact, Israel is capitalizing enormously on the collapse of Bashar al-Assad government. The fall of al-Assad in Syria means a lot to Israel. It is in fact tantamount to immense latitude and a capacious place of potency in the Middle East.

Syria is now a nightmarishly humanitarian catastrophe lavishly brought about by the regional Arab puppet regimes, extremist Wahhabis, al-Qaeda, Washington and Israel''.

Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter II

ANTARA POPE DAN KEDATANGAN DAJJAL Pope Benedict XVI: The Pre-cursor's devilish eyes Assalamualaikum buat semua. Sa... thumbnail 1 summary

Pope Benedict XVI: The Pre-cursor's devilish eyes
Assalamualaikum buat semua. Salam bertemu kembali bagi yang sudi melayari blog ini. InsyaAllah blog akan dikemaskinikan dari semasa ke semasa selagi ada ruang dan kesempatan untuk meneruskan usaha membuka minda dalam mencari erti kebenaran yang sebenar sepertimana yang telah di bawa dan ditinggalkan buat menyelusuri kehidupan yang kekal abadi.

Saling ingat mengingati sesama kita adalah satu perkara yang tidak akan padam dan sebegitulah pesanan Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bahawa sesungguhnya "Agama itu nasehat-menasehati".

Bukanlah mustahil untuk kita akhirnya bertemu dengan Rasulullah namun untuk bertemu dengan Rasul memerlukan pengorbanan yang tidak boleh diambil mudah agar kita juga tergolong di bawah pimpinan Baginda dan seterusnya mendapat syafaat Baginda di akhirat kelak.

Jikalau kita peka dengan keadaan dunia hari ini baik dari segi rahmat Allah mahupun dari apa juga bala yang di datangkan oleh Allah s.w.t., kita pasti akan tersadar bahawasanya dunia sudah semakin hampir ke penghujungnya. Berbagai konspirasi dunia hari ini dalam hendak memesongkan akan agama yang murni sepertimana yang telah dibawakan oleh Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. Iblis dan Para pencacainya tidak pernah berputus asa hendak menyeret kita bersama mereka untuk memenuhi Neraka jahannam agar bersama mereka di sana.

Semakin banyak pendedahan dan konspirasi mengenai Pope Benedict XVI.

Kita lihat pula di sebelah barat di mana berbagai pendedahan demi pendedahan mengenai perancangan Pope yang cuba untuk menjadikan satu kerajaan dunia dan satu agama dunia dan yang terbaru kita lihat adalah mengenai kemerosotan penyelesaian masaalah mengenai apa yang berlaku di gereja. Seolah-olah Pope kini diambang kerosakkan keperibadiannya. Beliau gagal dalam menyelesaikan permasaalahan pencabulan di gereja.Apakah ini sengaja diadakan atau sememangnya Pope sudah tidak tahu menyelesaikan permasaalahan yang menimpa sejak akhir-akhir ini.

Pun begitu kita lihat carta penganut agama Islam di Eropah semakin meningkat. Manusia sudah mula mencari akan kebenaran yang sebenar-benarnya dan apakah ini manandakan kebangkitan Islam atau sengaja dibiarkan agar Islam ini sendiri yang akan bertelagah sesama Islam suatu masa nanti?

Daripada Ali Bin Abi Talib r.a berkata, telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, " Sudah hampir sampai suatu masa di mana tidak tinggal lagi daripada Islam ini kecuali hanya namanya dan tidak tinggal lagi daripada Al-Quran itu kecuali hanya tulisannya. Masjid-masjid tersergam indah tetapi ia kosong dari Hidayah. Ulama-ulama mereka adalah sejahat-jahat makhluk yang ada di bawah naungan langit.Dari mereka berpuncanya fitnah dan kepada mereka fitnah ini akan kembali ". Hadis Riwayat Al-Baihaqi.

Manakala di dalam sebuah hadis lain pula yang diriwayatkan daripada Thauban r.a., bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, yang bermaksud:

"Setelah aku wafat, setelah lama aku tinggalkan, umat Islam akan lemah. Di atas kelemahan itu, orang kafir akan menindas mereka bagai orang yang menghadapi piring dan mengajak orang lain makan bersama."

Maka para sahabat r.a. pun bertanya, "Apakah ketika itu umat Islam telah lemah dan musuh sangat kuat?"

Sabda Baginda SAW: "Bahkan masa itu mereka lebih ramai tetapi tidak berguna, tidak bererti dan tidak menakutkan musuh. Mereka adalah ibarat buih di laut."
Sahabat bertanya lagi, "Mengapa seramai itu tetapi seperti buih di lautan?"

Jawab Rasulullah SAW, "Kerana ada dua penyakit, iaitu mereka ditimpa penyakit al-Wahn."
Sahabat bertanya lagi, "Apakah itu al-Wahn?"
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Cintakan dunia dan takut akan kematian."

Apakah kita hari ini merasa berbangga dengan kuantiti umat Islam yang begitu ramai? Bukanlah untuk memperlekehkan umat Islam itu sendiri tetapi sesuatu harus dilakukan demi memartabatkan Umat Islam yang sejati sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. Kualiti Penganut agama Islam telah jatuh dengan teruknya hari ini. 

