Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy is a descendant of the
noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), from
the family of Imam Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) by the way of
Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (may Allah be pleased with them).
The Shaykh originates from a scholarly family and began his studies under his noble father, Sayyid Yahya (may Allah be pleased with him), memorizing the Glorious Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in many of the Islamic disciplines including aqidah, fiqh, hadith and ihsan, with ijaazas (license to teach) and particularly specializes in the fields of hadith and tawhid.
Shaykh Muhammad attended University of Al-Azhar (faculty of Usool al-Din) where he studied under many s cholars and was under the tutelage of many stars of this century who resided in and originated from Syria, Madinah, Makkah, Tangiers, Fez, Rabat, Egypt, Sudan and Jordan. He also sat at the feet of, and was authorized by, many scholars including the muhaditheen of their era, the Ghumari masters including al-Imam al-Hafeth al-Sayyid Abdullah bin al-Siddiq Ghumari, Shaykh Abdullah al-Husayni, Shaykh Jamil Ar-Rifaiy (may Allah be pleased with them). Amongst the scholars he learnt from are also Shaykh Abdullah Siraj al-Din al-Husayni, the Ba'Alawi scholars, Shaykh Hassan Qaribullah of Sudan and the late Muhaddith of al-Haramayn Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, as well as other honourable scholars from Morocco, North Africa, and the Hijaz.
Finding the straight path
Shaykh Muhammad is dedicated to reviving, promoting and upholding the traditional and authentic teachings of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah in the light of the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, bringing about moderation and open mindedness.
Amongst the shaykhs visions include to foster and improve the inter-Islamic relations and to preach tolerance, peace, mercy and understanding within the Muslim community as well as to convey the true values of Islam to the non-Muslim communities. These can only come about through education, interaction and conveyance of the prophetic mercy.
The Shaykh has authored many books in the sciences of tawhid and hadith in Arabic, some of which have now been introduced into the English language. Shaykh Muhammad resides with his family in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and is an Imam in al-Madina Masjid where he delivers weekly khutbas and participates in many national and international conventions. The Shaykh's love for the Din and Da'wah has led to extensive travel in the Western World.
The Shaykh originates from a scholarly family and began his studies under his noble father, Sayyid Yahya (may Allah be pleased with him), memorizing the Glorious Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in many of the Islamic disciplines including aqidah, fiqh, hadith and ihsan, with ijaazas (license to teach) and particularly specializes in the fields of hadith and tawhid.
Shaykh Muhammad attended University of Al-Azhar (faculty of Usool al-Din) where he studied under many s cholars and was under the tutelage of many stars of this century who resided in and originated from Syria, Madinah, Makkah, Tangiers, Fez, Rabat, Egypt, Sudan and Jordan. He also sat at the feet of, and was authorized by, many scholars including the muhaditheen of their era, the Ghumari masters including al-Imam al-Hafeth al-Sayyid Abdullah bin al-Siddiq Ghumari, Shaykh Abdullah al-Husayni, Shaykh Jamil Ar-Rifaiy (may Allah be pleased with them). Amongst the scholars he learnt from are also Shaykh Abdullah Siraj al-Din al-Husayni, the Ba'Alawi scholars, Shaykh Hassan Qaribullah of Sudan and the late Muhaddith of al-Haramayn Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, as well as other honourable scholars from Morocco, North Africa, and the Hijaz.
Finding the straight path
Shaykh Muhammad is dedicated to reviving, promoting and upholding the traditional and authentic teachings of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah in the light of the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, bringing about moderation and open mindedness.
Amongst the shaykhs visions include to foster and improve the inter-Islamic relations and to preach tolerance, peace, mercy and understanding within the Muslim community as well as to convey the true values of Islam to the non-Muslim communities. These can only come about through education, interaction and conveyance of the prophetic mercy.
The Shaykh has authored many books in the sciences of tawhid and hadith in Arabic, some of which have now been introduced into the English language. Shaykh Muhammad resides with his family in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and is an Imam in al-Madina Masjid where he delivers weekly khutbas and participates in many national and international conventions. The Shaykh's love for the Din and Da'wah has led to extensive travel in the Western World.
Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An- Ninowy-Ash-Shaafi’iy
Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An Ninowy-dilahirkan dan
dibesarkan di Syria. Beliau memulakan pengajian di bawah naungan bapa
beliau, Sayyed Yahya (RahimahuAllah), dan banyak lagi ulama kanan Aleppo
/ Syria yang ada ketika itu, menghafal Al-Quranul Karim dan memperoleh
pengetahuan dalam banyak disiplin Islam,seperti Tauhid, Fekah Mazhab
Hanafi / Shafi’i, Usool, dan Ihsaan.
Selain lulus dari Fakulti Usul-ud-Din di Universiti Al-Azhar, Shaykh Dr. Muhammad belajar dengan lebih mendalam di dalam bidang hadith dan Ihsaan di bawah didikan ramai ulama-ulama yang terkemuka di seluruh dunia, yang tinggal di Syria, Hijaz, Maghribi, Mesir, dan lain-lain.
Shaykh Dr. Muhammad memberi tumpuan kepada menghidupkan semula
seruan”Kembali ke Asas” iaitu “al-Quran dan Sunnah”, serta menghidupkan
pengajaran toleransi, keamanan dan belas kasihan.
Shaykh Dr.Muhammad adalah ulama kanan di Masjid Al-Madinah di Atlanta, Georgia sejak 2001. Beliau telah mengarah dan mengasas banyak institut-institut di Amerika Utara, Eropah, dan benua Afrika, seperti Planet Mercy worldwide, Tabah Institute, and Madina Institute di UK,Malaysia, Canada and South Africa.
Shaykh Dr. Muhammad telah mengarang pelbagai buku dalam bidang Tauhid
dan Hadis, yang sedang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggeris dan
diterbitkan, seperti:“Hadithi commentary on the Shamaa’el of Imam
Tirmithi ( “komentar Hadith-hadith Shamaa’el Imam Tirmithi)”,
“Explanation of the Nukhba Text in Hadith sciences (Huraian Sains Hadith
dalamTeks Nukhba)”, Explanation of the” AlFiyyah” in Hadith terminology
(Penjelasan ” AlFiyyah “dalam Istilah Hadis , “Hadithi commentary on
Imam Nasa’iy’s Khasaa’es ( Ulasan Komentari Hadis Khasaa’es Imam
Nasa’iy)”, dan lain-lain banyak lagi. Ini termasuk tesis PhD ” “Imam
Muslim’s methodology in Hadith (Metodologi Imam Muslim dalam Hadis) “.
Shaykh Muhammad juga memegang Ijazah Doktor Perubatan dan Ijazah
Sarjana Muda dalam Mircobiology dari University of Illinois. Kebanyakan
kuliah Sheikh Muhammad boleh dilayar pada laman web dan
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