Thursday, February 28, 2013


In a tight, stark presentation of a mere 35 minutes, Lyndon LaRouche PAC's latest video documentary "Unsurvivable" present... thumbnail 1 summary
In a tight, stark presentation of a mere 35 minutes, Lyndon LaRouche PAC's latest video documentary "Unsurvivable" presents the horror of the thermonuclear war to which President Barack Obama is currently leading the world.

The film begins with a dark, gruesome, but wholly accurate depiction of the current set-up for nuclear confrontation, and what that exchange would look like, in execution and the aftermath.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Satanism in the Vatican: The Inverted Cross

" The devil in the Catholic Church is so protected now that he is like an animal protected by the government ; put on a gam... thumbnail 1 summary
"The devil in the Catholic Church is so protected now that he is like an animal protected by the government; put on a game preserve that outlaws anyone, especially hunters, from trying to capture or kill it. The devil within the Church today is actually protected by certain Church authorities from the official devil-hunter in the Church — the exorcist. ...
To the question, 'Are there men of the curia who are followers of Satan?' Milingo responded, 'Certainly there are priests and bishops. I stop at this level of ecclesiastical hierarchy because I am an archbishop, higher than this I cannot go.' Milingo cited papal statements to back up his charges. 'Paul VI said that the smoke of Satan had entered into the Vatican.'" 
-- Archbishop Milingo
The Inverted Cross
"The inverted cross is a blaspheme
or mockery of the Christian cross."

Catholic BLASPHEMY! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Book of Eli merupakan satu lagi filem propaganda dakyah Satanisma dan Dajjal melalui instrumen utamanya Kabal rahsia illuminati y... thumbnail 1 summary

The Book of Eli merupakan satu lagi filem propaganda dakyah Satanisma dan Dajjal melalui instrumen utamanya Kabal rahsia illuminati yang sekaligus menghina dan mencampur adukkan asas-asas kepercayaan 3 agama samawi Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam untuk melakukan fitnah dan pembohongan menurut adunan sensasi Hollywood.

Premis utama filem ini adalah kepercayaan Yahudi bahawa Elijah (Nabi Ilyas alaihi salam) menurut kitab Talmud dan Kitab Perjanjian Lama Kristian iaitu Tanakh/Bible Ibrani (Hebrew Bible) dipercayai akan kembali turun ke dunia sejurus sebelum ketibaan Al Masih. Dengan yang demikian kesah bermula pada tahun 2043 iaitu selepas 30 tahun berlakunya Peperangan Dunia Ketiga yang telah berkesudahan dengan dunia berada diambang kehancuran hasil perang nuklear pada tahun 2013.

Filem ini dikeluarkan pada tahun 2010. Kita sekarang berada dalam tahun 2013 maka bertepatanlah dengan gendang-gendang propaganda psy war dan "fear mongering" (perang saraf) yang sedang jelas dipalu oleh agentur-agentur NEOCONS kuasa besar dunia pakatan Zionis-Kristian dikala ini.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Science & Islam - The Language of Science

Duration: 59 minutes Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in... thumbnail 1 summary
Duration: 59 minutes

Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. 

Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Perihal Ihsan - Al Habib Ali Al Jufri

Perihal adab melihat kedalam diri sendiri untuk membina iman, taqwa dan akhlaq yang bukan sekadar menjadi penyuluh kegelapan di hari muka... thumbnail 1 summary
Perihal adab melihat kedalam diri sendiri untuk membina iman, taqwa dan akhlaq yang bukan sekadar menjadi penyuluh kegelapan di hari muka utk diri sendiri malah sebagai sumber untuk seluruh alam mendapat hidayah dan petunjuk. (Sarikata Bahasa Melayu)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Xenophon: The Not-So-Impartial Observer

By Nile Bowie February 19, 2013 Malaysia’s decision to detain and deport Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has become a hot topic ... thumbnail 1 summary
By Nile Bowie
February 19, 2013

Malaysia’s decision to detain and deport Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has become a hot topic of discussion across the nation’s blogosphere.