Hadis Baginda Rasulullah diabaikan,perpecahan sesama Islam juga tidak kurang hebatnya, saling menuduh sesama Islam, kafir mengkafirkan sesama Islam dan berbagai-bagai lagi pendapat yang menggunakan akal keselesaan manusia itu sendiri demi kepentingan yang menguntungkan peribadi.

Apakah pihak "the hidden hand" hanya akan berpeluk tubuh dengan naiknya carta umat Islam hari ini? Bukanlah merasa kecewa disebabkan ramainya penganut Agama Islam tetapi penyatuan sesama Islam itu sendiri masih lagi jauh. Bahkan negara Islam sendiri saling tidak sependapat dalam membincangkan hal-hal yang berkaitan agama Islam itu sendiri.

Pernah juga terbaca di satu blog di mana hadis-hadis qudsi dipertikaikan sebagai contoh hadis yang bermaksud: "barangsiapa yang kenal akan dirinya maka kenallah ia akan Tuhannya". Ilmu-ilmu berkaitan mengenal Tuhan kerapkali dipertikaikan. Sedangkan Rasulullah juga melalui proses mengenal Tuhan. Tidaklah Rasulullah dilahirkan di dalam keadaan terus beragama Islam.

Baginda melalui perjalanan yang perit dalam hendak mengenal Tuhan dan apa yang Rasulullah lalui ini akan juga kita lalui sekiranya kita benar-benar ingin mengenali akan Tuhan yang menjadikan. Begitu juga Pemimpin akhir zaman yang kita nanti-nantikan. Kedatangan Imam Mahadi bukanlah begitu mudah untuk kita mengenalinya.

Tidaklah mustahil sekiranya pada suatu masa nanti seandainya ada dari kalangan umat yang mengaku dirinya Islam tetapi menentang sendiri akan kebangkitan yang dinanti-nantikan. Jadi di mana perletakkannya sebagai seorang Islam tetapi pada hakikatnya menentang Islam yang sebenarnya.

Pun begitu kedatangan Imam Mahadi akan disusuli pula dengan kehadiran Nabi Isa a.s. bagi melengkapkan hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. yang sememangnya telah ditentukan oleh Allah s.w.t. untuk membunuh Dajjal alaihi laknat.

Ramalan St Malachy

St Malachy, (w. 1148) Bishop Ireland telah meramalkan dan menghasilkan senarai yang tepat paus masa depan yang bermula dengan Paus Celestinus II pada tahun 1143. Senarainya terdiri daripada karakteristik dari setiap paus. Dari senarai ini daripada 112 paus yang ada, hanya tinggal 2 lagi selepas Pope John Paul II yang meninggal pada tarikh 2 April 2005.

Ramalannya mengenai paus sebahagian besarnya cukup tepat mengenai karakteristik yang mengenal pasti setiap baris yang didedahkan. St Malachy tidak memberikan ramalan atau maklumat mengenai apa yang berlaku selepas paus terkini. Menurut beberapa peramal lain bahawasanya telah tiba kepada akhir zaman.

Menurut penulis biografinya, St Malachy mengunjungi Rom pada tahun 1139 ketika ia masuk ke dalam tempat ramalan dan membayangkan sesuatu. Malachy menuliskan visi yang luar biasa ini di mana ia mendakwa telah meramalkan semua paus dari kematian Innosensius II hingga penghancuran gereja dan kembalinya Nabi Isa. Dia menamakan 112 paus daripada waktu itu hingga akhir.

St Malachy menulis beberapa kata menghuraikan dalam Bahasa Latin satu demi satu tentang Paus. Dia kemudian memberikan naskah kepada Paus Innosensius II dan disimpan di Arkib Vatican di mana mereka telah terlupa selama beberapa abad. Pada tahun 1590 ianya ditemui semula dan diterbitkan. Berikut adalah ramalan daripada lima Paus terakhir.

Paus No 108: Paul VI (1968-78). The prophecy for the 108th pope, "flos Florum", yang bermaksud "Bunga Bunga." Paul VI mengandungi tiga lambang Fleurs-de-lis (Isis blossoms).

Paus No 109: John Paul I (1978). The prophecy for 109th pope adalah "De Medietate Lunae," yang bererti "Half Moon." John Paul I lahir di keuskupan Belluno (beatiful moon) dan dibaptis Albino Luciani (white light). Beliau menjadi paus ketika pertengahan bulan (26 Ogos 1978). Dia meninggal bulan berikutnya selepas gerhana bulan.

Paus No 110: John Paul II (1978-2005). The prophecy for the 110th pope adalah "De labore Solis," yang bermaksud "daripada tenaga matahari." John Paul II lahir saat gerhana matahari pada 8 April 1920. Ketika matahari terbit dari Timur, sehingga ia datang ke Vatican daripada timur. Di mana pun di bumi matahari bersinar, beliau telah melawati.
Jika benar ramalan St Malachy, hanya akan ada dua paus sebelum akhir dunia ini, seperti yang kita ketahui dan Kedatangan Kembali Nabi Isa a.s. Jadi apa yang St Malachy anggarkan sudah tentu berlaku dalam kerangka waktu yang tepat. Pope John Paul II pernah menyedari ramalan ini dan pernah menyebut tentang perkara ini supaya diambil perhatian.
Tambah ke ramalan St Malachy ini menunjukkan bahawa John Paul II akan memiliki dua waris terpilih pada waktu yang sama. Satu akan menjadi Anti-Paus dan menggunakan nama Peter. Dan akhirnya akan turun kebenaran daripada sejarah Kristian dan membawa kembali beberapa tafsiran lama yang sangat menjengkelkan bagi banyak orang. Orang mungkin mengatakan bahawa ia akan membalikkan keadaan terbalik.

