Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Surah Al Kahf - Arabic text - Translation and Modern Commentary

Surah Al Kahf and Sunnah Money Audio Lecture Thursday, 14 Shawwal 1431 Recording of Live linkup with Ml Imran Hosein at Darul Karar Masji... thumbnail 1 summary
Surah Al Kahf and Sunnah Money
Audio Lecture
Thursday, 14 Shawwal 1431
Recording of Live linkup with Ml Imran Hosein at Darul Karar Masjid, Cape Town, South Africa

Surah Al Kahf - Arabic text - Translation and Modern Commentary

Download ebook: DOWNLOAD Surah al-Kahf:  Arabic Text, Translation and Modern Commentary Size: 1.5Mbs

As the war on Islam intensifies, and as the day approaches when the imposter Euro-Jewish State of Israel would make its bid to become the ruling State in the world, and the false Messiah (i.e., Dajjal) would rule the world from Jerusalem and declare that he is the true Messiah, I fear that there would be many, particularly governments which declare their friendship for USA and hence for Israel, who would want to ban books on the Qur'an.

I therefore pray most humbly, and ask my gentle readers to also kindly join in the prayer, that Allah Most High might protect books (such as this humble quartet of books on Surah al-Kahf) that use the blessed Qur'an to explain, to expose and to challenge those in the godless modern age who are waging wicked war on Islam. Amin.

This first volume of four, containing 'Text Translation and Modern Commentary of Surah al-Kahf', makes its appearance just before our main work on the subject entitled 'Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age' is to be published, and is meant to function as a companion volume to that main work.
We propose, Insha Allah, to publish a third and fourth volume on this subject in which we would like to offer to the reading public a comprehensive and credible modern interpretation of the Ahadith and Qur'anic verses dealing (directly and indirectly) with the  critically important topics of Dajjal the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, and of Gog and Magog. If any such books have already been written and published, they must be very few indeed.

And so the four volumes would have the following titles:
·    Volume One:    'Surah al-Kahf: Text Translation and Modern Commentary';
·    Volume Two:     'Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age';
·    Volume Three:  'Dajjal the False Messiah or Anti-Christ';
·    Volume Four:    'Gog and Magog in the Qur'an and Hadith'

The writing of all four volumes on Surah al-Kahf was kindly sponsored in the names of a number of people in different parts of the world as follows: Rabia Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura and Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura of Malawi in Africa, Abdul Majid Kader Sultan and Fatimah Abdullah of Malaysia and Hajjah Haniffa Bte Omar Khan Sourattee and Allahyarhama Hajjah Mariam Bte Fakir Mohammed of Singapore.

May Allah Most Kind bless them, have mercy on their souls and forgive them their sins. Amin!

Imran N. Hosein
In the island of Trinidad.
August 2006

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"Berfikir tanpa kotak"

Ar Ra'isul Mutakallim, Tabligh Ki Zabaan (Lidah Tabligh) Hadrat Maulana Umar Palanpuri Rahmatullahu 'alaihi berkata: "Orang yang kuat adalah orang yang sanggup bertahan dalam arus kerosakan. Orang yang lebih kuat adalah orang yang sanggup melawan arus kerosakan. Namun orang yang paling kuat adalah orang yang sanggup merubah arah arus kerosakan hingga menjadi akannya arus kebaikan.”

“Dajjal bersama tenteranya mempunyai kekuatan yang amat istimewa dan amat tersusun. Begitu juga Yakjuj dan Makjuj membuat huru-hara di seluruh dunia. Kehebatan mereka tiada siapa yang dapat melawan dan orang beriman berundur dengan hanya makan zikir dan tasbih."

"Allah zahirkan kudratnya hanya dengan labah-labah yang kecil dijadikan asbab untuk menggigit tengkuk-tengkuk mereka hingga mati. Mayat mereka begitu busuk diseluruh dunia. Orang beriman tidak tahan terus berdoa pada Allah. Allah ta'ala hantarkan hujan dan banjir menghanyutkan mereka ke laut. Inilah yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman nanti."

"Amalan dakwah memisahkan hak dan batil seperti air menghanyutkan sampah dari emas dan logam-logam yang lain. Namun pekerja² agama jika wujud cinta dunia dalam hati mereka seperti emas dan disaluti logam-logam lain, maka banyak masalah yang akan timbul.”