Xenophon came to Kuala Lumpur as part of a seven-member international team of election observers invited by de-facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Xenophon attended the Bersih 3.0 street rally during a previous visit to Malaysia and criticised the government for being “authoritarian” in handling the demonstrators. Xenophon was barred from entering Malaysia under the Immigration Act 8(3), and the state’s official statement claimed that Xenophon was deported as “a result of his participation in an illegal street protest in Kuala Lumpur last year,” referring to clauses in the Peaceful Assembly Act which prohibits non-citizens from participating in unauthorised public gatherings.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


STATUE OF RESURRECTION Konspirasi dibalik Gereja Vatican. Dengan persaraan mengejut Paus Benedict XVI, persiapan terakhir sedang... thumbnail 1 summary


Konspirasi dibalik Gereja Vatican. Dengan persaraan mengejut Paus Benedict XVI, persiapan terakhir sedang berjalan bagi menyambut ketibaan Paus Terakhir seperti "diramalkan" bakal menerima gelaran keramat Pope Peter the Roman II: Pembuka jalan seterusnya untuk kemunculan al Masihud Dajjal LaknatuLlah. 
Perhatikan salib yang dipegang Paus John Paul II. Perhatikan baik-baik, dan Anda akan menyadari bahwa salib itu bukanlah salib yang biasa digunakan orang Kristian seperti gambar di bawah. Salib yang dipegang Paus John II dikenal sebagai “Salib Bengkok”. Apa ertinya?

Monday, February 18, 2013


Massive group of mammals: A ship captain spotted a group of 100,000 dolphins swimming together off the coast of San Diego on Thursday and... thumbnail 1 summary
Massive group of mammals: A ship captain spotted a group of 100,000 dolphins swimming together off the coast of San Diego on Thursday and experts are unable to give a specific reasoning for why such a large group would be there

Mystery over the SEVEN-MILE long 'super mega-pod' of 100,000 dolphins spotted off the coast of San Diego

PUBLISHED: 22:29 GMT, 17 February 2013 | UPDATED: 10:20 GMT, 18 February 2013

A group of over 100,000 dolphins spotted off the coast of San Diego caused a spectacle for nature watchers as they traveled together in an enormous pack.

'They were coming from all directions, you could see them from as far as the eye can see,' Joe Dutra said after seeing the spectacle first hand.

Mr Dutra, who captains Hornblower Cruises, was out on his daily tour with a boat full of nature watchers when he spotted the massive group of dolphins.

Friday, February 15, 2013



Inilah sesi tilawah Bible lengkap dengan kalimah SADAQALLAHUL ‘ADHEEM
( صدق الله العظيم )

Tapi ini lama dah dibuat di negara jiran kita. Malaysia tak tahulah. Tapi semestinya bagi penyokong-penyokong tegar Islam yang kununnya liberal sudah tentu tak mengapa bukan?

Begitulah mereka lakukan dalam satu majlis konvokesyen di Institut Teologi Kalimatullah di Jakarta di bawah Yayasan Misi Global Kalimatullah - 29 Mac 2004.

Urusan agama ini sebenarnya mudah saja kalau nak faham. Apabila Iman telah dikaburi dengan pelbagai zhulumat & kegelapan ruhani maka hilanglah taring serta maruah Ummah Islam. Tak payahlah debat dan berbalah panjang-panjang. Muhasabah dan renung ke dalam diri masing-masing sekarang semoga ALLAH SWT memberi petunjuk dan hidayah bagi kita semua seadanya.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - Sejarah Pesta Pemujaan Berhala & Setan

(1st published on 13/02/2012 13:44 Malaysia Tim e) Peringatan bagi ummat Islam semua. Jangan salah faham dan jangan silap baca. S... thumbnail 1 summary
(1st published on 13/02/2012 13:44 Malaysia Time)
Peringatan bagi ummat Islam semua. Jangan salah faham dan jangan silap baca. Sesungguhnya tipudaya setan itu halus dan pelbagai. Valentine's Day itu  mempunyai urutan kronologi sejarah Pesta Pemujaan Berhala & Setan yang sengaja diselindungi sejak zaman berzaman. Jangan mudah memperlekehkan sesuatu perkara yang nampak remeh dan tidak kita fahami tetapi menjadi soal akidah dan ritual pemujaan.