Menurut St Malachy, hanya tinggal dua paus sahaja lagi.

Ramalan mengenai 111th pope dia berkata, "Gloria Olivae," yang bermaksud "kemuliaan Zaitun." Mungkinkah ia mengenai akan Order of Saint Benedict, juga dikenali sebagai Olivetans?

Ranting zaitun mewakili kedamaian. Adakah dia akan memainkan peranan dalam membawa agama-agama bersama-sama dan memajukan toleransi selama memegang jawatannya?
Dalam masa 24 jam selepas pilihan raya, Islam dan para pemimpin agama Yahudi menyarankan peranan seperti itu untuknya. Mudah-mudahan, dia dapat memimpin dunia keagamaan untuk mengenali dan menumpukan perhatian pada kesamaan kepercayaan mereka Tuhan yang sama daripada perbezaan-perbezaan mereka.

Mungkin melalui pelaksanaan toleransi kita boleh melihat ke masa depan di mana orang berhenti mengesahkan pembunuhan satu sama lain atas nama Tuhan yang satu. Kita lihat apa yang dibawa pada masa kini dalam 'New World Order', 'One World Relegion' dan juga 'New Age'.

Pohon zaitun juga sering menjadi simbol bagi Bani Israel di dalam Alkitab. Adakah ini bermakna bahawa Paus ini seorang yahudi yang dilihat sebagaimana pembelaan terhadap negara Israel yang tidak sah ini dibela hari ini? Dan juga setiap hari kegilaan mereka hendak meruntuhkan Masjidil Al-Aqsa semakin menjadi-jadi seperti mereka ini seolah-olah menyediakan tempat buat kedatangan yang dinanti-nantikan mereka.
The prophecy of the 112th and last pope yang paling menarik. St Malachy meramalkan, "Dalam penganiayaan terkini daripada Gereja Rom Katholik di sana yang akan memerintah iaitu " Petrus Romanus "(Peter the Roman), yang akan memberi makan kepada pengikut-pengikutnya yang terdiri dari domba-dombanya di tengah banyak kesengsaraan; selepas kota dari tujuh bukit ini akan dihancurkan dan amat mengerikan dan menghakimi orang yang tidak mahu mengikutinya".

Sarjana percaya kota tujuh bukit sebagaimana di maksud dalam Alkitab adalah Vatican dan Gereja Katolik Rom.

Tetapi kelihatannya Kota Baitulmuqaddis sebagaimana yang ada pada zaman Nabi Isa juga dikira sebagai 'Cities of Seven Hills'. Fakta ini juga diakui di kalangan Yahudi.

Dalam Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer bahawa "Baitulmuqaddis terletak di atas tujuh bukit" (dirakam di Kitab Legends, disunting oleh Bialik dan Ravnitzky, p.371, ayat 111).

Mari kita perhatikan kembali satu hadis daripada Al-Nawwas bin Sam’an, katanya: 

“Rasulullah saw menyebut perihal Dajal dan menyatakan: ‘...Sebenarnya Dajal itu seorang muda yang rambutnya kerinting, biji matanya timbul (buta sebelah); ... sebenarnya dia akan keluar di satu tempat antara negeri Syam (Syria) dan Iraq.

“Dia akan melakukan kerosakan di serata tempat yang dia sampai kepadanya (dengan menjadikan kampung orang yang menerima dakwaannya sebagai Tuhan mewah makmur dan kampung orang yang enggan menerima dakwaannya susah meleset.
“Dia akan menunjukkan kepandaian sihirnya dengan menjadikan tempat yang terbiar dan tanah yang kering kontang mengeluarkan khazanah bumi dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau subur.
“Juga menjadikan orang muda yang kuat gagah dibelah dua badannya, sepotong dicampakkan jauh daripada yang satu lagi, kemudian diseru lalu kedua-dua potongan badan itu bersatu dan orang muda itu pun hidup semula dengan tersenyum-senyum seolah-olah tidak ada sesuatu yang menimpanya.

“Demikian juga mana-mana yang menyembahnya dimasukkan ke dalam syurganya yang dirasai oleh orang itu sebagai neraka, sebaliknya orang yang enggan menyembahnya dimasukkan ke dalam nerakanya yang dirasai oleh orang itu sebagai syurga; dan sebagainya).

“Nabi bersabda lagi: “Wahai sekalian hamba Allah, selepas kamu mengetahui demikian, maka tetapkanlah iman kamu, jangan terpengaruh kepada dakwaannya!”
Kami bertanya: “Ya Rasulullah! berapa lama dia akan bermaharajalela di bumi?”

