Saban hari saya dengar Pak Anwar Ibrahim kita mengulangi slogan "ARAB SPRING" puak-puak agen Illuminati Dajjal LaknatuLlah.
Kelmarin pulak dengan penuh semangat berkobar-kobar..
"Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia (DPPM) mengajak seluruh pemimpin dan ahli Umno serta NGO-NGO di bawahnya seperti Perkasa dan Pekida untuk turut serta bersama PAS serta NGO-NGO Islam yang lain dalam himpunan aman membantah kekejaman kerajaan Syria pimpinan Bashar Al Assad yang telah menyiksa dan membunuh ribuan rakyat mereka pada hari Jumaat, 10 Februari di hadapan kedutaan Syria."
Bukan saya nak kata Bashar Al Assad tu baguih sangat sama lah macam Muammar Gaddafi.. Yang kita kata pi campoq urusan negara orang pasei apa. Sedangkan bukti semakin banyak menunjukkan pembabitan anasir-anasir luar yang mencetuskan huru-hara. Sebab itulah PBB (UN) pon kecoh lah sat baru-baru ini bila Rusia dan China melaksanakan kuasa veto mereka.
Laporan Misi Pemerhati Liga Arab yang bocor telah mendedahkan campurtangan pihak-pihak asing bagi tujuan provokasi serta bukti bagaimana Liga Arab bertindak semata-mata sebagai alat pada kehendak kuasa barat.
Keutamaan masakini bagi kuasa Zionist adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah untuk memutuskan hubungan antara TEHERAN-DAMSYIK supaya akses IRAN kepada HEZBOLLAH di LEBANON dan HAMAS di GAZZAH dapat dicantas.
Kalau setakat itulah retorik yang mampu dijustifikasikan oleh Ketua Penerangan DPPM, Riduan Mohd Nor elok saja beliau tutup mulut beliau kerana kenyataan beliau itu samada membuktikan samada masalah mental kepimpinan Pemuda PAS; ataupun sandiwara yang memualkan sedangkan penyembelihan ummat Islam yang tidak berdosa disebabkan oleh provokasi dan percaturan kuasa Zionist sedang berlaku dengan sokongan Pemuda PAS sendiri.
"I think you're barking at the wrong tree and making an absolute fool of yourself at the same time."
Report Reveals Media Lies Regarding Syria
We bring to the attention of our readers the Observers' Mission Report of the League of Arab States to Syria.
The report acknowledges the existence of "an armed entity" involved in the killings of civilians and police as well as the conduct of terrorist acts, which in turn have contributed to triggering actions by government forces.
The Report refers to "armed opposition groups" as well as to the "Free Syrian Army", both of which, according to the AL Mission, are involved in the deliberate killing of innocent civilians:
"In some zones, this armed entity reacted by attacking Syrian security forces and citizens, causing the Government to respond with further violence. In the end, innocent citizens pay the price for those actions with life and limb.
Sebut saja lah sapa pon semua dok ada kat Syria la ni. Turki.. British.. Arab Saudi, Qatar, MI6.. Al-Qaedah pon ada tudia.. Pendek kata belum apa-apa kat UN lagi satu briged NATO dok ada kat Syria siap-siap dah. Ni pemberontakan rakyat pedia ni???? Ni ka model slogan Arab Spring yang ditelan oleh puak-puak kat atas tadi?
Kot-kot lah depa ni bangang sangat kot. Atau sememang nak baca "report" pon tak reti atau saja buat-buat tak nampak. Baca lah dulu. Betoi tak betoi ka laporan misi pemerhati Arab League tu belakang cerita lah.
Awat bunyik macam tak sabaq-sabaq dah macam bunyik "parrot" puak kaki perang Neo Con US dan Zionis Israel saja. Semua dah kena mind control lah ni sampai jadi biol satu macam la ni kita yang dok perati ni pon dah naik rimaih.
Seperti mana di satu malam bulan Ramadhan tahun lepas bila lebih seribu nyawa ummat Islam disembelih dan dikorbankan atas nama Arab Spring oleh askar-askar upahan termasuk Al-Qaedah semasa meningkatnya provokasi keatas Libya dan Muammar Gaddafi. Sekali lagi kita lihat ulang tayang jahat para musuh ALLAH SWT mencincang lumat nyawa umat Islam dengan memperlagakan sesama kita.