Di Indonesia, yang majoritinya memeluk agama Islam, perayaan Valentine's Day mulai membudaya di kalangan masyarakat kita khususnya dikalangan golongan muda, sekitar akhir tahun 1980-an berbarengan dengan munculnya televisi-televisi swasta yang banyak mengupas dan menayangkan berita ataupun film-film yang bertemakan perayaan tersebut. Sejak itulah, perayaan Valentine's Day digandrungi oleh para generasi muda, sebagai akibat dari penetrasi budaya asing yang masuk lewat pemberitaan berbagai media baik cetak maupun elektronik.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pope steps down after 8 years saying he is too old and frail to lead Catholic Church

Memantau pergerakan mutakhir papal dunia kristianiti dlm konteks akhir zaman: Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter I I  "We are al... thumbnail 1 summary
Memantau pergerakan mutakhir papal dunia kristianiti dlm konteks akhir zaman: Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter II

 "We are all sinners": Pope Benedict XVI 'resigns' 24 hours after posting mysterious tweet.Hours after resignation the Vatican's dome was struck by lightning.

Benedict XVI, dubbed God’s rottweiler because of his hardline views, told followers he was too ill to continue with the burden of leading the church. Pope steps down after 8 years saying he is too old and frail to lead Catholic Church Benedict XVI, dubbed God’s rottweiler because of his hardline views, told followers he was too ill to continue with the burden of leading the church. His was a reign embroiled in scandals ranging from paedophile priests to ­mafia mobsters infiltrating the Vatican.


February 11, 2013 - Hanya beberapa jam selepas Pope Benedict XVI mengumumkan persaraan beliau bagi tarikh 28 Februari depan, kubah vatic... thumbnail 1 summary
February 11, 2013 - Hanya beberapa jam selepas Pope Benedict XVI mengumumkan persaraan beliau bagi tarikh 28 Februari depan, kubah vatican telah disambar petir menyebabkan orangramai berkumpul dilokasi kejadian untuk menyaksikan fenomena tersebut.

Memantau pergerakan mutakhir papal dunia kristianiti dlm konteks akhir zaman: Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter II

Pope Benedict XVI Resigns

Memantau pergerakan mutakhir p apal dunia kristian iti dlm konteks akhir zaman: Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter II Can the Pope res... thumbnail 1 summary

Memantau pergerakan mutakhir papal dunia kristianiti dlm konteks akhir zaman: Ramalan kedatangan Pope Roman Peter II

Can the Pope resign? The unprecedented move which hasn't been made in 600 years. No Pope has resigned in modern times, and the last one to leave the post was Pope Gregory XII in 1415 - 598 years ago.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fair Trade Commerce for a Better World

By Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - Fair Trade Commerce for a Better World - RIS CONVENTION DEC 25 2011 thumbnail 1 summary
By Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
- Fair Trade Commerce for a Better World -

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cabala - How Sex Became our Religion

by Henry Makow  Ph.D. February 5, 2013 Society was brainwashed to believe sexual intercourse was the way to reconnect with God. Thus... thumbnail 1 summary
by Henry Makow  Ph.D.
February 5, 2013
Society was brainwashed to believe sexual intercourse was the way to reconnect with God. Thus humanity was inducted into a sex cult.
(Shlomo Freud Illuminati agent.) 
Just as homosexuals use sexual excess to compensate for loss of intimacy, the Illuminati want heterosexuals to use it to compensate for loss of God.

Sex, love and "relationships" have become the ersatz religion of modern society. 

The implied message -- Sex is the Way to God -- has been in our cultural drinking water since the 1960's and longer.

Movies portrayed sexual intercourse in mystical terms, perfect bodies coupling to the accompaniment of angels singing.

The music industry pushed the theme that romantic love and sex connect us to God. Take Kathy's Song (1965) by Paul Simon:

"So you see I have come to doubt/ All that I once held as true/ I stand alone without beliefs/ The only truth I know is you."

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finding The Straight Path - Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy is a descendant of the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)... thumbnail 1 summary
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy is a descendant of the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), from the family of Imam Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) by the way of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (may Allah be pleased with them).

The Shaykh originates from a scholarly family and began his studies under his noble father, Sayyid Yahya (may Allah be pleased with him), memorizing the Glorious Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in many of the Islamic disciplines including aqidah, fiqh, hadith and ihsan, with ijaazas (license to teach) and particularly specializes in the fields of hadith and tawhid.