Baginda menjawab: “Empat puluh hari, hari yang pertama, panjangnya seperti setahun dan hari yang kedua, panjangnya seperti sebulan dan hari yang ketiga seperti seminggu, manakala hari yang lain seperti hari kamu yang biasa.”

Kami bertanya lagi: “Ya Rasulullah! jika demikian, hari yang panjangnya seperti setahun itu, misalnya cukupkah kami mengerjakan pada-Nya sembahyang untuk sehari?”
Baginda menjawab: “Tidak, tetapi kirakanlah masa untuk mengerjakan sembahyang itu sekadar masa yang biasa kamu lakukan.”

Rasulullah menerangkan lagi: “Ketika Dajal itu bermaharajalela, Allah akan menghantar turun Nabi Isa anak Mariam, lalu dia turun berhampiran dengan menara putih yang letaknya di timur bandar Damsyik, maka Nabi Isa pun mengejar Dajal hingga dapat menawannya di pintu kariah yang bernama ‘Lud’ lalu membunuhnya.

Selepas itu, datanglah suatu ka-um yang Allah sudah selamatkan mereka daripada bencana Dajal menghadap Nabi Isa, lalu Nabi Isa menghapuskan kesan kedukaan dan kesedihan daripada air muka mereka dengan menyatakan: “Bahawa Dajal sudah pun dibunuh dan menggembirakan hati mereka dengan darjat kedudukan mereka dalam syurga”.

Nabi bersabda: “Bahawa ketika Nabi Isa sedang menerangkan perkara yang menggembirakan mereka, Allah mewahyukan kepada Nabi Isa dengan firman-Nya: “Bahawa Aku sudah mengeluarkan sekumpulan hamba-Ku (Yakjuj wa Makjuj) yang tidak ada daya upaya bagi sesiapa pun memerangi mereka.

“Oleh itu bawalah hamba-Ku yang bersama kamu berlindung di bukit Tursina. Selepas itu Allah mengeluarkan Yakjuj wa Makjuj dan mereka pun meluru turun daripada tiap-tiap tempat yang tinggi.”

“Nabi Isa dan pengikutnya pun terkepung lama di bukit itu hingga kepala lembu menjadi lebih berharga dan lebih baik kepada mereka daripada seratus dinar kepada seseorang kamu sekarang.

“Lalu Nabi Isa dan pengikutnya merayu kepada Allah supaya membinasakan musuh mereka, maka Allah menghantarkan ulat menyerang batang leher Yakjuj wa Makjuj, mereka pun mati bergelimpangan dengan serentak seperti matinya satu jiwa.

“Kemudian Nabi Isa dan pengikutnya turun dari bukit itu lalu mereka dapati tidak ada barang sejengkal pun di bumi, melainkan penuh dengan bau hapak dan busuk disebabkan bangkai Yakjuj wa Makjuj.

“Maka Nabi Isa dan pengikutnya merayu lagi kepada Allah, lalu Allah menghantar sekumpulan burung yang batang lehernya seperti unta, maka kumpulan burung itu pun mengangkut dan mencampakkan bangkai itu ke tempat yang dikehendaki Allah."

Pada masa kini dialah The Anti-Christ dengan memesongkan segalanya tentang Nabi Isa a.s. dan termasuk juga apa yang telah dibawakan oleh Nabi Isa a.s. Pada suatu masa nanti pula apabila dia telah memunculkan dirinya dan tidak mustahil pula gelaran The Anti-Christ ini akan ditujukan pula kepada Nabi Isa a.s.

Nabi Isa a.s. kelak bukanlah diturunkan semata-mata untuk membunuh Dajjal tetapi beliau juga yang akan mengIslamkan kembali saki-baki kecil pengikutnya yang maseh setia berpegang dengan ajarannya. Itulah di antara sebabnya baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. melarang sama sekali umatnya menyerang tempat ibadat.


US behind Russia plane crash: Russian Military Intelligence Oragnization (GRU)

Russia's Sukhoi Superjet aircraft 100 (file photo) Russia’s military intelligence organization (GRU) believes that Washington was... thumbnail 1 summary
Russia's Sukhoi Superjet aircraft 100 (file photo)
Russia’s military intelligence organization (GRU) believes that Washington was behind the crash of a Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane in Indonesia earlier in May, which killed 45 passengers onboard.

“We know that they have special equipment that can cut communications between an aircraft and the ground or interfere with the parameters on board,” Christian Science Monitor quoted a GRU general as saying, without mentioning his name.

The Superjet, which was crucial to Russia's hopes of becoming a major player in the modern aviation market, took off from an airport in the capital Jakarta on May 9 on a demonstration flight, but it lost radio contact and vanished from radar screens 50 minutes later.

The general further noted that the electronic jamming of the jet’s onboard equipment is the most plausible explanation for the plane’s slamming into the side of a dormant volcano in the Indonesian province of West Java.

Russian intelligence forces have long been watching the activities of US military electronic experts at the Jakarta airport, the senior GRU officer added.
The examination of the aircraft’s black box cockpit voice recorder has reportedly shown that there was no systemic problem or functional failure during the minutes before the crash.

