by Henry Makow Ph.D.
February 5, 2013
Society was brainwashed to believe sexual intercourse was the way to reconnect with God. Thus humanity was inducted into a sex cult.
Sex, love and
"relationships" have
become the ersatz religion
of modern society.
The implied message -- Sex is the
Way to God -- has been in our cultural drinking water since the 1960's
and longer.
Movies portrayed sexual intercourse
in mystical terms, perfect bodies coupling to the accompaniment of angels
The music industry pushed the theme
that romantic love and sex connect us to God. Take Kathy's Song (1965)
by Paul Simon:
Little did we know that the mystification of sex is pure Cabala. Cabala, the Illuminati "religion", is Satanism.
To begin, only the Cabalist Jew and
his disciples are separated from God. They are separated by virtue of their
Luciferian rebellion, motivated by a desire to be God. They have
convinced mankind to join their rebellion and feel "alienated." I
suspect most dysfunction originates in this fundamental one.
It is the essence of
"modernism." Instead of reality, we live in a Masonic Jewish
solipsism (i.e. self-created reality.) Notice, God isn't part of it.
Thanks to their media control, the
Illuminati have convinced humanity that sexual union restores unity with
the Divine. This is Cabala.
In "Sigmund Freud & the
Jewish Mystical Tradition," (1958) Jewish psychology professor
David Bakan writes:
"The soul, according to the Zohar,
[i.e. Cabala] has an unquenchable yearning to be united with its
source in God. This union is characteristically discussed in the metaphor of
sex. Generally speaking, the union of male and female is taken as the ideal
form of existence. Thus, human sexual relations become symbolic vehicles
of Divine acts; and the Divine creativity is understood as of a
deeply erotic character itself." (p.273)
According to the Cabala, God has a
female side, called the Shekinah.
Just as man seeks unity with God
through sex, so God supposedly seeks union with His female nature. In other
words, man is both imitating and helping God by having sexual intercourse.
All of this is nonsense. Even Jewish
sources dismiss the Cabala as a hoax.
Nevertheless it is a hoax that, with
the Talmud, defines Judaism.
![]() |
(David Duchovny, star of Californication about a sex addict.) |
(left. David Duchovny, star of
Californication, about a sex addict.)
Here are some reasons the Cabala is
First, it denies our connection to
God by virtue of Him speaking through our Divine spirit (soul). Cabala preaches
that God is formless and unknowable.The whole point of religion is to worship
(obey) God. How can you obey something "formless" you cannot detect?
Naturally the Satanist will convince the unwary that God is unknowable.
Second, by making the sex act a
means for reaching God, the Cabalist sets up sex as a false God.
According to the Cabalist, sexual
intercourse is tantamount to mystical union. Orgasm is revelation.
In fact, unity with God is reached
by grace, worship, devotion, selfless service, and spiritual discipline, not by
copulating. But just as homosexuals use sexual excess to compensate for loss of
intimacy, heterosexuals use it to compensate for loss of God. Naturally the
Illuminati want us to imitate homosexuals.
Third, the "God" of the
Cabala combines good and evil. Somehow, good will come from doing evil. Again, this is nonsense. God is perfection. "Be ye
therefore perfect as your heavenly father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)
God speaks to man through our spiritual ideals such as Truth,
Beauty, Justice and Love.
Thus the Cabala is typically Satanic
: making evil appear good.
Finally, Bakan writes: "Never
in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value." (272)
This alone disqualifies Judaism as a religion. All true religions require
a renunciation of carnal desire.
Far from ascetic, the Talmud and
Cabala are degenerate, opening the door to pederasty and
incest. The Cabala also holds that man is bisexual, which explains Illuminati
promotion of homosexuality and androgyny. Anything to overturn the natural
order and spit in God's eye.
The Illuminati used Sigmund
Freud, a Cabalist, to convince the world that sexual restraint leads
to neuroses and sickness.
In a speech to the B'nai Brith on
his 70th birthday, Freud emphasized his Jewishness. He said he joined
the Masonic Jewish lodge because of "many dark emotional forces" that
made "Jews and Judaism irresistible." He was drawn to "the
clear consciousness of our inner identity the intimacy that comes
from the same psychic structure." (Bakan, p. 305)
Most Jews have hardly heard of the
Talmud and Cabala, let alone read or understand them. They don't know
that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. The same applies to
dupes known as Christian Zionists.
Thus, the Cabala is the reason why
pussy is the Holy Grail and young women are idealized as goddesses.
This pagan sex cult is peddled by the Illuminati-controlled media. Here are some
recent headlines from the Huffington Post, which considers itself a
serious news source:
Jan 28:
"Oops Amanda Seyfried Slips Off Her Undies"
--------- " Did Jennifer
Lawrence's Dress Rip at SAG Awards?"
Jan 31: "Chloe Kardasian- My
Vagina Smells Like Roses"
Feb 1: "Jennifer Lawrence
Describes her Breasts?"
Feb 3: "'Girls' Star's
Dress Debuts Boob Windows"
Feb 3: "Fmr Miss France
Flashes her Headlights" (breasts)
Are we
adults? Apparently not. "Adult" now designates porn,
violence and arrested development. We are their goyim, (cattle) after
The elevation of young women to
Goddess status is more than sexual. Hollywood portrays them as warriors and
geniuses as well. In "Zero Dark Thirty," a 98-pound Jessica
Chastain gets the credit for tracking down and killing Osama Bin Laden. Even
lesbians thought the movie was "propaganda." But Illuminati
filmmakers think portraying a falsehood as a truth is enough to make it so.
The female focus is also reflected
in the endless obsession with "relationships", encouraging
woman worship and co-dependency. "Relationships" are a
feminine preoccupation foisted on men. None of this means the Illuminati
give a damn about women. They are
promoting them to feminize and destabilize society.
Human beings are strange animals. If
they are hypnotized to believe sexual intercourse is mystical, they will feel
that it is. But eventually, they will realize this was just infatuation and
novelty. Sex, in the words of Andy Warhol, is "the biggest nothing in
the world," yet another Illuminati Jewish con.
Nevertheless, society has been
totally sexualized. Thirty per cent of all Internet traffic is porn. In spite
of 50 years of feminism, or because of it, women define their value in terms of
sex appeal, just as homosexuals do.
Society is saturated with sex which
reduces all human relationships, including children, to a dehumanized lowest
common denominator.
Popular culture increasingly is
devoted to death, destruction, pornography and the occult. We rarely see a
positive and reassuring vision. The leading edge of culture will always be
depravity and occultism. Political events and "social change" will
always lead to social disintegration because of the age-old Cabalist (Masonic)
Jewish hatred of other Jews, God and mankind.