Shaykh Muhammad attended University of Al-Azhar (faculty of Usool al-Din) where he studied under many s cholars and was under the tutelage of many stars of this century who resided in and originated from Syria, Madinah, Makkah, Tangiers, Fez, Rabat, Egypt, Sudan and Jordan. He also sat at the feet of, and was authorized by, many scholars including the muhaditheen of their era, the Ghumari masters including al-Imam al-Hafeth al-Sayyid Abdullah bin al-Siddiq Ghumari, Shaykh Abdullah al-Husayni, Shaykh Jamil Ar-Rifaiy (may Allah be pleased with them). Amongst the scholars he learnt from are also Shaykh Abdullah Siraj al-Din al-Husayni, the Ba'Alawi scholars, Shaykh Hassan Qaribullah of Sudan and the late Muhaddith of al-Haramayn Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, as well as other honourable scholars from Morocco, North Africa, and the Hijaz.

Finding the straight path

Shaykh Muhammad is dedicated to reviving, promoting and upholding the traditional and authentic teachings of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah in the light of the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, bringing about moderation and open mindedness.

Amongst the shaykhs visions include to foster and improve the inter-Islamic relations and to preach tolerance, peace, mercy and understanding within the Muslim community as well as to convey the true values of Islam to the non-Muslim communities. These can only come about through education, interaction and conveyance of the prophetic mercy.

The Shaykh has authored many books in the sciences of tawhid and hadith in Arabic, some of which have now been introduced into the English language. Shaykh Muhammad resides with his family in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and is an Imam in al-Madina Masjid where he delivers weekly khutbas and participates in many national and international conventions. The Shaykh's love for the Din and Da'wah has led to extensive travel in the Western World.


Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An- Ninowy-Ash-Shaafi’iy

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An Ninowy-dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Syria. Beliau memulakan pengajian di bawah naungan bapa beliau, Sayyed Yahya (RahimahuAllah), dan banyak lagi ulama kanan Aleppo / Syria yang ada ketika itu, menghafal Al-Quranul Karim dan memperoleh pengetahuan dalam banyak disiplin Islam,seperti Tauhid, Fekah Mazhab Hanafi / Shafi’i, Usool, dan Ihsaan.

Selain lulus dari Fakulti Usul-ud-Din di Universiti Al-Azhar, Shaykh Dr. Muhammad belajar dengan lebih mendalam di dalam bidang hadith dan Ihsaan di bawah didikan ramai ulama-ulama yang terkemuka di seluruh dunia, yang tinggal di Syria, Hijaz, Maghribi, Mesir, dan lain-lain.

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad memberi tumpuan kepada menghidupkan semula seruan”Kembali ke Asas” iaitu “al-Quran dan Sunnah”, serta menghidupkan pengajaran toleransi, keamanan dan belas kasihan.

Shaykh Dr.Muhammad adalah ulama kanan di Masjid Al-Madinah di Atlanta, Georgia sejak 2001. Beliau telah mengarah dan mengasas banyak institut-institut di Amerika Utara, Eropah, dan benua Afrika, seperti Planet Mercy worldwide, Tabah Institute, and Madina Institute di UK,Malaysia, Canada and South Africa.

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad telah mengarang pelbagai buku dalam bidang Tauhid dan Hadis, yang sedang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggeris dan diterbitkan, seperti:“Hadithi commentary on the Shamaa’el of Imam Tirmithi ( “komentar Hadith-hadith Shamaa’el Imam Tirmithi)”, “Explanation of the Nukhba Text in Hadith sciences (Huraian Sains Hadith dalamTeks Nukhba)”, Explanation of the” AlFiyyah” in Hadith terminology (Penjelasan ” AlFiyyah “dalam Istilah Hadis , “Hadithi commentary on Imam Nasa’iy’s Khasaa’es ( Ulasan Komentari Hadis Khasaa’es Imam Nasa’iy)”, dan lain-lain banyak lagi. Ini termasuk tesis PhD ” “Imam Muslim’s methodology in Hadith (Metodologi Imam Muslim dalam Hadis) “.

