Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dr Azizan Osman and the fake PhDs

Let's face it. You don't have to suffer a Permanent Head Damage over a piece of paper. Ok about this whatshisname "... thumbnail 1 summary
Let's face it. You don't have to suffer a Permanent Head Damage over a piece of paper.

Ok about this whatshisname "Dr" Azizan guy. I had no idea who this guy was (I still don't), until I got flooded by the fake PhD thing. Here's my take on it. I don't care. But just to be "trending", I'll play along with all this mother load of garbage.

Now what's the difference between a "real" PhD and a "fake" PhD? That's not the real issue here actually, because there isn't any difference. Both are essentially Deceptions with a capital "D". So it's all about Deceptions. It really is, get it?

Some people make a mother load of money out of peddling "real" PhDs while others make loads of it peddling out "fake" PhD. That's it. Some people make loads of money after earning "real" PhDs, while others make loads of the same toilet paper money after yessss, making an investment in buying "fake" PhDs. That's it! Really!

You don't have to be rocket scientist with a "real" PhD to figure that out. But anyone with a PhD in deception (be it fake or otherwise) deep deep down under, understands what I'm saying.

Now I'm sure everyone around the world does that (getting "fake" PhDs). But you don't really see that going viral like it's the end of the world do you? Only in Malaysia. So the moral of the story here is that if you're having ideas about getting a "fake" PhD, by all means don't do it around here. You may ask, "oh but why"? Becozzz, the PhD newsfeeds are bugging me that's why.


Ok now that you're crystal clear on that, anyone with this PhD story, please get off my feeds.

║▌║▌║█│▌Dr Al Faedah║▌║▌║█│▌

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"Berfikir tanpa kotak"

Ar Ra'isul Mutakallim, Tabligh Ki Zabaan (Lidah Tabligh) Hadrat Maulana Umar Palanpuri Rahmatullahu 'alaihi berkata: "Orang yang kuat adalah orang yang sanggup bertahan dalam arus kerosakan. Orang yang lebih kuat adalah orang yang sanggup melawan arus kerosakan. Namun orang yang paling kuat adalah orang yang sanggup merubah arah arus kerosakan hingga menjadi akannya arus kebaikan.”

“Dajjal bersama tenteranya mempunyai kekuatan yang amat istimewa dan amat tersusun. Begitu juga Yakjuj dan Makjuj membuat huru-hara di seluruh dunia. Kehebatan mereka tiada siapa yang dapat melawan dan orang beriman berundur dengan hanya makan zikir dan tasbih."

"Allah zahirkan kudratnya hanya dengan labah-labah yang kecil dijadikan asbab untuk menggigit tengkuk-tengkuk mereka hingga mati. Mayat mereka begitu busuk diseluruh dunia. Orang beriman tidak tahan terus berdoa pada Allah. Allah ta'ala hantarkan hujan dan banjir menghanyutkan mereka ke laut. Inilah yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman nanti."

"Amalan dakwah memisahkan hak dan batil seperti air menghanyutkan sampah dari emas dan logam-logam yang lain. Namun pekerja² agama jika wujud cinta dunia dalam hati mereka seperti emas dan disaluti logam-logam lain, maka banyak masalah yang akan timbul.”