The most curious question about the incident is why the plane’s pilot, Alexander Yablontsev, who is one of Russia's most experienced test pilots, asked for permission to reduce altitude amid a rainstorm in a dangerously mountainous area, and why a ground controller in Jakarta gave the go-ahead.

“On the other hand, we don't rule out the possibility that this was deliberate industrial sabotage to drive our aircraft from the market," said an unnamed official with the jet’s manufacturing company, Sukhoi.

The demonstration flight in Jakarta was part of an Asian tour to promote the aircraft. Sukhoi Superjet 100 had been to Myanmar, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan, and was due to visit Laos and Vietnam after Indonesia.

Such accusations have on certain occasions been borne out by facts. In 2004, a former member of the United States Air Force who was a special advisor to former US President Ronald Reagan disclosed in a book titled At the Abyss, An Insider’s History of the Cold War, that in the 1980s, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) engaged in cyber warfare to sabotage the project of a pipeline that transferred gas from the former Soviet Union to western Europe.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Progress" = Satanic Possession of Mankind

May 8, 2010 by David Livingstone (for History is taught in reverse to present the slow appropriation of ... thumbnail 1 summary
May 8, 2010

by David Livingstone

History is taught in reverse to present the slow appropriation of world power by the occult as progress.

European civilization had once subscribed to a Biblical view of history, where successive prophets were seen to have interacted with the world and taught God's divine message.  But this tradition normally taught that human history was destined to deteriorate rather than progress in advance of the End Times.

That is because the instrument of that deterioration, Lucifer, and his legions among the Illuminati, have rewritten history in order to convince us that Satanic possession is progress. Satanists always present evil as good.

Morality is always true.  While there may be technological progress, there is no progress in moral truth.  On the contrary, we are deteriorating because we are regressing from truth.

The goal of Lucifer is to induce mankind to construct his own prison hell, a global tyranny that inverts everything that is moral and good.

But  we are indoctrinated to believe that the unfolding of Lucifer's plan is progress towards truth.


Lucifer's plan was formulated in the Kabbalah in the sixth century BC, when the Jews were being held in captivity in Babylon.

According to the Bible, this Exile was punishment for the repeated excesses of the Jewish people, who had adopted the pagan ways of their neighbours, the Canaanites. They appropriated the ancient worship of the dying-god, Lucifer.  Among the heinous practices this cult prescribed were "mystery" rites involving music, intoxicants, orgiastic sex and human sacrifice.

A number of Jews adopted this pagan tradition, mixing it with Babylonian magic and astrology, and called it an "interpretation" of Judaism, i.e. what we now know as Kabbalah.  These Kabbalists  disguised their Luciferian agenda of world domination as preparing the world for  their supposed "messiah".

This plot gained further impetus with Isaac Luria, who in the sixteenth century developed the New Kabbalah.  Luria argued that, in order to know himself, God created man as another of himself.  Therefore, the progress of history is that of man coming to know himself.

This thought was articulated for the Christian world by Jacob Boehme, who inspired all the leading Illuminati philosophers, particularly Hegel.  It was Hegel who invented the modern interpretation of history as progress for the West. It portrayed the pagan Greeks as the pioneers of man's intellectual evolution.
The truth is the so-called Greek philosophers were the first important Kabbalists.

When the Jews were released from captivity by the Persian Emperor, Cyrus the Great, many Kabbalists spread out to various parts of the world, especially Greece and Egypt.  The ancient world at this time was not familiar with the Jews and their religion, so they were falsely identified with the Babylonian Magi.  The true Magi were Zoroastrians, but the Kabbalists falsely ascribed their ideas to its founder, Zoroaster, and worshipped an ancient Persian dying-god named Mithras.


This early Kabbalistic and Mithraic cult led to the emergence in Greece of the religion of Orphism, or the worship of Dionysus, epitomized by Pythagoras, followed by Plato.  Throughout history, occultists and even leading Jewish Kabbalists themselves have regarded Plato as the godfather of their traditions.

With the conquests of Alexander, this Greco-Judeo cult was exported to the Roman world.  From there, it infected the rise of Christianity, leading to the co-optation of the dying god cult into Christianity, known as Catholicism.  In the Islamic world were the notorious Sabians of Harran, whose influenced produced Sufism, and the Ismaili Assassins, reputedly from whom the Templars acquired their occult knowledge.


From there, these practices spread across Europe where they were known as witchcraft. But the most important influences were the humanism of the Renaissance, and the emergence of the Rosicrucians.  The Rosicrucian movement was initially crushed as a result of the Thirty Years War, but a number sought refuge in England where they founded Freemasonry.

With the advent of the Illuminati, the Freemasons were responsible for the great project of the Enlightenment, whose goal was to supplant Christian authority, by way of the American and French Revolutions. The goal of these revolutions was to create secular societies, by which Christianity, or any religion, for that matter, was permanently separated from the "state".  Freed from these constraints, the Illuminati could advance their power through banking, because until then Christianity had largely forbidden the practice of interest-banking.

Kabbalistic interpretation of history would have us believe that this evolution of secularism is progress.  Democracy, we are led to believe, is the end-product of years of human evolution away from religious superstition.  However, while this evolution has been a prerogative of the West, the East is still mired in a more primitive stage of evolution, stubbornly adhering to the idea of "theocracy" i.e. the world of Islam.

