In the first installment of my article (click here if you haven’t read it) I have briefly discussed the prophecy of Al-Mahdi and why my friends in the now disbanded Watchers Group used to think that Al-Mahdi might be coming from our region.
Without further delay, let’s proceed with the second theory.. the one came up by a secular school of thought within the Watcher’s group which completely separated their argument from religious prophecy. Most of them are non-Muslims but there’s a few Muslims who shared the same kind of idea.
According to them, the irony of Universe is that the Universe does have a sense of humor. When man is busy rummaging the universe in search of answer, the answer usually lies right there under his nose. Therefore while we’re busy coming up with layers of theories on why the Illuminati would want to be in Malaysia, the answer might already been printed for ages in our school textbooks.
Looking back at what we have learned about the presence of BEIC in Malaya, we have been told when we’re in secondary school that the reason why the BEIC was interested with Malaya was because of its geographical location. Not only Malaya located in the middle of a trading route between India and China, but the geographical location of Malaysia also protected it from natural disaster. Malaya is uniquely located at the center, surrounded by Indonesia, Thailand, Philippine and the Island of Borneo that protects it from natural hazards. Unlike Indonesia and Phillipine, we we are lucky to be geographically located away from tectonic plates. In short Malaysia is fortunate to be freed from natural disaster such as drought, earthquake, volcano and typhoon. So far, the most severe natural disaster experiencing in Malaysia is just flood but not up to the point where it could cause massive casualties yet.
If the BEIC knew this from 18th century, then certainly the Illuminati knew it to well too. Does our location have anything to do with what’s up in their mind?
All prophecies around the world have three things similar in it. One is about the arrival of Messiah, the second is about the coming natural disasters and the third is the end of time. Natural disasters have also been indicated in prophecies within Al-Quran and Hadith. The most prominent sign is of course earthquakes. Earthquakes was specially mentioned by Rasulullah when he said that Qiyamah will not come until three earthquakes demolished three places. One in the east, second in the west and finally the Arab peninsular.
From the time this hadith was studied by the both the Illuminati and the Watcher’s group, there has been countless discussions on how to correctly identify the events foretold in prophecies around the world. In relation to the earthquakes, there have been so many major earthquakes throughout history that it used to be impossible to identify which one is the three earthquakes mentioned in this hadith. Prior to 2004, we don’t have any idea of the variable needed for the formula of identifying such cataclysmic event.
What’s so special about Iran 2003 and Acheh 2004? Well, a year before Iran’s earthquake a Solar and Lunar Eclipses occurred in Ramadhan 2002. Then a year before Acheh’s earthquake a similar Solar and Lunar Eclipses occurred in Ramadhan 2003. So we figure if they over reacted merely due to dual eclipses in Ramadhan, then it has to do something with Al-Mahdi.
Which would leave us with predicting the second earthquake in the WEST and the third one in the Arab Peninsular. Because the first earthquake of Acheh was man made, then the Watchers group believe the second WEST earthquake will also be man-made, and that bring our mind back to what we have known since 1979 -- the Illuminati is planning a disaster of major proportion to wipe out major cities of the world.
GEORGIA GUIDESTONES (American Stonehenge)
The first message hammered on the stones are the words to “maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”. In other words, they plan to reduce the currents world population of 7 billion people into 500 millions only. What was put on the stone was basically the findings of the Illuminati symposium in 1957 when they decided that an action to reduce world population must be taken prior or shortly after the year 2000.
The 1957's decision was the reason why Illuminati watchdog around the globe knew of the significant of the 21st century. It's the reason why we know the 1997 currency crisis was necessary for them. As I explained before in my previous article, they need to infiltrate our system before the year 2000
Since 1957, the Illuminati had come up with an awful lot of ideas on how kill 90% of the world population. At first they toyed with the idea of deploying the stock-ready nuclear arsenals. But nuclear war would make the earth's surface inhabitable for at least 20 years which doesn't sound good to them either. So they proceeds with the one they've been doing since World War 1 such as biological weapon, genocide, riots, war and the latest .. man-made disasters or more specifically; EARTHQUAKES.
I will not go into detail here on how they are now able to create such disasters. Sufficient to say that the US and the Russian already completed the development of "scalar interferometers" (also known as "Longitudinal Wave Interferometers") since the late 20th century. Here's a tip for all my readers.. Keep looking at the sky for beautiful colorful clouds. If you see it then you need to EXIT your house immediately and RUN to a nearby open space. These clouds of death is the signature of Scalar Weapon being aimed at your city. They've been spotted 30 minutes before the Sichuan quake, 1 day before Haiti quake, and 2 days before Acheh.
