Saturday, December 31, 2011

Making Paper Money Worthless and Taking Possession of People’s Gold

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Full Article: How the Animated Series G.I. Joe Predicted Today’s Illuminati Agenda Our Elders have been talking r... thumbnail 1 summary
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Full Article:

Our Elders have been talking repeatedly over this. Of bogus paper money perpetrated by the establishment of the US Federal Reserves for the role of putting the United States as the ruling Super Power post Britannica and World War Two. Part of the reason of the invasion of Libya and the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi is to take over it's massive Gold reserves. The US dollar is on it's way out indeed to make way for the next Superpower in waiting, Israel.

Remember this. Keep your gold and buy more of it! 
G.I. Joe is an iconic cartoon TV show that marked an entire generation of young boys during the 80s. Strangely, Cobra Commander’s numerous plans to conquer the world are eerily similar to actual events happening today, 25 years after the broadcast of these episodes, in another example of how “science fiction” is indeed becoming reality.

So the question remains: Why did the series describe these sophisticated plans with such vivid details to its youthful audience? Was G.I. Joe one of the many TV shows and movies sponsored by the American government and the owners of the mass media companies who broadcast it? Were they preparing the youth to the revelation of realities by exposing it to them at a young age? Were they trying to warn the public? The creators of this show definitely knew the answer to these questions, and we should too. Because knowing is half the battle.

- Al Faedah

How the Animated Series G.I. Joe Predicted Today’s Illuminati Agenda

Making Paper Money Worthless and Taking Possession of People’s Gold

In the episode entitled Money to Burn, Cobra finds a way to instantly burn all of America’s paper money using a “thermo-molecular ignition transmitter”, effectively rendering the American dollar useless.
A scared lady seeing her money bursting into flames.

Cobra then addresses the nation through a TV broadcast (he seems to have easy access to mass media). This is what he says:

“Attention citizens! Due to the financial irresponsibility and incompetence of your leaders, Cobra has found it necessary to restructure your nation’s economy. We have begun by eliminating the worthless green paper, which your government has deceived you into believing is valuable. Cobra will come to your rescue and, out of the ashes, will arise a NEW ORDER!”

This is pretty deep stuff for a show aimed at children under 12. This speech basically outlines the modus operandi of the Illuminati shadow government: create a crisis, cause chaos, claim to have the only solution, get people to beg for that solution, and restore “Order out of Chaos”. Furthermore, declaring this New Order to rise out of its ashes is reminiscent of the Masonic concept of a phoenix rising out of the ashes.

There is truth in Cobra’s statement regarding the real value of  paper money. The American dollar has had no actual value since  1971, when the gold standard was abandoned by the Nixon administration. The American dollar’s value used to be based on a fixed weight of gold. Today it can effectively lose all its value and become worthless overnight, as its value is not backed by any tangible goods … and this is what was happening in this episode of G.I. Joe.

After Cobra’s announcement, the dazed and confused American people assemble before the Department of Treasury and shout “We want money!”, begging the government to provide a solution to their problem. The Joes see the situation and observe that “buying and selling has been replaced by rioting and looting”.

Then Cobra appears on TV again and says:
“Citizens of the United States, I am pleased to announce Cobra’s economic recovery plan! If you want money to buy food for your children, take all your valuables to the nearest branch of Extensive Entreprises. There, all goods will be exchanged for Cobra currency!”
Cobra presenting the new currency
to be exchanged for people’s
valuables, such as gold.

Cobra presenting the new currency to be exchanged for people’s valuables, such as gold. This exact phenomena is happening today. There is currently a sustained effort to take gold and other valuables off the hands of the public through “Cash for Gold” programs. You might have been assaulted by ridiculous ads like these:
Don’t listen to MC Hammer and Ed McMahon.
Keep your gold and buy more of it!

In a hidden Cobra Temple, the heads of Extensive Enterprises show a rich client the “largest stockpile of tangible assets ever assembled”.

A vault full of the ignorant people’s gold.
Fortunately, the Joes come to the rescue, restored the American dollar and destroyed pretty much everything in sight, including the Cobra Temple. Yo Joe!

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"Berfikir tanpa kotak"

Ar Ra'isul Mutakallim, Tabligh Ki Zabaan (Lidah Tabligh) Hadrat Maulana Umar Palanpuri Rahmatullahu 'alaihi berkata: "Orang yang kuat adalah orang yang sanggup bertahan dalam arus kerosakan. Orang yang lebih kuat adalah orang yang sanggup melawan arus kerosakan. Namun orang yang paling kuat adalah orang yang sanggup merubah arah arus kerosakan hingga menjadi akannya arus kebaikan.”

“Dajjal bersama tenteranya mempunyai kekuatan yang amat istimewa dan amat tersusun. Begitu juga Yakjuj dan Makjuj membuat huru-hara di seluruh dunia. Kehebatan mereka tiada siapa yang dapat melawan dan orang beriman berundur dengan hanya makan zikir dan tasbih."

"Allah zahirkan kudratnya hanya dengan labah-labah yang kecil dijadikan asbab untuk menggigit tengkuk-tengkuk mereka hingga mati. Mayat mereka begitu busuk diseluruh dunia. Orang beriman tidak tahan terus berdoa pada Allah. Allah ta'ala hantarkan hujan dan banjir menghanyutkan mereka ke laut. Inilah yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman nanti."

"Amalan dakwah memisahkan hak dan batil seperti air menghanyutkan sampah dari emas dan logam-logam yang lain. Namun pekerja² agama jika wujud cinta dunia dalam hati mereka seperti emas dan disaluti logam-logam lain, maka banyak masalah yang akan timbul.”