And so, for the fulfillment of Kabbalistic progress, this last obstacle must be removed, before the final imposition of an occult hegemony over humanity. Hence the "Clash of Civilizations" leading to the rule of the Anti-Christ.

Koran Depicts Kabbalah as Apostasy

April 29, 201 "Despite lingering suspicions among Christians, scholars accept that there is no anti-Semitic tradition... thumbnail 1 summary
April 29, 201
"Despite lingering suspicions among Christians, scholars accept that there is no anti-Semitic tradition in Islam," writes respected researcher David Livingstone, who is a convert to Islam.

What's important is that Islam offers a different approach to understanding the problem of "the Jews".  It criticizes them, but it still regards them as People of the Book, so they are a respected religious community, despite their vices.

So throughout history, in Islamic empires, Jews, Muslims and Christians have lived side by side. Jews were even allowed to maintain their own Exilarch, and govern themselves according to their own rules, even if it was corrupted Talmudic law.I think it says a lot about God's great mercy, and there's a lesson there as well for all of us about how to treat others, even though we know they are in the wrong."
by David Livingstone

Islam says Judaism
initially benefited from Divine revelation but later turned its back on God. By "Judaism" we mean the Kabbalah and Talmud.

According to the Koran, God established a covenant with the Israelites and chose them above all the other nations, to act as His representatives on earth.

They were given 10 simple commandments, the spirit of which is summed up in the dictum: "do unto others as thou would have others do unto you,"  i.e., the Golden Rule.

And [recall] when We took the covenant from the Children of Israel, [enjoining upon them], "Do not worship except Allah ; and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and tithe." Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing.
(2: 83)

The Koran then goes on to list the numerous favours allotted to the Jewish people, and reminds them of the tremendous miracles they were made to witness, and nevertheless, they continued to reject the true worship of God.

For centuries God sent prophets to warn the Israelites to stop worshiping the Canaanite gods, Baal and Astarte, for whom they erected phallic pillars, and performed human sacrifice and other abominations.

Finally, they were warned that if they did not desist, that they would be taken into captivity. That's what indeed happened at the turn of the sixth century BC, when Nebuchadnezzar took almost the entire population into captivity in Babylon, a period known as the Exile.

The Koran recounts:

And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.
(17: 4)

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.
(17: 5)

It was in Babylon that a number of captive Jews committed the ultimate act of apostasy.  Instead of abandoning the worship of Baal, they incorporated it into a new "interpretation" of Judaism.

Eventually known as the Kabbalah, it included elements of Babylonian magic and astrology, and secretly regarded Lucifer as the true God of the Bible, equating him with the various ancient dying-gods.

But it was not all Jews who were responsible, but a group among them who apostatized, and as the Koran clarifies:

And they followed what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]."

And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew. (2: 102)

These apostate Jews then disguised their pursuit of world domination by claiming to be working to fulfill Bible prophecy.  Their mode of operation, based on Luciferianism, became the equivalent of the "ends justify the means".

But instead, they came to regard their moral responsibility to be towards only themselves, falsely assuming that being "chosen" meant that God preferred them above all others.  As the Koran says:

Say, [O Muhammad],
"If the home of the Hereafter with Allah is for you alone and not the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful. (2: 94)

They thus further corrupted the concept to mean that their covenant was unconditional, and therefore, that God's promise of ownership of the land of Israel, or Zion, was forever-binding, and that they were eventually destined to rule the world, with the coming of their expected Messiah.

Essentially, the Jews lost touch with the true "Spirit of the Law", for which reason they were chastised by Jesus, who reminded them that the basis of the Law was to love one's neighbor, and that one's neighbor was any other human being, not just one's fellow co-religionists.

But though Mohammed's message came to correct the corruptions of God's message committed by the Jews and Christians, he foretold of the Muslims that they too would fall into every same error, "like a lizard into a hole".

And it has come to pass, Muslims too have now lost touch with the Spirit of the Law, and are therefore mired in petty controversies and oppressed by despotic rulers, failing to live up to the examples of true believers.


David Livingstone is the author of "Terrorism and the Illuminati." His website carries the same name.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Illuminati Conspiracy Against God

by HENRY MAKOW PhD Have you noticed? Each year, there is a little less Christ in Christmas, a little less Christian ... thumbnail 1 summary

Have you noticed? Each year, there is a little less Christ in Christmas, a little less Christian spirit. The spirit of giving now is confined to gifts. Scarcely is there mention of Christian love. That might offend some people, Satanists perhaps.

God is Love. Satanists aren't big fans of Love. They have a lot of clout.

Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, a Satanic cult, the Illuminati rules the world. George W. Bush is a member, as is much of the world's political and economic elite.

(See A Conspiracy Too Monstrous to Conceive: and Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony:

The Illuminati consist of the Jesuits and some of the world's richest families including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. While they pay lip service to religion, they worship Lucifer. Their agents control the world's media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only pursuing success, but success literally means serving the devil.   Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati prefer hatred and destruction to Love. Understandably, they can't go public with this. They pretend to be moral while working behind the scenes to degrade and enslave humanity in a "new world order."

