بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Wahabi Islam was established by the Bank of England. The British government and Bank of England was present at every stage in the creation of modern day Wahabi Islam. The original founder of the Saudi dynasty was a Bedouin Emir named Muhammad ibn Saud (circa 1748 -1765).The polemics and politics of deception by the Illuminati agents of Ya'juj wa Ma'juj from time immemorial. Something the Muslims never seem to be wary of. This is the Ya'juj & Ma'juj age of covert espionage, agents and double agents. They are but two groups of evil people working for one. Of seemingly conflicting forces acting against one another yet concurring with the same supreme Agenda of the Syaitanic Order. The Muslim world whether on the global plane or local, have long been infiltrated and the divide is worsening. Do not lose focus or be buoyed by the rhetorics. Always look deep and understand the Game you shall be guided through the turmoils from within - Al Faedah
Ibn Saud's chief adviser
Harry St. John
Bridger Philby
(1885 -1960)
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Abdul Aziz ibn Saud (1876-1953). Caliph from 1932 to 1953. |
Here in Dariya, Al-Wahhab won the support of the local chief, Muhammad ibn Saud, leader of a sub-branch of the powerful Aneiza tribe and already admired for his abilities as a warrior. Muhammad ibn Saud became not only a convert to Wahabism but, by marrying his eldest son Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud to Al-Wahhab's daughter, became the founding father of the Saudi-Wahhabi dynasty — the future rulers of Saudi Arabia. (Allen, God's Terrorists, The Wahhabi Cult and the Hidden Roots of Modern Jihad, p. 52).
This marriage alliance of Emir Abdul Aziz ibn Saud with Imam Abdul Wahhab created an alliance between political and religious Wahhabi Islam . . . and remains the basis of the Saudi dynasty to this very day.
Emir Abdul Aziz ibn Saud was the founder of SAUDI Arabia. His great-grandmother was the daughter of Imam Abdul Wahab — a Jesuit in disguise — who took the Koran literally and advocated killing all the "Bad" Muslims.
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Haji Williamson (1873 -1958) |

His real father was a British MI6 spy named Haji Williamson.
Williamson—an employee of the Ango-Iranian Oil Company, had at least 4 wives and 4 surviving sons. One of the sons of Haji Williamson was Ruhollah Khomeini. The British Druid sponsored Islam Revolution began in that country in 1979, which was the year 1400 in the Islamic calendar.
One of the essential characteristics of the religion of Islam is its insistence that when a people recognize Allah Most High as 'sovereign' (al-Malik) then they must ensure that the State and all its institutions submit to Allah's supreme authority and supreme law. If the State, rather than Allah, is recognized as sovereign, and that is the essence of the secularism, Islam declares such to be Shirk (blasphemy) and that is the greatest sin possible.
Around the world today the modern secular State is universally recognized as sovereign. Its authority is recognized as supreme, and so too its law. And so, around the world today mankind is now embraced by a universal political Shirk (blasphemy). This is, in fact, one of the major signs that we now live in the age of Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, who deceived mankind into worshipping other than Allah Most High. He, Dajjal, is the mastermind behind today's world order about which the Hadith declares that 999 out of every 1000 will enter into the hellfire. But even Muslims seem to be unaware of this.
This book is a part of a larger unpublished work on the Organisation of Islamic Conference. It documents and exposes the complicity of the Saudi-Wahabi alliance in the fall of the Khilafate and the subsequent obstacles imposed to prevent the re-establishment of the Khilafat. Required reading for Muslims who are seeking to make sense of the world today.
Around the world today the modern secular State is universally recognized as sovereign. Its authority is recognized as supreme, and so too its law. And so, around the world today mankind is now embraced by a universal political Shirk (blasphemy). This is, in fact, one of the major signs that we now live in the age of Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, who deceived mankind into worshipping other than Allah Most High. He, Dajjal, is the mastermind behind today's world order about which the Hadith declares that 999 out of every 1000 will enter into the hellfire. But even Muslims seem to be unaware of this.
This book is a part of a larger unpublished work on the Organisation of Islamic Conference. It documents and exposes the complicity of the Saudi-Wahabi alliance in the fall of the Khilafate and the subsequent obstacles imposed to prevent the re-establishment of the Khilafat. Required reading for Muslims who are seeking to make sense of the world today.