Those who see with two eyes, the internal as well as the external, would recognize 'Zionism' and 'Zionist Imperialism' written all over the well-armed and long-planned insurrection which toppled the Libyan government. This was no spontaneous popular uprising of a people against their dictatorial ruler as the Zionist-controlled news media around the world would have us believe. Nor was the regime toppled because the people responded with rage to the regime's alleged slaughter of innocent protestors. That is the brain-washing that passes for news and is swallowed by cattle as Truth. [NATO Jet trails]
It is quite easy to recognize Zionist intimidation and control of news media when mainstream newspapers radio and television around the world (including Al-Jazeerah) adamantly refuse to question the blatantly false official explanation of the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.
The bitter truth is that there are many Libyan Muslims who will now be mercilessly killed unless they submit and embrace the new blood-stained dictatorship which has been imposed upon them at the point of a Zionist sword.
Using a barbarian strategy which came from the 'beast of the earth', the forces of insurrection struck their final Satanic blow at dusk in the month of Ramadan when believers were breaking their day-long fast. They embarked on an indiscriminate killing-spree intended to instill panic in the Libyan capital city of Tripoli and to thus destabilize its military defense. More than a thousand innocent Libyan Muslims became shuhada - having just completed a day of fasting - as they were mercilessly mowed down with weapons supplied by the Zionist Kuffar. Only a brain-washed people would accept that satanic warfare as a spontaneous popular uprising.
It is quite easy to recognize Zionist intimidation and control of news media when mainstream newspapers radio and television around the world (including Al-Jazeerah) adamantly refuse to question the blatantly false official explanation of the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.
The bitter truth is that there are many Libyan Muslims who will now be mercilessly killed unless they submit and embrace the new blood-stained dictatorship which has been imposed upon them at the point of a Zionist sword.
Using a barbarian strategy which came from the 'beast of the earth', the forces of insurrection struck their final Satanic blow at dusk in the month of Ramadan when believers were breaking their day-long fast. They embarked on an indiscriminate killing-spree intended to instill panic in the Libyan capital city of Tripoli and to thus destabilize its military defense. More than a thousand innocent Libyan Muslims became shuhada - having just completed a day of fasting - as they were mercilessly mowed down with weapons supplied by the Zionist Kuffar. Only a brain-washed people would accept that satanic warfare as a spontaneous popular uprising.
Bagi mereka yang turun berdemonstrasi hari ini, moga ALLAH SWT sentakkan kamu dari lamunan siang hari kamu dan berdoalah moga kamu tidak menerima saham atas bala bencana yang melanda ummat Islam saudara seagama kamu yang kamu slogankan sebagai ARAB SPRING itu.
CIA, MI6 conduct intel ops in Syria
Iran deploys 15,000 troops to help Syria’s Assad
British troops support Syrian armed groups in Homs...
- Armed Groups Inside Syria: Prelude to a US-NATO Intervention?
Tak dan lagi si boneka US/ZIONIS Ban Ki Moon nak hantar misi pemerhati buat kali kedua, maka semakin hebatlah para pencanang perang meningkatkan usaha untuk mencetus huru-hara yang semakin dasyat.
"United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the Arab League (AL) chief has informed him that the League is ready to resend its observer mission to Syria.
Ban said in New York on Wednesday that AL’s Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi had told him during a Tuesday telephone conversation of the plan to resume the mission and had asked for it to become a joint UN-AL operation.
"He informed me that he intends to send the Arab League observer mission back to Syria and ask for UN help," Ban said.
“He further suggested that we consider a joint observer mission in Syria, including a joint special envoy.”
The League’s team ended its monitoring work in Syria on January 28. "
"He informed me that he intends to send the Arab League observer mission back to Syria and ask for UN help," Ban said.
“He further suggested that we consider a joint observer mission in Syria, including a joint special envoy.”
The League’s team ended its monitoring work in Syria on January 28. "