Shaykh Muhammad juga memegang Ijazah Doktor Perubatan dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam Mircobiology dari University of Illinois. Kebanyakan kuliah Sheikh Muhammad boleh dilayar pada laman web dan

Big Brother Takes over from Uncle Sam

Big Brother Takes over from Uncle Sam: A Single Intelligence Network for a New World Order Wayne MADSEN | 29.01.2013 While budgets are be... thumbnail 1 summary
Big Brother Takes over from Uncle Sam: A Single Intelligence Network for a New World Order

Wayne MADSEN | 29.01.2013

While budgets are being slashed by governments around the world, national intelligence agencies are not only flush with money but they are increasingly networking their resources against the «threat». What is the threat? It is whatever national leaders and their governments deem it to be. One day it is «Al Qaeda», the next day it is Iran, then North Korea, then global narco-terrorists, and so on and so on…

Just as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is becoming a global military past without a distinct enemy, the Central Intelligence Agency, Britain’s MI-6, and other intelligence agencies are increasingly pooling their intelligence and networking their information-sharing networks. To what purpose would such citadels of secrecy wish to cooperate? The answer is simple. In a world of the tiny minority «haves» and the super-majority «have nots», the intelligence agencies, like national armed forces, believe there is safety in numbers. In a conflict between the minority super-wealthy and the rest of society, intelligence agencies are increasingly protecting the interests of corporations and not countries. Intelligence agencies, therefore, have decided to become a global «Panopticon» where no one can hide and no secrets are held.

Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession

Shlomo Freud, a member of the Illuminati Bnai Brith, played a key role in mankind's induction into the Cabala sex cult. by Henr... thumbnail 1 summary

Shlomo Freud, a member of the Illuminati Bnai Brith, played a key role in mankind's induction into the Cabala sex cult.

by Henry Makow Ph.D
(from Aug. 29, 2010)

Declining an invitation to travel, Freud wrote that a wealthy woman client "might get well during my absence."

"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me."

Sigmund Shlomo Freud's career illustrates how a satanic cult, the Illuminati, cast its morbid spell over humanity.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

America’s War of Aggression on Syria. The Role of Israel

By Stephen Lendman Israel partners with Washington’s wars. It’s been largely covertly involved against Syria. It’s now blatantly overt. ... thumbnail 1 summary
By Stephen Lendman

Israel partners with Washington’s wars. It’s been largely covertly involved against Syria. It’s now blatantly overt.

Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes violated Syrian airspace multiple times. They overflew the Beka Valley. They attacked a weapons storage facility. They struck a convoy allegedly en route to Lebanon.

On Wednesday, they bombed a scientific research center near Damascus. These actions and similar ones are naked acts of aggression.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Israeli Attack on Syria: Desperate Bid to Save Failed US-NATO Covert War

When Zionists and "Jihadists" Join Hands January 31, 2013 - Israel has conducted airstrikes in Syria based on "suspicions... thumbnail 1 summary
When Zionists and "Jihadists" Join Hands

January 31, 2013 - Israel has conducted airstrikes in Syria based on "suspicions" of chemical weapon transfers, in a flagrant violation of the UN Charter, international law, and in direct violation of Syria's sovereignty. The Guardian in its report titled, "Israel carries out air strike on Syria," claims:

"Israeli warplanes have attacked a target close to the Syrian-Lebanese border following several days of heightened warnings from government officials over Syria's stockpiles of weapons."
It also stated:

"Berfikir tanpa kotak"

Ar Ra'isul Mutakallim, Tabligh Ki Zabaan (Lidah Tabligh) Hadrat Maulana Umar Palanpuri Rahmatullahu 'alaihi berkata: "Orang yang kuat adalah orang yang sanggup bertahan dalam arus kerosakan. Orang yang lebih kuat adalah orang yang sanggup melawan arus kerosakan. Namun orang yang paling kuat adalah orang yang sanggup merubah arah arus kerosakan hingga menjadi akannya arus kebaikan.”

“Dajjal bersama tenteranya mempunyai kekuatan yang amat istimewa dan amat tersusun. Begitu juga Yakjuj dan Makjuj membuat huru-hara di seluruh dunia. Kehebatan mereka tiada siapa yang dapat melawan dan orang beriman berundur dengan hanya makan zikir dan tasbih."

"Allah zahirkan kudratnya hanya dengan labah-labah yang kecil dijadikan asbab untuk menggigit tengkuk-tengkuk mereka hingga mati. Mayat mereka begitu busuk diseluruh dunia. Orang beriman tidak tahan terus berdoa pada Allah. Allah ta'ala hantarkan hujan dan banjir menghanyutkan mereka ke laut. Inilah yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman nanti."

"Amalan dakwah memisahkan hak dan batil seperti air menghanyutkan sampah dari emas dan logam-logam yang lain. Namun pekerja² agama jika wujud cinta dunia dalam hati mereka seperti emas dan disaluti logam-logam lain, maka banyak masalah yang akan timbul.”