Hiroshima, Dresden, Auschwitz, Cambodia and Rwanda were sacrifices to their god Lucifer. They are responsible for the two World Wars, the Depression and the Cold War. Sept. 11, the War on Terror and the Iraq War are their latest achievements.

We imagine they want unlimited power and wealth but these are by-products. The Illuminati is motivated by hatred of God and humanity.


The purpose of the New World Order is the same as Communism. The Illuminati created Communism as a means to flaunt God's will and enslave mankind. Karl Marx was hired to sell totalitarian rule ("the dictatorship of the proletariat"). Marx duped the masses by pretending to espouse equality. He was a Satanist as were Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.

In his book, 'Marx and Satan'(1986) Richard Wurmbrand illustrates Marx`s true hatred of God and humanity. As early as 1848, Marx wrote about a "coming world war" that will eliminate "riffraff" like Russians, Czechs and Croats.

"The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress...the revolution...cares as little about the human lives it destroys an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions ...will be defeated...their very name will vanish. " (42)

In his poem "Human Pride" Marx writes that he will "wander Godlike and victorious through the ruins of the world...I will feel equal to the Creator. " (31)

Far from a champion of the working class, Marx was a Satanist and a sociopath. He was also a spy for the Austrian police. In 1960, the Austrian Chancellor Raabe gave Khrushchev an original letter by Marx proving the founder of Communism informed on other revolutionaries. (33)

The reason only 13 of the 100 Volumes of Marx`s writings have been published is to hide the true character of Communism. (32)


Wurmbrand, a pastor who was imprisoned in Romania, says Communism is in essence Satanism empowered. Christians weren't just brutally persecuted and murdered, they were made to blaspheme. Communism's goal is to mock God and to praise Lucifer. A Communist newspaper confessed, ""We fight against God: To snatch believers from him. " (77)

In "German Ideology" Marx referred to God in Hegelian terms as the Absolute Spirit. Marx opined, "we are concerned with a highly interesting question: the decomposition of the Absolute Spirit."(77)

According to Wurmbrand, the Russian Revolution was a time when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were considered mean and retrograde. A girl hid her innocence, and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and perversion, and were fastidious in their avoidance of being thought moral. (85)

The Luciferians portray their rebellion against God and nature as "progress and freedom." This permissiveness refers only to tearing down the Divine and natural order. In the initiation into the Seventh degree of Satanism, the adept swears, Nothing is true and everything is permitted. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx said all religion and morals will be abolished and everything permitted.

The religion of modern western society, secular humanism, is Illuminism (Lucifer worship) in disguise. (

The purpose of Illuminism is to divorce humanity from the Divine Purpose and enshrine Lucifer (i.e. the Illuminati) in God`s place. Under the guise of a humanist utopia, they are constructing an Orwellian hell -- the New World Order, a.k.a. globalism.

The goal of globalism is the same as Communism. The world`s elite masks their Luciferianism in new age paganism and Gaia worship. The Lucifer Trust runs the only chapel at the United Nations and the only statue in the UN building is the pagan god Zeus.


Christ represented the rule of God. The Pharisees worshipped Lucifer. The question facing mankind hasn't changed. Are we going to serve God or Lucifer?

The Satanists have conditioned us to short circuit at the mention of religion. They have made God seem mysterious, unknowable or non-existent.

Christ said, "God is a Spirit, obey Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23,24). God is Absolute Love, Truth, Justice, Goodness and Beauty. If you believe these things are real, whether you accomplish them or not, you believe in God.

Love is the principle of human evolution. God wants to be known by His creation. This requires that we obey and become more like Him. We were made in God's image. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect," (Matthew 5:48).The more we embody spiritual ideals, the more God-like and Real we become. The opposite is also true.

We sacrifice ourselves for what we love. If we love God, we sacrifice ourselves to Him. People ask how to fight the New World Order. Nothing would disturb the Illuminati more than a revival of belief in God. Millions willing to fight and die for God scares the hell out of them. That's why they're uprooting Islam.


We are being prepared in consciousness for slavery or destruction. They are laying the groundwork now with the "war in terror." Once they get Islam under control, they will turn their attention on the West in earnest.

In the meantime, the mass media (movies, music and video games, TV) accustoms us to brutality and violence. There is a repetitive and reductive obsession with sex, nudity, bodily functions and homosexuality.

If our leaders weren't Luciferians, the media and the arts would be preoccupied with issues of truth and falsehood, right and wrong, beauty and ugliness. We would be uplifted and inspired.

Instead, we are degraded distracted and deceived, like people with a terminal disease, like squatters in someone else's universe.

If the lllumnati's real purpose is to eliminate God, it follows we should make God the center of our consciousness. People ask, "What should we do?" Don't look for direction from others. Look to God for direction. The best way to fight the darkness is to shine a light.

This is what the Illuminati fear. In the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (5) the author writes: "There is nothing more dangerous to us than personal initiative; if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord."

Don't feel oppressed by the world. It hasn't changed just because you are now aware of it.

Devote each new day to fulfilling God's purpose for you.