So how relevant is Malaysia to all of these?
Well, because the hadith mentions about the second earthquake which will occur in the west, I believe that it will be a big one. The west as we know it is the region where most of the Illuminati's headquarters are. Therefore if they decided to quake their own region then it must really worth it for them. The watchers group could only come up with one reason for it.. that quake (or whatever disaster it be) must be so big it is probably the mother of all modern earthquakes. They probably want it to shake so hard so that the tremors could wipe out major population of the world.
Can that be done? Yes in theory it could. If you are one of many who have watch the movie "2012" starring John Cusack, you would remember a scene in the movie where a super volcano erupted at Yellowstone National Park in the United States. This scene is based on reality because beneath Yellowstone lies the world biggest SUPER VOLCANO which has erupted only three times in the last 2.1 million year. In fact, back in 1995 satellite images began to show that the Yellowstone Caldera was rising leading to prediction that the world's largest super-volcano could erupt in the near future. To wake this deadly beast, all they need is to detonate a underground nuclear bomb to trigger the eruption. When it does, It would explode with a force a thousand times more powerful than the Mount St Helens in 1980 and leave the majority of the North American continent below ash. It would also block out the sun's rays reducing the earth's temperature by a few degrees causing worldwide devastation of crops. The ash would spread across the Atlantic to Europe pushing the death toll higher. A super eruption at Yellowstone would kill more people than all the volcanic eruptions since humans first walked the earth.
Such super disaster would be followed by tremors around the world. Because we are talking about super-volcano here, then the tremors alone would be sufficient to turn other major cities, especially one so near to the pacific ring of fire, into rubble.
Malaysia, as you can see from the graph above, is uniquely protected by Java and Phillipine from the effect of Ring of Fire's subduction zones (even though according to United States Geological Survey, we're in it). It is also fair to say that we're are being 'boxed in' by Indonesia, Thailand and Phillipine thus by coincidence making it very hard for scalar technology to be 100% effective against us.
Now, you've heard about NIBIRU right? The issue even made it to our Parliament on December 2010 when Senator Datuk Shamsudin Mehat asked our Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili about it. Before you start getting excited, I am going to say here that Nibiru is a full of crap. A cataclysmic planetary event of such magnitude will definitely be mentioned in Al-Quran of Hadith if it's true. Even more bull shit is the story that Anunnaki as inhabitants of Planet Nibiru is the creator of mankind. That alone is solidly against the history of Adam & Eve and therefore Nibiru story should be dismissed.
Here's a little bit of that conversation:-

Listen it on Youtube
Listen it on Youtube
Art: So you can't spend a lot of time on the phone, so give us something
quick! Caller [voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]: OK, um, um, OK,
what we're thinking of as aliens, Art, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.
quick! Caller [voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]: OK, um, um, OK,
what we're thinking of as aliens, Art, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.
The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now, Art.
Art: So they're not doing, not doing anything.
Caller: They are not. They want those major population centers wiped out so
that the few that are left will be more easily controllable...."
that the few that are left will be more easily controllable...."
The caller also talked about the future disaster for the purpose of New World Order. He then mentioned about "SAFE AREAS IN THIS WORLD".
We already knew about the possibility of safe areas. Because the disaster couldn't be the Qiyamah itself, then it would make sense that no matter how bad it is some area would withstand the future genocide. However, with the exception of Mecca and Medina which for sure will survive any Illuminati's onslaught, no one except the Illuminati could know which areas could survive the man-made disaster.
Which bring us back to MALAYSIA
Could it be that Malaysia has the potential to withstand the disaster? Could God have planned our land in the center of South East Asia so that Indonesia, Phillipine and Thailand could absorb the earthquake's most damaging effect and thus save our Malay arse?
If that's true, it then could explain why the Illuminati want Singapore to prevail in this area because they do need an hub to control this region in the aftermath of the disaster. But then, what's on heaven is God's plan for this country where the muslims in PAS, PKR and UMNO constantly bickers merely due to politics? Is it us that God want to save or is it that puny Brunei?
You may well think my article is completely rubbish. But this is the reasons speculated by the secular in the Watchers group. I do believe the disaster is coming because there so many hadith and verses which said it will come as the early signs of Qiyamah. We know to well that all the 14 minor signs of Qiyamah has been completed today and that freaked me out because my two daughters are now still babies. I recite Yaseen every night nowadays and pray to God at dawn and at dusk that God would protect them from the worst that to come.