Monday, May 21, 2012

US declares 'total war' on Islam

Sun May 20, 2012 6:25PM GMT In an organized act of brutality, a number of US soldiers went on a house-to-house shooting spree in Zan... thumbnail 1 summary
Sun May 20, 2012 6:25PM GMT

In an organized act of brutality, a number of US soldiers went on a house-to-house shooting spree in Zangabad village, Kandahar in March and massacred 16 people including nine children while they were sleeping and all Washington had to say were a few words of condolence and apology nonchalantly strung together in order to appease the overwhelming public rage in Afghanistan. Western media however reduced the number of the killers to one.

The bodies were reportedly wrapped in blankets and were set on fire.

US President Barack Obama said he was deeply saddened, "I offer my condolences to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives, and to the people of Afghanistan, who have endured too much violence and suffering. This incident … does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan."

As contradictory as these words seem, the very 'exceptional character' of the US military had earlier urged them to burn copies of the Holy Quran, an incident which saddened the hearts of Muslims all across the world.

These and earlier incidents are not coincidental and well attest to a prevailing mindset in the US military and a dominant policy in Washington. It is clear that the US government has commenced a large-scale campaign against Islam with the express intention of debilitating the Muslim community.

In fact, the war on Islam started in 2001 when the then US president George Bush made a crass reference to his so-called war on terror as ‘crusade’. He warned Americans that "this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take awhile." Bush’s politically untoward remark rang alarm bells in Europe and the Muslim world although it went barely noticed in the American community who took the word for its sound rather than for its meaning.

Gradually, Washington instilled a sensation of anti-Islamism in America and Europe by attributing the nine-eleven tragedy and ensuing terrorist operations to the Muslims. Soheib Bensheikh, Grand Mufti of the mosque in Marseille, France said Bush’s use of the word ‘crusade’ was most unfortunate and that “It recalled the barbarous and unjust military operations against the Muslim world" by Christian knights.

A delusional man who was overwhelmed with the idea of a messianic mission, George Bush wittingly or unwittingly dragged the world to the margins where a clash of civilizations was imminent.

The legacy of hatred which was started by George Bush was later continued in the form of classes and organized trainings.

In line with this Islamophobic policy funded by Washington and the powerful Zionist groups in the country, the US military has long been involved in fomenting anger and hatred against the Muslims by teaching its future leaders that a “total war” against the Muslims would be necessary to protect America.

According to hundreds of pages of course material and reference documents obtained by Danger Room (, the US military held a course at the Defense Department’s Joint Forces Staff College and taught the students that they had to use a Hiroshima-style in Muslim counties and target the “civilian population wherever necessary.”

The officer in charge of the hate lessons was Army Lt. Col. Matthew A. Dooley who still maintains his position at the Norfolk, Virginia College. Sadly, those who sat in his classes are now in the top positions in the US military.

The course ‘Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism’ was offered five times a year for groups of 20 at a time, the course may have been taught to as many as 800 mid-level and senior US military officers.

In a July presentation, Dooly said, “We have now come to understand that there is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam. It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction.”

In his ugly lessons, he taught that “International laws protecting civilians in wartime are no longer relevant,” and that mainstream Muslims are dangerous, because they’re violent by nature. He also called for a Hiroshima-style destruction of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

Those who sat in his classes and patiently listened to his mad remarks are the ones who are now serving in Afghanistan and teaching the same hate lessons to their subordinates and even encouraging them to wipe out the Muslim community.

The atrocities perpetrated by the US military in the Muslim countries over the past 11 years or so are closely associated with and inspired by these appalling teachings.

Washington and the Zionist groups have long been making relentless efforts to depict Islam and the Muslims in dark shadows. An in-depth investigation into Islamophobia ‘Dubbed as Fear, Inc. The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America’ was carried out by the Center for American Progress in the United States. The report sheds light on the collective efforts of the Zionist groups funded by the United States in pedaling a hatred for and a fear of Islam in the form of books, reports, websites, blogs, and carefully crafted talking points. According to the report, these wealthy donors and foundations also provide direct funding to anti-Islam grassroots groups.

The project of Islamophobia which has cost more than $40 million over the past ten years has been funded by seven foundations in the United States: 1. Richard Mellon Scaife Foundation; 2. Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; 3. Newton and Rochelle Becker; 4. Foundation and Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust; 5. Russell Berrie Foundation, Anchorage Charitable Fund and William Rosenwald; 6. Family Fund; 7. Fairbrook Foundation.

After all, Islamophobia is nothing new. Despite its rising upsurge in recent years, there have been efforts in the past to promote this pernicious trend.

Years ago, prominent Orientalist Edward Said warned of these calculated efforts in the West, arguing that the essentializing nature of the Orientalist enterprise has resulted today in misguided, inaccurate depictions of Islamic cultures: “Most of the pictures represent mass rage and misery, or irrational (hence hopelessly eccentric) gestures. Lurking behind all of these images is the menace of jihad. Consequence: a fear that the Muslims will take over the world.”

Islamophobia is a form of political colonialism; an ideological war against Islam and the Muslims. It is a pernicious practice used by Washington and its allies to justify their lust for Muslim blood, give validity to their military expeditions in Muslim countries and seize hold of their numerous resources.